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[Australia-New Zealand]: Operation Resolute-Operation Territorial Watch Joint Communications


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Name:Service Branch:Position:Location:
Rear Admiral Mike HillRoyal Australian NavyCommander, Operation ResoluteLarrakeyah Barracks, Darwin, Northern Territory
Commodore Jack SteerRoyal New Zealand NavyCommander, Operation Territorial WatchDevonport Naval Base, Auckland, Auckland Region
Vice Admiral David JohnstonRoyal Australian NavyChief of Joint OperationsHeadquarters Joint Operations Command, Bungendore, New South Wales
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Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Rear Admiral Mike Hill would pick up the phone and would ring Commodore Jack Steer on the speed dial. Once Commodore Steer picked up he would begin talking.

"G'day Commodore Steer, this is Rear Admiral Hill here from the Royal Australian Navy. Look, nothing to be particularly alarmed about but we have picked up a Russian Fleet off the east coast of Australia and its been weaving its way through our Exclusive Economic Zone and extremely close to our territorial waters and is now moving onwards to your Exclusive Economic Zone and territorial waters. Based on the intelligence we have received we believe you are aware of this but I am just letting you know that our assets may operate for a short period of time inside New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone before ceasing their monitoring operations of this Russian Fleet."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
Steer would pick up at once. "Greetings Admiral." He would audibly sigh after listening to Hill's words. "We are expecting them, yes. The Russians are doing an airbourne demonstration for their Candid aircraft, the logistics ships in that fleet are to support them. Unfortunatly, we - here - thought that they would've gone around the east of New Caledonia, which obviously didn't happen. Anyway, there is a Kiwi frigate waiting for them on the edge of my EEZ, for your information. Thank you for giving me a heads-up about the ADF's actions."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
Commodore Steer, sitting at his desk at Devonport Naval Base, would pick up his secure phone and speed dial Rear Admiral Hill in Australia. Once a secure connection was established, and the Admiral picks up, Commordore Steer would start talking.

"Good afternoon Admiral. I wish to convey that the Russian fleet is departing, or has recently departed, a New Zealand South Island port for Vladivostok. They will have a New Zealand Navy precense with them until they leave New Zealand's territorial waters. After that, they will be monitored until we can no longer detect them, and I will ensure that information is shared with any nearby Australian vessels or aircraft." He would take a breath.

"Unfortunatly, I am unawares as to the Russian ship's course, so I cannot tell you where they will go."
