- Oct 3, 2018
- 3,031
The Prime Minister would take the file, looking it over it as a uniformed military office and a woman in formal attire spoke with him. The two reviewed the proposal, while well written and well done, the Prime Minister was cognitively aware of the ongoing efforts of Spain to bring Korea into the new alliance with the United States and other countries. The Prime Minister did not want to mislead or lead on the Australians. Still, the council if formed would be an important partner in the region considering it would with Australia's geopolitical strength help guide the politics and affairs of the region. The military aid would advice the Prime Minister while the economics advisor further advised him. "Thank you Prime Minister for sharing the proposal with us. We believe the proposal is a good project for Asia and Pacific cooperation and development. Certainly led by Australia this group of nations can achieve a lot, and backed by other regional powers. While we are happy to cooperate at a strategic level with the Organization for Economic & Security Cooperation, the specifics of the defensive portion are of hesitation. Primarily over the ongoing security discussions with a number of ROK Partners. We will consider the proposal by your government and review all of the arrangements in a professional manner. However, we hope that we could discuss an OSEC+1 where Korea support the economic and development aspect and participates in the political affairs to the extent of an observer, while not apart of the defensive arrangements of the agreement. Of course, this organization encompasses a large number of Asian and Pacific countries, Korea seeks to coordinate and work together with our neighbors in security policy and we hope that as OSEC+1 Korea can contribute to regional peace and cooperation."