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[Australia]: Message to Thailand [SEC=TOP SECRET]


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
20 December 2005
Dear Commander Jaggabatara,

As I'm sure you aware, al-Qaeda is a major threat to the world right now. However, we do not see al-Qaeda as being the worlds sole terrorism threat and we know that many groups are linked to al-Qaeda, especially in our region. Whilst the Australian Government is primarily focused on internal security and people being inspired by al-Qaeda and undertaking attacks as either lone wolves or being directed by al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, the Australian Defence Force being responsible for external security is highly concerned about regional groups. These groups include Jemaah Islamiyah, who operate primarily in Indonesia but also operates in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines and has links to al-Qaeda. There is also several groups who operate in the Southern Philippines, primarily Abu Sayyaf and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front who also threaten Malaysia in the state of Sabah. There is also seperatist groups in South Thailand which we have concerns for, but are not directly linked to Islamic fundamentalism or al-Qaeda.

With this situation of various groups operating in our region we see a clear pathway forward for Australia-Thailand cooperation on this matter. A regional issue requires a regional response. I am inviting you to discuss this potential cooperation between our Armed Forces in Canberra.

Yours sincerely,
Vice Admiral David Shackleton.
Russell Offices, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6144 9190
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Vice Admiral David Shackleton, Vice Chief of the Defense Force of Australia> Owen
From: <; Supreme Commander Songkitti Jaggabatara, Chief of Defense Forces of Thailand>
Subject: Discussion in Canberra
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture | Secret and Encrypted

Dear Vice Admiral Shackleton,

I extend my sincere gratitude for your private message to my office. It is an honor to communicate with the Vice Chief of the Australian Defense Force. As the Chief of Defense Forces of Thailand, I would like to reaffirm that the Ministry of Defense of Thailand has directed our military to maintain heightened vigilance in light of the recent global terrorist incidents. We share your deep concerns that Al-Qaeda is not the sole actor in the realm of global terrorism, and we acknowledge the troubling potential for other groups to draw inspiration from the devastating attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda in London.

The Republic Thai Armed Forces continue to closely monitor the activities of regional terrorist groups across Southeast Asia, including those specific organizations you have mentioned. While our region faces multifaceted threats from various extremist elements, the current circumstances necessitate particular attention to Islamic groups with aspirations of establishing an Islamic state. Although their activities may have diminished following the collapse of the United Nations, we have no reliable intelligence to suggest that any such groups have disbanded or ceased engaging in covert operations beyond the reach of our surveillance.

It would be a great privilege to undertake an official visit to Canberra to discuss how Thailand and Australia, as key stakeholders in our respective regions, can collaborate effectively to address shared security challenges and uphold the safety and well-being of our peoples. In view of domestic protocols, I would be accompanied by the Thai Ambassador to Australia, who would participate as the civilian representative of my nation. I trust that his presence would be welcomed as we engage in this critical dialogue.​

Best Regards,

Supreme Commander Songkitti Jaggabatara
Chief of Defense Forces of Thailand
Republic Thai Armed Forces Headquarters
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​

Secret and Encrypted unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Supreme Commander Songkitti Jaggabatara prepared to journey to Canberra, coordinating with the Australian Armed Forces and, if required, their government. Dressed impeccably in his military uniform, he carried a sleek tablet fortified with military-grade encryption—its critical contents essential for the discussions ahead. Traveling aboard a chartered plane operated by a Thai worker cooperative, he touched down at Canberra Airport precisely at ten in the morning, local time. The morning sun glanced off the tarmac as he descended the steps, where the Thai Ambassador, Mrs. Busadee Santipitaks, awaited him with poised grace, her presence a symbol of steadfast diplomacy.