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[ARG] Call to Thailand


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Noting the recent increase in international activity in asia, the argentine government would increase efforts to establish a more direct line of communication with new governments and to improve bilateral relations. As part of this, the argentine ambassador in Bangkok would be tasked with having a private meeting with the thai Minsiter of Foreign Affairs to discuss potential areas of cooperation between the south american and the south asian nations.

The ambassador in Thailand would therefore privately request an audicience with this excellency the Minsiter of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand. In case accepted, the date and time of the meeting would be left for the thai to decide, at their earliest convenience.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
When the staff receives a private message, it promptly forwards it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Surin Pitsuwan, who reads the message and acknowledges that it is a request for a private meeting with Argentina's Ambassador. He would choose a time and send it to the Argentina embassy so that they could meet the next day after the communication was sent.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The confirmation from the thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be received and preparations would be made for the argentine ambassador to visit the ministry for the meeting.

he would arrive in the black SUV that serves as official car of the embassy, accompanied by his driver (who would wait in the car) and another diplomatic representative from his embassy. Once inside, they would patiently wait for the Minister to finish his current tasks.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Noting the busy schedule of the Minister, the argentine ambassador would offer to have this preliminary meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in case he was available, and pospone the meeting with the Minister itself for the near future.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs would receive a request meeting between him and the Argentina ambassador. He would leave his office and go meet the Argentina ambassador who is waiting at the front of the building.

"Hi, Mr. Ambassador, how are you? I heard Argentina has a lot of Tourismม Is thing bustling there? Let's go to my office"

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs would take the Argentina ambassador to his office for their meeting



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Once they were inside the office for the private meeting, the ambassador would thank the thai official for receiving them once more.

"Thank you for having us here on such short notice Mr. Deputy Minister. The Argentine Republic has had very good bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Thailand in the recent past, thanks to our government and former thai governments sharing multiple ideals and goals, both internal as well as foreign policy-wise. Considering this, we would like to continue on the path of cooperation between our nations and cooperate on commercial and political issues.

Could you please give us an insight on your administrations current foreign policy? This way we can identify more easily areas of mutual interest.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Thank you, Mr. Ambassador for contact our government, I am sorry about Mr.Surin Pitsuwan, he is a very hard-working man, and very busy. I must first remind you that the full name of the country is now the Republic of Thailand. We can continue the cooperation between our country.

About our current foreign policy, to put it simply, we want to improve international relations to strengthen our diplomatic power on the world stage which we can use to promote our national stability. We also focus on better visa policy which we want to attract tourist interest in our country to increase the relationship of people between country.

I can tell you information about a specific region if you want. Can I know about your foreign policy too? Or you can just tell me what we have the same interest."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Oh, I am sorry for the error.

Let me start by expanding on our own foreign policy. The Argentine Republic underwent a major economic growth during the last few years, that allowed us to further expand our public infrastructure and industry, giving rise to a solid financial situation that allowed us to project externally with the intention to cooperate and help fellow nations in their own development.

One of our main policies, famous by now, is the South-South Cooperation policy, which aims at establishing close bonds with other southern nations, emerging markets and like-minded countries with the ultimate goal to help them grow just as we did through financial aid and practica know how. This can eventually also extend to political support on geopolitical matters.

Trade and culture are some of the areas we look forward to cooperate in with the Republic of Thailand, and a review of our mutual visa policies could favor an increase in bialteral tourism.

Another aspect of our foreign policy is a firm opposition to the persistence of colonial enclaves, still held by certain nations. For that, although we always will favor diplomacy and peaceful talks, we have one of the largest armed forces at our disposal. Thankfully, at this moment, we are only employing them abroad for safeguard of maritime safety (anti-piracy operations) and logistical tasks."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I see, so Argentina has been undergoing the major economic growth with making Argentina expand its infrastructure and industry which help other south nation as well.

The South-South Cooperation policy used to pass on my desk. I also heard a lot of news about Argentina from my office. We would love to review our mutual visa policies since it's our main focus.

Also, it's my duty from our Foreign affairs plan, can I ask how can Argentina have seen its nation on a major economic growth? We would love to modernize our country even more. right now our overall main infrastructure plan cost is around $2,200,000,000 already and we are eager to expand the fund even more."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Would the Republic of Thailand consider reducing requirements for tourism visas on a bilateral level? This would mean that, argentine citizens visiting Thailand for tourism purposes, and thai citizens visiting Argentina for the same thing could apply for a visa on arrival, meaning directly at the airport of the destination country, and remain for certain amount of time. 60 days perhaps? We could boost this by also increasing the frequency of connecting flights or even look into the possibility of creating a direct flight between Bangkok and Buenos Aires.

As for your economic development plan, the Argentine Republic would like to help Thailand. Through the Argentine Development and Cooperation Agency we woul like to send your nation financial aid for that purpose. Do you have any specific projects in mind for which you could use this aid package?



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The 60-day visa on arrival would be an excellent idea, I agree that we should increase the frequency of connecting the fight between our country, our aviation business in Thailand is booming right now.

About the current development plan, from what I see through my desk, there will be a wind turbine in many places in Thailand. From what I remember, One house in Thailand consume around 10.649 megawatts per year, the wind turbine that we will be constructed is 2 megawatts wind turbine which cost $3 million each, it can make 4,380 to 8,760 MWh per year which can produce electricity for 411 to 822 house per year. from what I know, the next month's fund would mainly go to the military. If we can manage the fund property, I think we can actually build over 100 wind turbines. What do you think of this project? The general has been very annoying when he comes to the office. We are starting to care about clean energy since the new political party has an interesting policy about it. Does Argentina have an interest in a wind turbine?



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Excellent, I will my staff know about the potential visa reduction plan, so that they can prepare a draft Agreement for us to sign. Perhaps we could invite the President of Thailand to Argentina for a meeting with the President of Argentina, to sign this document, and to show the world that the argentine-thai relationship is growing stronger.

As for the wind-energy project you mentioned, the ADCA would be more than happy to cover the $300,000,000.00 USD required for this renewable energy project. Perhaps that could also be something worth for your President to visit Argentina, so we can close that deal as well.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Yes, we could. Oh, I must remind you again, sorry, even though we are a republic with a liberal system, we still use the prime minister title for the leader of the country that usually is the title for constitute monarchy.

The prime minister has been very eager to visit more country himself lately, maybe I can be sent him a message after we finish meeting? Since the ADCA would be covered $3oo million for this project, I'm sure the ministry of Finance would be happy to assign more funds even more to the project!



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"That would be great. If you want, we can conclude this call for you to present our proposals to the Prime Minister. If he agrees to them and to the visit, let me know and we will make all necesary arrangements for the Delegation to come to Argentina.

We will also have the Agreements prepared for the final review and signing.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Yes, I will present Argentina's proposals to the Prime Minister. If he agrees I will tell you by calling you or go meet you at the office and we will schedule the flight to Buenos Aires.

Do you have anything to discuss more? This looks like we have just got to the end."

If Argentina ambassador has nothing to discuss furthermore, they would goodbye to each other, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs would present Argentina's proposals to the Prime minister'



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We look forward to receiving the Thai Prime Minister in Buenos Aires to conclude the discussed agreements and wokr on our bilateral relationship."

With this, the argentine ambassador would politely say farewell and end the communication.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Following the conclusion of the meeting between the Argentine ambassador and Thailand's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs would present the Argentine offer to the Prime Minister, who would accept it. He would then notify Thailand's ambassador that he would be visiting Buenos Aires. He'd prepare a week's worth of stuff for him. He will go by The Thai McDonnell Douglas DC-10 will take off from Suvarnabhumi Airport, flying at 40,500 ft above sea level with a cruise speed of 801 km/h. From there, the aircraft would travel to Ministro Pistarini International Airport. The Argentine government would be given notice of the flight number, an estimated time of arrival, and a request to enter their airspace and permission to land.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
With the confirmation of the arrival of the thai Prime Minister, everything would be prepared logistically adn security wise in Buenos Aires. The DC-10 would be guided towards a remote parking area, where a red carpet would be extended at the foot of the aircraft and the argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs would be waiting at the other end. While the thai dignatary descended from the aircraft, a military band in its ceremonial uniforms would play the thai anthem. Further in the back, in a secured area, media would do its job.

The minister of foreign affairs would welcome the Prime Minister and its delegation and invite them to board the pre-arranged motrocade consisting of several black SUVs, marked and unmarked police vehicles and traffic clearing motorcycles. The caravan would go directly to the Prime Ministers lodgings and leave them there to rest and prepare for the meeting with the President on the next day, early in the morning.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
After the arrival in the lodgings, the prime minister would put luggage in the room and prepare himself to rest. The prime minister would finish his rest early in the morning, do a personal routine, and prepare himself for the meeting. The prime minister would wear a formal suit along with a necktie. After he finishes preparing, he would go to the place where he and the president of Argentina would be met along with his staff, he will meet the president and will greet the other people in the Argentina government.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine President would welcome his thai counterpart politely and invite him into his office, after their arrival at the Casa Rosada, the Governmental Palace of the Argentine Republic. Once inside the private office, with no media present, the argentine President would warmly dialogue with the foreign dignatary.

"Prime Minister, it is an honor to receive you here in our beautiful country. Let me tell you how happy we are that you were able to arrange this visit on such short term. I hope you had a good rest, since we would like to get the most of your visit here today. Thailand has been a good parter for my country in recent years, through commercial and political cooperation we were able to forge mutually beneficial programs and agreements, and it is the intention of my administration to continue working with your Government.

We would like to discuss something I understand has already been talked about, which is argentine contribution to the development of the thai economy, through some of our mnay international aid programs. As far as I was briefed, there was a program related to the construction of renewable energy plants we are interestd in funding. Is that correct?


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