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[Australia]: Message to Russia [SEC=TOP SECRET]


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
21 March 2006
Dear Ambassador Pavlovsky,

I am asking for your attendance to my office in Parliament House to discuss recent developments in regards to Thailand and Russia's subsequent designation as a "state sponsor of terrorism". Whilst Australia has not had the most fruitful relationship with Thailand in the past, Australia maintains a critical role, particularly militarily, in South East Asia and we need to ensure that our ADF personnel can operate safely and without hindrance within the region and to make sure that Russia is fully aware of the situation in the region.

Yours sincerely,
John Faulkner.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Office of the Minister of Defence < Owen >
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation < >
Dear Your Excellency Minister John Faulkner

Thank you for the invitation to your office. I look forward to discussing the proposed designation of Thailand as a state sponsor of terrorism, the potential implications for Australia, and understanding the nature and extent of Australian-Thai relations and security cooperation in the region.

Dr Alexey V. Pavlovsky
Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia.
Russian Federation
78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT 2603
+61 02 6295 9033
+61 02 6295 9474 (Consular Section)

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a soft orange glow over the Russian Embassy in Canberra. Ambassador Dr. Alexey V. Pavlovsky walked down the steps of the Chancellery building of the Embassy, his polished shoes clicking against the stone. As he reached the bottom of the steps, he was joined by his Chief of Staff and the SVR Station Chief, both of whom had been awaiting him near the black sedans parked outside.

"Ambassador," the Chief of Staff greeted with a nod, her tone serious, "ready for the meeting?"

"Yes," Pavlovsky replied curtly. "The situation with Thailand is becoming more complicated than we anticipated. I've spoken with Her Excellency the Minister moments ago, and it seems that the President will sign off on the designation by the Ministry. Looks like it’s time we address it head-on with the Aussies."

The SVR Station Chief stood by the door. "Thailand's role in the region is shifting, and it’s becoming increasingly dangerous for Russian interests. Their recent alignment with global powers, particularly with France, is unsettling. Their involvement in military operations, combined with their proximity to Australia, makes it a volatile issue. I am sure the Australians want to avoid any exposure, but we must be a bit forceful with them. This isn't a matter for diplomatic necessities."

Pavlovsky glanced at him briefly, giving him a simple nod, before entering the car with his Chief of Staff with the SVR Station Chief walking away. "Ambassador, it would be prudent to recognize that Thailand is seeking to undermine us at every point. Less we give them willing partners." His Chief of Staff said inside their vehicle. Pavlovsky nodded as the vehicles, sleek black limousines with tinted windows, slid out of the Embassy’s gates and into the busy streets of Canberra. The city was quiet as dusk began to settle.

As the cars drove through the winding streets of Canberra, Pavlovsky's eyes were glued to the packet from Moscow. The situation with Thailand had escalated to a point where it could no longer be ignored. The vehicles arrived outside the Australian Parliament House. As the Ambassador’s car came to a halt, Pavlovsky and his Chief of Staff stepped out of the vehicle. They were met by a representative of the Australian government, who ushered them into the building. Inside, they were led to the conference room.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The vehicles would be directed to drive around to the south-west side of Parliament House, the opposite end of the main public entrance. Here a secure and undercover carpark, guarded by Australian Federal Police and Parliamentary Security Service (PSS) and pick up/drop off was located and entrnaces into the main administration complex of the building. They would be led inside by the Minister's Chief of Staff and through metal detectors operated by PSS. PSS officers would escort them to the Minister's office. Senator John Faulkner would be waiting there for them.

"Ambassador Pavlovsky, it's been quite a while since we've had any discussions with your government. It's a bit of a shame actually, on our end. Sometimes it can be difficult to juggle what is many relationships in a multipolar world. Please take a seat."

They would all seat around a coffee table with some armchairs.

"I think it's quite obviously from media reports that your relationship with Thailand has reached a critical stage. I just want to say from the outset, anything you have planned against Thailand will not be met with resistance from us. Australia has maintained the position with Thailand, which we have reinfroced to them time and time again "cooperate where we can, disagree where we must." Australia and Thailand do cooperate, as a matter of geographical necessity, but their many actions have been difficult to swallow. Australia and Thailand have cooperation in some agricultural and cultural sectors and most importantly, we made the decision to cooperate in South East Asia against Islamic terrorism in wake of the London bombings. This means that time to time, Australia and Thailand will be operating together in areas such as the Malacca Strait and surrounding seas. This is public, at least on Australia's end. I'm not sure the extent to which Thailand has made their involvement public but I am disclosing it to you today. This is by no means any indication that Australia and Thailand have any sort of military alliance or are even on friendly terms at this stage, but cooperating where we can.

We want to make sure that if you made the decision to attack Thailand militarily that you act with due caution in the region as to not accidentally attack an Australian Defence Force asset which may be operating in proximity to a Thai asset. These include both vessels and aircraft. Australia maintains military bases in Singapore, something we agreed upon with the previous Singaporean Government. Not a very large presence, but nevertheless there is a presence. This is public knowledge, but I am letting you know again here today for the sake of transparency to avoid any incidents.

Essentially, it is not Australian Government policy to oppose any military action you take against Thailand. This is your sovereign right. Obviously publicly we would urge constraint and diplomacy and I'm sure you wouldn't expect anything less. Australia's geopolitics is aligned with the United States and the United Kingdom and we act accordingly and with as much unison as possible. Australia's relationship with Russia is in an interesting spot somewhere in the middle, likewise your relationship with the other two. Whilst we regard Thailand as the most unfriendly nation on the planet, we have some cooperation with them and you probably dislike them the most whilst not maintaining any strong alliance with the west. This is why I say it's a truly multipolar world.

We are alarmed by Thailand's constant need to intervene in every situation they see. They are overstretching themselves. They are pushing buttons where they see them. We've had this problem with them in the past with New Caledonia. They cannot learn boundaries. For a nation so hell bent on being anti-imperialist, they are nothing but imperialist. We are concerned about their relationship with France. Whilst we do not maintain a high level of concern about France, we are disappointed they have decided to abandon traditional allies and realign themselves towards nations like Thailand. This makes our cooperation in areas like the Pacific, where France maintains possessions, more distant and difficult. Less concern, more disappointment with them.

Sorry Ambassador it probably feels like I'm chewing your ear off, but our governments haven't had a proper discussion in a few years now. I'll let you have the floor." He would take a sip of water to catch his breath.

  • Wow
Reactions: Jay


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Senator Faulkner, not at all." Pavlovsky said as he took a seat at the Minister's invitation. "I understand that things can be different in the land down under." He said with a smile as he crossed his legs and leaned back into his armchair. He listened to the Senator express Australia's view on the situation and was a bit surprised to see them throw the Thais out onto the gutter like this, though he did not show that surprise. It would please Moscow to see this result, and he would be sure to emphasize it in his report.

"Thank Senator," Pavlovsky said with a pause. "While my Government understands Australia is a sovereign nation and shall engage with relations in its interest, I am sure that Moscow will appreciate the level of transparency which you are displaying on this matter," Pavlovsky said, folding his hands over his lap. "In that interest, I can say that Moscow will proceed to designate Thailand a state sponsor of terrorism in April in light of its support for terrorist groups in Syr,ia which have been responsible for the deaths of Russian servicemembers and Syrian civilians. While Thailand claims to be fighting them in Southeast Asia, it is supporting them abroad."

Pavlovsky said, rubbing the edge of his moustache before continuing. "I can say that we are not planning any military action against Thailand. Certainly not in this region. I would expect that with this designation, the Russian military would be permitted to target elements of Thailand's military if they enter Syria. However, I will be sure to express your government's concern and ensure appropriate care is given to distinguish where possible ADF forces operating near Thai ones." Pavlovsky said, looking at his Chief of Staff, who was taking occasional notes on the discussion.

"I must explain, though, that with this designation, there will be restrictions on Russian foreign assistance to Thailand. That they will be banned from any export and sale of military technology, defense systems, and related goods, including additional financial and miscellaneous restrictions, such as freezing of assets and blocking of Russian financial institutions from engaging with designated foreign entities or individuals. These measures may be extended to states with deep cooperation with Thailand. By way of example, Russia will not be permitting weapons to be sold to France due to the high level of security cooperation and possibility that France, or French companies will engage in sanction busting to support Thailand." Pavlovsky said to illustrate the nature of a relationship which Russia would consider warrenting third-party application of the Thailand sanctions.

"Indeed, Thailand's interference in global affairs is becoming far more an issue for my government than initially expected," Pavlovsky added, as he remembered the SVR docket handed to him. "We have tried to normalize ties with Thailand on numerous occasions. First after resolving the Gepard Incident, Thailand then proceeded to deny that it had to comply with the terms of its commercial contract with Rosobornexport. When that issue was overlooked, Thailand then proceeded to instigate litigation at the international commercial courts of the Hague to win support for its argument, which was correctly rejected. When a trade delegation was sent to Thailand, they attempted to hold them hostage and detain them, only God knows what would've happened had we not threatened them and deployed military assets to the region." Pavlovsky said, shaking his head, remembering the incident. "In Ukraine now, Thai officials seek to propagate their communist vision on our doorstep and establish a foothold in our region. In Syria, Thailand works with terrorists to kill Russians. While criticizing America and Russia, democratic regimes, as imperialist and warmongerings, actively embraced imperialists in Paris. The two now support each other in Syria in what I can imagine is Thailand seeking to help restore the French Empire." Pavlovsky said with a laugh. "I appreciate your candor, Senator." He said, adding, "Thailand is engaging in a concerted effort to undermine Russia and no doubt will turn its attention to America and, by extension,n you if it manages to succeed in Syria. No doubt guided by revenge for our actions in Myanmar, which defeated their invasion."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"I must say I don't have this intelligence report about Thai support for armed groups in Syria. Australia is far too focused on intelligence collection in the Indo-Pacific rather than developments in the Middle East, despite our past direct participation when Israel was directly threatened by Saudi Arabia and Turkey. If you are willing to devulge into it in more detail I am all ears, if not I fully understand the sensitive nature of such information.

It is encouraging to hear you will avoid directly confronting Thailand in this region. Whilst we had no evidence you may directly target them, the situation is clearly evolving in the direction of a military confrontation and we wanted to make sure you were made aware quickly about our current military cooperation with Thailand in the region. Designations of state sponsor of terrorism do not come lightly, afterall.

However, if what you say about Thailand's support of terrorist groups is true, we may need to re-evaluate our cooperation with them. We also cooperate with India in the region on these matters of countering terrorist organisations in South East Asia. We have invited both of them to assist on an Australian Defence Force Operation which would have been conducted regardless, but my primary concern as Minister for Defence is the safety of ADF members and the defence of Australia. Not the defence of Thailand or bolstering their image.... far from it.

At this time, Australia does not export and does not import any weaponry from Thailand and we have no plan to do so. As the Minister ultimately in charge of the Australian Defence Export Office, I will make sure that any requests from Thailand are brought directly to my office and I will heavily scrutinise them. Australia has no free trade agreement with Thailand either and all imports are subjected to tariffs. I hope that this is a desirable situation to you. It probably won't change anytime soon because we can't seem to develop any fruitful relationship with them."


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