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ADS | Message to Sweden


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



American Defense Sales



TO: Henning Hellström, General Director of the Defense Procurement Administration of the Kingdom of Sweden ( Connor )
FROM: Roman Anderson, Chief Executive Officer of American Defense Sales

General Director Hellström,

I regret to inform you that the Defense Logistics Agency, which American Defense Sales is directly subservient to, has ordered ADS to decline the Defense Procurement Administration's request to purchase two Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeyes. This was in accordance with Executive Order 23-2, qualifying conditions a nation must meet to have equipment sold to them by American Defense Sales, and the sovereign right of the United States federal government to refuse sale to any government, entity, or individual for any reason (or without reason). If you would like to request further information or clarification, please contact Vice Admiral Sterling Kubrick who is the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency.

Best Regards,

Roman Anderson
Chief Executive Officer of American Defense Sales
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Roman Anderson,

I have to say the office is saddened by your decision to cut Sweden you what appeared to be a strong and unified connect to the United States defence industry and much more your Administration. I am curious as to your decision making and what lead to the declining of our most recent procurement venture with the Defence Logistics Agency and would love a report as to the specifics of this process and why specifically Sweden has been declined this purchase.

I respect your decision with a heavy heart and understand the specifics of the aforementioned Executive Order gives you this power, nonetheless I look forward to hearing back from you soon in relation to the Northrop Gumman E-2D Hawkeye.

Henning Hellström
General Director of the Defense Procurement Administration
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Henning Hellström, General Director of the Defense Procurement Administration of the Kingdom of Sweden ( Connor )
FROM: Vice Admiral Sterling Kubrick, Director of the Defense Logistics Agency

General Director Hellström,

Mister Anderson forwarded me your response to his initial message. As Director of the Defense Logistics Agency I was the one that had the DPA's order declined. I can inform you that the Kingdom of Sweden is not white-listed in the Defense Logistics Agency's list of nations that military equipment can be sold to, so I was forced to issue that order.

While American Defense Sales can deny or accept any order for any reason from any nation (within the bounds of federal law) the following guidelines are listed for nations who wish to acquire equipment or vehicles from the ADS:

2. Can my country buy LPLs from American Defense Sales?
Normally, to be considered for a transaction, a nation must at least fit the following criteria:
1. Be a functional republic/democracy and/or in the Commonwealth Realm;
2. Not be at war with the United States of America or any of her allies;

3. Have established diplomatic relations with the United States including an exchange of embassies and ambassadors;
4. Be a member of the Global Assembly;

5. Not have hosted the headquarters of the Warsaw Pact.

At this time, considering the geopolitical influence and prowess of Sweden, the Department of Defense does not believe that the United States and the Kingdom of Sweden have established sufficient relations to allow the sale of American military equipment of that caliber to Sweden.

In addition, Executive Order 23-2 requires that ADS not sell military equipment to any nation that is not a member of the Global Assembly. While Sweden is a member of the Global Assembly, we have sought advice from the Attorney General's office in regards to Sweden's standing with the Global Assembly. Because the Kingdom of Sweden has not participated in the Strategic Arms Register, the Attorney General's Office is concerned that Sweden could be considered to be not in good standing with the Global Assembly. If that is the case, then the DLA feels that selling military equipment to Sweden would be in violation of the spirit of EO 23-2. As I am sure you can imagine, we are exceptionally hesitant to violating federal law (including Executive Orders) and always err on the side of caution.

If you wish to overturn this decision then I would recommend two avenues of action:
First, this decision could be overturned through a new executive order issued by the President.
Secondly, this decision could be overturned through a treaty between the United States and Sweden

I would imagine either of these actions would require official diplomatic talks between the United States and the Kingdom of Sweden. If you require any further assistance or need any further clarification, please feel free to respond to this message or give me a call.

Very Respectfully,

Vice Admiral Sterling Kubrick
Director of the Defense Logistics Agency


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Vice Admiral Sterling Kubrick,

Your decision to decline the Kingdom of Sweden on these grounds astounds me and that of my office, I have run this decision past the Department of Defence as a whole who have equally been surprised by your decision. The Kingdom of Sweden and the United States of America have remained close friends in the world of defence for some time with agreements such as the U-2 Disclosure Agreement keeping some of the worlds most highly-sophisticated intelligence gathering equipment strictly between our governments, and that of the United Kingdom. If that is not a close relationship then I am truly surprised.

Secondly, Sweden has remained a member of the Global Assembly for decades and our proactive involvement in the Global Assembly shows our commitment to this institution. Nowhere in your terms of sale does it detail a requirement to be apart of the Strategic Arms Register and I strongly believe it is grossly unprofessional and inappropriate for you to dictate foreign policy with your attempt to blackmail us. It appears you are making use of this Executive Order as a fall back option to decline whatever and whoever you wish despite no violation of your terms of sale. Not to mention that this particular policy, known as 'SToP', is in relation to weapons of mass destruction and unsurprisingly does not detail carrier-based early warning aircraft - which only continues my suspicion that this is less about the sale of a product and more about a political agenda you're attempting to push through the means of the DLA.

I hope I have made it clear that the Department of Defence and much more her governing administration in Stockholm are unbelievably disappointed by your vulgar attempts to abuse modern democracy and manipulate the relationship between Sweden and the United States to push your global ideals.

Peter Hultqvist
Secretary of Defence
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995
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