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[Australia]: Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Industry House, Civic, Australian Capital Territory
Minister for Industry and ScienceThe Honourable Senator Kim Carr
Minister for EnergyThe Honourable Senator Stephen Conroy
Minister for ResourcesThe Honourable Craig Emerson, MP
Assistant Minister for Industry and ScienceThe Honourable Richard Marles, MP
Assistant Minister for EnergyThe Honourable Bob McMullan, MP
Secretary of the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and ResourcesDr. Don Russell
Chief ScientistProfessor Alan Finkel



The Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is Australia's national nuclear organisation and the centre of Australian nuclear expertise. It is a statutory body of the Australian Government formed in 1987 to replace the Australian Atomic Energy Commission. Its head office and main facilities are in southern outskirts of Sydney at Lucas Heights, in the Sutherland Shire. Its mission statement includes:
  • To support the development and implementation of government policies and initiatives in nuclear and related areas, domestically and internationally
  • To operate nuclear science and technology based facilities, for the benefit of industry and the Australian and international research community
  • To undertake research that will advance the application of nuclear science and technology
  • To apply nuclear science, techniques, and expertise to address Australia 's environmental challenges and increase the competitiveness of Australian industry
  • To manufacture and advance the use of radiopharmaceuticals which will improve the health of Australians
Headquarters and Main Research Facility
Lucas Heights Campus, Lucas Heights, New South Wales
Open-Pool Australian Lightwater Reactor (OPAL)Lucas Heights, New South Wales
  • ECHIDNA - High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometer
  • PLATYPUS - Time-of-Flight Reflectometer
  • WOMBAT - High-Intensity Neutron Powder Diffractometer
  • KOWARI - Neutron Residual Stress Diffractometer
  • TAIPAN - Thermal 3-Axis Spectrometer
  • KOALA - Laue Diffractometer
  • QUOKKA - Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
  • PELICAN - Cold-Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer
  • SIKA - Cold 3-Axis Spectrometer
  • KOOKABURRA - Ultra-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS)
  • DINGO - Neutron Radiography, Tomography and Imaging
High Flux Australian Reactor (HIFAR)Lucas Heights, New South Wales
  • N/A
Australian Synchrotron (Clayton Campus)Melbourne, Victoria
  • Electron Gun
  • Linear Accelerator
  • Booster Synchrotron
  • Storage Ring
  • Vacuum Systems
  • Control System

The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is the Australian Government offshore energy regulator responsible for the health and safety, well integrity and environmental management aspects of offshore oil and gas operations in Australian Commonwealth waters; and in coastal waters where regulatory powers and functions have been conferred by state governments.

NOPSEMA was established under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act (OPGGS Act). NOPSEMA is part of the Industry, Science, Energy and Resources portfolio.
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