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[Bangladesh]: A Electrifying Day


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The three of them would refuse. "Halal." Mockingly smiling at the Koreans. The fourth one however was the one that sounded like he was going to squirm, he also did say halal. But he was visibly becoming more afraid and he became further afraid just watching the Koreans bringing in their equipment.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Special Agent Suh nodded as he picked up the plastic cups, sipping from one of them as he dumped the remainder into a trashcan. He would complete his observations, then turning to Agent Kim and Agent Lee and spoke in Korean. "Separate them. Take him first." he pointed at the first man to say Halal. "I'll join you after. Tell Agent Park to join me here." Agent Park would come in as Agents Kim and Lee would ask the Bangladeshis outside to assist them with moving the man to a second cell. As the man would be taken out, Agent Suh smiled at the remaining three "Shall we begin?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The fourth one which was the most afraid out of them all would be taken out of the cell. Several RAB officers would attend to assist to take him to a second cell. Along the way there, one of the RAB Constables would whisper in the males ear in a rather hushed tone and avoiding the Koreans watching what was said. "Remember." He'd say in Bengali. Before he return to shouting at him in Bengali "Move, move!" The fourth male would remain quiet from this as he would be thrown into the second cell. RAB Director Ali would turn to the Koreans nodding as in he's all yours.
Meanwhile, back in the first cell the other three would remain stern. Showing no facial expressions at all. One of them, clearly the oldest out of the group would speak in clear direct English. It was more certain that these males were not the ordinary trained insurgents. "Certainly." He'd smile devilishly.

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Agents Park and Lee stood and watched the fourth man. They were told to keep an eye on him, talking in Korean their voices loud enough for him to hear them. They kept him separate as the lead agent spoke with the remaining three. Agent Suh took a seat in front of them. "Why did you attack the Korean Embassy. Do you have specific demands? Has the Korean Government taken actions that you deem as an affront to your people?" The agent asked as he looked at the pictures taken earlier and confirmed the men as he looked at each of them, waiting for the elder one to answer.


In the meantime, the NIS Director would have the agency request video footage of the exterior of the building from the German and American Governments. A separate email would be sent to each of the Government's Foreign Affairs Ministries.




To: German Foreign Ministry < Dutchy >


Subject: Dhaka Attack Incident Report

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
To Whom it May Concern,

As part of our investigations into the Dhaka Attacks that targeted the Korean and German Embassies in Dhaka, we would like to have access to German Government recordings on the date of the incident. We would like to request files that recorded the situation on the exterior of the building during the siege, firefight, and when Bangladeshi Security Services arrived.

We hope to have your cooperation and find those responsible. It would be helpful to our ongoing investigation and allow us to see multiple vantage points.

Signed with sincerity,
NIS Intelligence Chief
Kim Hoo Dong
National Intelligence Services Korea
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany

Republic of Korea
National Intelligence Service
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​




To: State Department, CIA, National Security Advisor < Odinson >


Subject: Dhaka Attack Information

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
To Whom it May Concern,

As part of our investigations into the Dhaka Attacks that targeted our in Dhaka, we would hope that the American Embassy can share its external footage recorded during the attack. It would be helpful in our investigation. We would like the files throughout the day of the attack, specifically during siege, firefight, and when Bangladeshi Security Services arrived. We hope to have your cooperation and find those responsible. It would be helpful to our ongoing investigation and allow us to see multiple vantage points.

NIS Intelligence Chief
Choi Jae Shin
National Intelligence Services Korea
Washington D.C., United States of America

Republic of Korea
National Intelligence Service
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The elder would continuously showed no emotion what so ever. Once the question was asked, his eyes fixed onto the Korean, not moving in any shape or form. He'd clear his throat as he spoke. "Bangladesh has long been under a rule which we Islamic." A pause would follow "You are seen as a threat." the same devilish smile would follow as the elders eyes fixed on the Agent.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Agent Suh nodded his head. "I see. Korea stands in the way of Islamic rule correct?" The Agent asked as watched their body language. "If we were to leave that would help you get towards this goal?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Perhaps I will. But. I know you will not." Agent Suh got up. "Those men outside will kill you. This I know. Whether you think they'll protect you is your own fantasy to believe." He looked at Agent Kim and spoke in Korean to the female agent. "You and Ree stay here. I'll be back." He would leave the room and walk to the cell where the other man was being held. Walking inside, he smiled and greeted the man. "Hello. I am Agent Suh. Your friends...well...we'll talk about them later." He nodded to Agent Lee to leave and return with something. "You were the brains behind the operation correct?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The elderly gent laughed, rather at the Agent in a attempt to intimidate him. His threats to the him were empty, he knew. As the female agent entered with the other male, the elderly male would smile. Rather uncontrollably. Meanwhile, the fourth male would be sat in a corner rather stern. He knew he was going to die in this hellhole and he rather not give anything away. However he looked up towards the Korean, remaining quiet. The threat made earlier to him by a RAB officer was stern and he knew he was being watched. He'd remain quiet, staring blankly at the Agent.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I understand you think being quiet will keep you safe." Agent Lee returned with a binder as she handed it to Agent Suh. He took the files and put it in front of him. "The people here. They will want to get rid of you. I don't think your friends care if you die." He showed him pictures taken from the damage at the Embassy, the blood, the dead bodies from an unidentified embassy, and a burnt corps inside a vehicle. "They won't let you go. No matter what you think." He sighed as he looked at the fourth man. "If you cooperate. We can get you out of here. We can bring you away. But. You need to prove your worth. Why should I help you get out of here?" He paused and then began again. "So. Let's start again. Hello. I am Agent Suh. What is your name?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The male would turn his head away, avoiding looking at the files and pictures as he was visibly disgusted. When the Agent began to speak, he'd listen in. First he'd remain quiet, before he spoke. "You can call me...Ashiq." The name either if it was right or not didn't matter. The male would look at the Agent. "I am prepared to die for the cause."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Hello Ashiq." He put the images back into the yellow binder as he saw the man turning away. "I have no doubt you're ready to die for your cause...but you don't strike me as the guy who likes to see others suffer...Ashiq...What is this cause. For people to suffer."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Bangladesh has long been under a Islamic rule." He'd refer to the right wing Bangladesh Nationalist Party. "It'll not be secret any longer, what this cause is for."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I see. Islamic Rule. I am confused. You do not want Islamic rule? Or do you want it to return." He looked at the man, his face showing confusion. "Can you please explain?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It'll remain." He'd pause, not going any further with what has been said.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Remain. I see. You want the current government to remain in power. Not the illegitimate people trying to take power now. Is that correct?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
He'd remain quiet, not continuing on what is to be said. Their was a sign of confusion in which the male began to hold his head, clearly agitated. Sweat poured down his head.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Did you target out Embassy by accident?" He asked as he put the yellow binder back on the table. "Or was it merely an accident. Were you trying to attack the Americans?"



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Recipient: Kim Hoo Dong, National Intelligence Services Korea, Republic of Korea (Jay)
Subject: Dhaka Attack Incident Report

Chief Kim,

With permission from the Foreign Office and the Federal Intelligence Agency I have attached to this email the relevant CCTV recordings from our embassy in Dhaka. If possible, upon completion of the report, we would be keen to read a classified or redacted copy of the incident report.

Yours Sincerely,

Arnold Kopp
Director of Security & Counterterrorism


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The man would sweat more profusely. He was becoming more and more agitated at the questions that he was getting, knowing that his and his families life at risk if he exposed the ultimate secrecy, he looked for a way out. Looking left and right, the male observed that he was not cuffed by RAB officers nor the Koreans.
The man would jump and leap onto the Korean Agent, tackling him to the floor and trying to grab anything he could find sharp to stab him with.


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