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[Australia]: Message to Sweden


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"No I believe that's all." He would stand up and shake Mr. Ahlberger's hand, leading him out of the office. A Parliamentary security guard would escort Mr. Ahlberger out of Parliament House.

Once he had left, the Prime Minister would shut the door.

"Fucking cunt."

He would order the Attorney-General's Department to draft up the agreement.

Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Commonwealth of Australia 1996

The government's of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Commonwealth of Australia agree to the following:

1. The Kingdom of Sweden will pardon all 116 scientists involved in the September 1996 incident on the Bailey Peninsula in the Swedish Antarctic Territory and will deport them immediately to Australia.

2. The Kingdom of Sweden will return the RSV Aurora Australis, along with all equipment belonging to the Australian Government that is onboard the vessel to the Australian Government.

3. The Commonwealth of Australia will refrain from violating the Swedish Antarctic Territory with either personnel or material and will cease to have a presence in the Swedish Antarctic Territory until such time as an alternative agreement has been made.

4. The Commonwealth of Australia will publicly condemn the recent actions undertaken by the Republic of Argentina in regards to Antarctica.

Signed on this day, the 12th of November 1996 in the City of Canberra.

Signed, Commonwealth of Australia: P.J. Keating

Signed, Kingdom of Sweden: _________

A copy would be faxed over to the Swedish Embassy.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Mr Ahlberger's head flies backwards as his wheelchair is lead out of the office and onto the street, feeling as though he had just been evicted. Although taken by surprise he would rub the back of his whip-lashed neck and roll himself down the road towards the Swedish Embassy where he would await the fax and forward it onwards to the Swedish Department of Antarctic Affairs.

The same document would be returned with the Australian ratification removed due to an amendment being made to the written document. The amended agreement is signed.

Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Commonwealth of Australia 1996

The government's of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Commonwealth of Australia agree to the following:

1. The Kingdom of Sweden will pardon all 116 scientists involved in the September 1996 incident on the Bailey Peninsula in the Swedish Antarctic Territory and will deport them immediately to Australia.

2. The Kingdom of Sweden will return the RSV Aurora Australis, along with all equipment belonging to the Australian Government that is onboard the vessel to the Australian Government.

3. The Commonwealth of Australia will refrain from violating the Swedish Antarctic Territory with either personnel or material and will cease to have a presence in the Swedish Antarctic Territory until such time as an alternative agreement has been made.

4. The Commonwealth of Australia will publicly condemn the recent actions undertaken by the Republic of Argentina in regards to Antarctica.

Amendment 1. The Commonwealth of Australia will refrain from commenting on the position of the Kingdom of Sweden in the Antarctic region, pending conclusion of the Global Assembly Antarctic Summit.

Signed on this day, the 12th of November 1996 in the City of Canberra.

Signed, Commonwealth of Australia: ____________

Signed, Kingdom of Sweden: M. Winblad - Secretary of Antarctic Affairs



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
He would see it come through his fax machine.

"That wasn't what we agreed to you cunt, but anyway.."

The Prime Minister would sign and send back.

Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Commonwealth of Australia 1996

The government's of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Commonwealth of Australia agree to the following:

1. The Kingdom of Sweden will pardon all 116 scientists involved in the September 1996 incident on the Bailey Peninsula in the Swedish Antarctic Territory and will deport them immediately to Australia.

2. The Kingdom of Sweden will return the RSV Aurora Australis, along with all equipment belonging to the Australian Government that is onboard the vessel to the Australian Government.

3. The Commonwealth of Australia will refrain from violating the Swedish Antarctic Territory with either personnel or material and will cease to have a presence in the Swedish Antarctic Territory until such time as an alternative agreement has been made.

4. The Commonwealth of Australia will publicly condemn the recent actions undertaken by the Republic of Argentina in regards to Antarctica.

Amendment 1. The Commonwealth of Australia will refrain from commenting on the position of the Kingdom of Sweden in the Antarctic region, pending conclusion of the Global Assembly Antarctic Summit.

Signed on this day, the 12th of November 1996 in the City of Canberra.

Signed, Commonwealth of Australia: P.J. Keating - Prime Minister of Australia

Signed, Kingdom of Sweden: M. Winblad - Secretary of Antarctic Affairs


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