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Australia | Ohhhhh India


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"I did forget to mention, I have placed Australia on our priority list for Visa's. With that being said, citizens of Australia will be pushed to the front of the list regarding all Visas. I do hope you consider the offer for the alliance. As I said it is in it's infancy and has much room to grow and changes can be made. If you have you or any of your counterparts have and comments or concerns, please let me know so that I may address them."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"We thank you for the offer for the alliance, the Australian Administration would like a fresh alliance idea and we don't agree with paying $2,000,000,000.00 into an account for every nation to use. We've started talks with the Republic of Korea for an organisation to be started regarding peace and safety for the Asia and Pacific Region which we'd like to invite you too, we will open this invitation to other nations but first we need to know your relations with other nations such as Argentina, Vietnam and Japan as we believe these are the most significant nations in the region. Although Japan are not a significant nation, they are a troublesome nation at that and it would be best not to invite such nation to such an organisation. the Minister paused clearing their throat before continuing "We would also need to address such actions and situations that have been happening in India, we have received word that the situations in India isn't the best and can destabilise the whole region, hence why we the Australian Administration have put forward a new organisation to make sure other nations in the globe can see that the Asia & Pacific region can stand on their own two feet and support one or another. We would also like you to address the communism concerns that various nations would have and what are the plans for India to resolve this."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Completely understandable, I would not ask if there would be no criticism. As of now our relations with Argentina are decent. We have an ongoing trade route with them, and are planning to do Naval exercises and Joint Anti-Piracy missions with them. Beyond that I can't say much in the way of Argentina. Vietnam and India have just recently began talks, they seem sincere and want to cooperate with other nations in the region, however there is still much to be seen. Japan and India have no formal relations, I have attempted to reach out to them on a few attempts but have received no word back, they seem to be isolationist.

This alliance would be of great help to India. If I may be honest, India is on the verge of Civil War. The Government appears to be doing nothing, other than sending in troops to Mumbai and allowing Korea Peacekeepers and Doctors into the country. I know that the United States has been contacted to assist, however both the Indian Government and the United States want's a Global Assembly Resolution proposed. That could take months to go through. India is one event away from breaking out into war. Congressman Faheit isn't making things any easier either. He is the only known Communist in Congress. He has been making a lot of ground to rebuild Mumbai and defeat the insurgents. His approval rating is over 90%. This is of great concern to India's Democracy. In short India does not have a plan to stop this. The President is refusing to take action, and the Parliament is split on decisions. India needs foreign intervention to re-stabilize the region. However I am unsure what the India Government will think of your alliance, I could pass on the information but I can't guarantee success in the Parliament."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

I shall be quite open with you Mr Minister, if the United States ever deployed into our region, the Australian Administration will feel and see it as a step back due to the nature of the American past administrations and history can tell you that the Americans can’t do many things right. Look at a few years back with Vietnam? The Communist Vietnamese ran them out of the country and this is what we don’t want, this is why this Organization that the Australian Administration is for, to stop outsiders coming into our region and ruining and destabilising the area even more. Asian and Pacific problems shall be dealt with and by Asian and Pacific Countries.

We’ve already spoken to South Korea and if needed, we have agreed to combine efforts to help the Indian Republic as much as we can. Firstly I would need your administration permission to deploy a small combatant force to enter India to remove all Embassy and Consul-General Staff from India until things have been sorted internally.

With your relations seeming quite well with Argentina, the Australian Administration will reach out to Argentina regarding this Organisation. I’ll give you a file regarding the organisation to pass onto your administration to decide on the outcome if the Indian Republic would like to join.
” the Minister passed a file over to the Indian Counterpart to read and pass it on.
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United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Thank you for the file. I will be sure to bring it back with me to India and have it thoroughly reviewed.

To my understanding the Korean's have deployed a small group to assist with humanitarian needs in Mumbai, however I am unsure how the Government will respond to further foreign intervention. My personal beliefs are that India should take any aid offered. I will allow for a small group to evacuate any Embassy and Consul-General Staff from India. However I find that unnecessary. The fighting has been contained to Mumbai, and from recent reports the fighting is dying down.

On the last topic, I understand your concerns for the United States, and foreign intervention. However this goes above my head. At times it is as if the Indian Government ignores my input and just does whatever will benefit the elites. I will push for the cooperation that your government is putting forth, however it will be for Congress to decide on its next course of action.

I look forward to working with the Australian Government more closely. It is getting late though, perhaps we can continue this discussion tomorrow or over the phone when I return to India. I don't wish to be rude, but I do have a meeting with the Vietnam Ambassador in New Delhi on the 20th."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"We also look forward to working more closely with the Indian Adminsitration, and thank you for the approval of deploying personnel to recover both Embassy and Consul-General Staff." with that being said, the Minister stood up, shook the Indian Ministers hand and escorted him to Reception where the Australian Federal Police would escort the Minister back to the Airport to head back to India. With the approval given, the Australian DoD was notified to begin deploying assets into the area

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