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[Bangladesh]: Phone Call to Korea


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
On a secured encrypted phone line, Sheikh Hasina would dial for the Koreans. She'd ensure it was completely private.

She waited for an answer



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
In Seoul, Prime Minister Jo would be reviewing the confidential Operation Dumangang Bangpae plans under OPLAN 622. As he read the plans he took notes, 13,000 men...34 zone...SCP framework...maritime interdiction was quite the read as he digested the information and thought of that it would be implicating. The young Prime Minister would be disrupted in his trial of thought as the door swung open. Though, not as quickly as he thought it did, the door opened taking him out of his thought. He lowered his glasses and rubbed his eyes as his secretary handed him a note, Bangladesh Prime Minister, Call, MoFA says take it. He nodded and gave her the note back as she ripped it and put it in the trash on her way out. Connecting the call to him.

"Hello Prime Minister Hasina, this is Prime Minister Jo. I hope things are doing better in Dhaka. Please accept my Government's condolences for the events that took place, and know, Korea continues to stand ready to aid you as needed."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Shiekh Hasina was rather surprised that the Koreans knew exactly what she rang them about. She paused, gaining her thoughts."

"Prime Minister Jo, thank you for your condolences." Her tone turned to a whisper. "I believe... aid will be needed." She'd pause taking a look around the room and ensuring no one was overhearing her. She was paranoid for a reason...



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"While the circumstances have a heavy feeling on our hearts, Korea is happy to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Bangladesh. What can Korea do Madame Prime Minister?" The Prime Minister said as he put his pen down from the notepad.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Rather worried that she maybe overheard or even worse, the line could be tapped into. A sigh would be let out, followed by the Prime Minister speaking in a small and hushed tone. It could be clearly evident to the Korean Prime Minister there was something going on.

"I believe, a meeting is more suffice. It is more concerning and worrying then you think." She'd reply.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Madame Prime Minister, I think in these times, a public meeting would be strong to reassure other countries of our commitment to each other. I hope I would not be overstepping my boundaries and hope that you would come to Korea. If you would be willing of course." The Prime Minister who had caught on earlier had not wanted to sound the alarm in case the Prime Minister was actually being watched. Instead, speaking as he normally would. "As I said before, Korea is here to do what it can. I hope you would be willing to come to Sejong City to meet with me."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
A short pause would follow. "That can be done, when is the earliest we can meet? I believe it is rather urgent." The tone of her voice would become even lower. A further look around the room would follow as the paranoia of Hasina was high. Her father was assassinated by top Bangladeshi Army generals not long after the war with Pakistan in 1971. She knew she had to be vigilant.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Our Government can provide aerial transport...though a little unorthodox I'm sorry that it wouldn't be luxurious for someone in your status, we have a C-130 leaving New Delhi right now [1]. It is carrying medical personnel from their mission in Mumbai. It could arrive in Dhaka in less than an hour if it changes course. Of course if you have a plane ready to go now that also works..." The Prime Minister paused as he thought on his next words. "We can also have a welcoming committee on the tarmac. Even if things are rushed, I am sure we can get protocol to arrange something." He wrote on a note for his Secretary to contact Director Yoon of the P.S.S., Director Suh of the NIS, and the highest uniformed military officer in the Prime Minister's office. Buzzing for her to come in as she quietly took the note, nodded, and left to get those people as soon as possible.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Very well, I will await for your C130. I will send coordinates of a airfield where to meet in Dhaka. This has to be discreet." She'd pause. "See you soon." She'd pause once more to allow the Korean to say their goodbyes before she hung up. A large sigh of breath would be let out as she pressed a button on her telephone to notify RAB Director Hassan. She knew Hassan from her younger days as her father was close to his family and he was close to them. Hassan would gather his belongings as he'd personally come along to protect the Prime Minister with his life as he took his sidearm only with him to meet the Prime Minister.
She did want to do this discreet as her life could be on her hands. The thought loomed on her head as she swiftly left.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Prime Minister Jo: "Please do. We will act with caution. Please take care Madame Prime Minister." As the Prime Minister put down the phone as she hung up, the NIS Director would walk in.

Over the skies of South East asia, the formation of three Korean C-130 would divert one of the aircrafts carrying the 32 Special Forces and a handful of Air Force specialists to Dhaka as they would be escorting a high value person to Seoul. The Aircraft would return to Dhaka under the guise of delivering additional personnel to the ROK Embassy in Dhaka. With previous approval by the Government of Prime Minister Zia, they would land as the 32 Special Forces left for the ROK Embassy to provide additional security. Eight Black Chevy Tahoe with tinted windows with diplomatic plates would take the Special Forces and members of the Air Force Specialist Unit to the Embassy. Two of the Black Tahoes would divert from the convoy and head to the airfield where they would look for thE the Prime Minister. Once located at the airfield, the 6 ROK Air Force Specialists would identify her and a man next to her. Armed with K2 Rifles, three magazines, and their personal kits with medical equipment, radios, and other items, their leading officer, Sergeant Kim Hyunjoo looked at her and spoke in English.
"Madame Prime Minister. I am Sergeant Kim Hyunjoo. President Kim has sent us. We need to move quickly. The C-130 will leave soon." At the airport, the C-130 would be refueling as they waited for their official cargo of 'Diplomatic Officers' returning to Seoul with them. On the tarmac, only two soldiers stood, inside with an armored vehicle being transported back to Seoul. Waiting for their comrades as they refueled.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Prime Minister Hasina would nod, following with the instructions of the Koreans. She was rather afraid of going along with foreigners she doesn't know, but knew it was very dire times with what was going on. "This is one of the highest level Rapid Action Battalion Commander Hassan. He will accompany me." He'd address this to the Sergeant. As they got into the Tahoe, they'd sit inside as both Hassan and Hasina would stare blankly at the window. Hasina was in her traditional South Asian saree with her glasses whilst sat next to her was Hassan who was in full RAB gear. However a long black overcoat covered his uniform. He knew his friend was in a dire situation. "Do you trust them?" Hassan asked in Bengali. His red bloodshot eyes stared at her blankly as his orange beard and grey hair bristled through the car.
Hasina let out a small sigh. She'd look out the window as the Tahoes would make a move. "Yes and no. They're our only hope to ensure stability returns to Bangladesh."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Sergeant Kim looked at the man and nodded as the Prime Minister said he was with her. He didn't want to waste time asking unneeded questions. Speaking in Korean to his men, he told them to move out. They fanned out as the Sergeant stayed close to the Prime Minister and led them to the vehicles. As they got in, they would drive away to the Airport. As they drove, the Sergeant listened on the comms, turning back after the Prime Minister had said something in their language, "Three minutes till we get to the plane." They continued to the airport, they would have to get a close to the plane as possible to avoid someone seeing them. As they neared the airport, the Sergeant told his men to look alive in Korean as they kept their weapons at the ready.

Passing through the area under their diplomatic plates, they'd enter the field where the C-130 was waiting. Corporal Chun waved at the vehicles as they parked up close. The Sergeant told the Prime Minister to wait inside as he made sure the plane was good to go and had his men set a small perimeter in a U shape. Waving for her to come out, Private Kim would open the door and escort the two to the plane. Once inside, the soldiers one by one turned back and entered the plane. Sergeant Kim motioned for the two to sit down at the first seat well inside the plane. Inside, they would see an armored tactical vehicle strapped in the middle. The Sergeant would count his men and once complete signal to the pilots they were clear to go. Sergeant Kim would contact Lt. Son on their progress as the C-130 took permission to fly back to Seoul and and the Embassy vehicles returned to the Embassy.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The two began to sit into the C130 and followed the instructions of the Koreans. Inspecting the armored tactical vehicle, the RAB Director was rather intrigued. "Maybe you're right." He'd say in Bengali. She'd smile, hoping her decision was correct as they waited for the plane to take off for Seoul.

Meanwhile, not far from the airfield. Two males stood at a derelict building looking through binoculars of the Koreans. They witnessed as the Prime Minister was led into the plane.

"The plan is going fine. Mr X. She's going to Korea." One of them would speak into a radio.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The C-130 would fly across the South China Sea and through the Straits as he headed to Korea. They would arrive at a air force portion on the Incheon Airport where a convoy of black vehicles and people in suits would be waiting. As they descended, the bomb-proof bunkers housing KF-16s were closed and the area largely quiet except for the sound of foot patrols and dogs. A KM250 Truck would carry the gear and equipment of the airmen as they hauled to their debriefing station. In the distance, two C-130 could be seen with no crews onboard.

Sergeant Kim would lead the Prime Minister outside where a woman in a black suit and white blouse greeted them.
"Madame Prime Minister. I am Lim Hyunmin. I will be your chief of security while you are in Korea." She smiled as she extended her hand to the Prime Minister. "I know the past couple of hours have been tense for you. Prime Minister Jo has asked us to take extra care. May we speak privately?" She gestured to the man standing behind her. "Your bags can be loaded into the vehicles, we will be flying through helicopters to the Prime Minister's residence." There were 19 other agents alongside Ms. Lim. All would be wearing suits, tucked underneath their suits and overcoats were hidden Beretta 4x4 firearms and bullet proof vessels. Agent Lim smiled as she waited for the Prime Minister's response.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
As they arrive, Sheikh Hasina and Hassan would leave the plane and follow the instructions of the Sergeant. They'd look around, a small little chill filled the pair of them. Rather a chill that they were not use to Korean weather. Anyhow as they made their way to another Korean women. Hasina would listen in and shake the Agents hand. "Thank you." She'd pause, listening in further." Very well." She'd turn her glasses towards Hassan, speaking in Bengali. "Keep watch, i'll be back." Hassan replied with a nod, looking around rather intrigued with how powerful the Koreans were.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Agent led them away from the open space and behind the protection of the armored vehicles that was strategically placed to limit the line of sight on the VIP. Agent Lim opened a notepad as she looked at the Prime Minister. "Welcome to Korea Madame Prime Minister. I know that things have been tense. However. This detail is not a normal visiting detail. I am sorry if you feel We have reason to believe your life is endanger. Have you receive any death threats recently?" She took out a pen "I am only asking so that we can take every precaution possible." Agent Lim noticed that the Prime Minister body was reacting to cold. Realizing that she was just wearing a loose sari in the freezing cold. She quickly took off her overcoat and gave it to the Prime Minister to wear. "I'm completely sorry Ma'am. Please. Put it on."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Sheikh Hasina would follow the Agent. Keeping an eye around her surroundings, observing each move. "Thank you. It is understandable." She'd pause. Gaining her sense of thought. "Yes. I have had threats. Quite...serious ones. Thank you for the coat." She'd smile.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Do you have any names. We want to make sure we are watching everyone who comes into the country. Your safety is our priority. Your Government is not aware you are in Korea correct?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"No I don't, all I know is it's a secret organisation. They don't know I'm here, only three people. Me, him and another trusted official." Sheikh Hasina took a brief look at the RAB Officer. He was looking around, rather amazed by the ferocity and power of the Koreans. "I thank you for all that you have done for me so far."


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