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[Belgium, Rogue Navy] Operation Solidarity

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
> Encryption Secured Courtesy of The Belgian Navy

> Purpose of Operation: The Transfer of Arms and valuable aid to secure the Revolution in Portugal

> Assets for deployment:
1 Osumi Class Tank Landing Ship with a
Total personnel: 138 Crews & 330 Troops

> Objective: Ensure the safe transfer of hardware and associated items to revolutionary insurgents operating in Portugal.

> Override state activity, operatives engaged are third party actors

> Estimated time of arrival: Undisclosed


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Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
From the Port of Ostend, the Leopold, a singular Osumi tank landing ship previously acquired by the ministry of defense during the communist era via an auction in Sweden, capable of carrying a crew of 138 and half of a combat battalion in the neighborhood of 330 men supplemented by a Phalanx CIWs and an M2 MG for defensive armourment would depart under the cover of darkness carry four weeks of provisions and several crates of arms and ammuniton for themselves and the insurgents. The combat battalion would be briefed on their objectives and asked to prepare accordingly for deployment with the course of 5 days time. The Vessel would assume radio silence upon departure.


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
In the morning, SIS operatives active in Belgium would notify the Portuguese government through a secure line, only stating "A Large Van just got missing from Austin's yard, don't know where it's at." MSI operatives back in Lisbon were able to quickly decipher the message and relay it to the Ministry of National Defense. In response, the Ministry would inform its Brazilian counterparts. While Portugal at this state is oblivious to the fact that the ship was heading for Portugal itself, orders were sent to continue naval patrols in Lisbon and Madeira as scheduled.

NSM Joaquim de Aguiar and NSM Humberto Delgado would continue on patrolling Lisbon waters, scanning for suspicious activity as usual. They were armed with a complement of 93 personnel, along with 3-inch-50-caliber Mk.33 in 1 twin mount guns, and a 40 mm/L70 Bofors guns in twin mount as well. Ammunition present would be reduced as they were not expecting any hostile action, although with enough to defend themselves if needed.

Portuguese Communist Revolutionaries would have finished their main base of operations, and they were informed that a large vessel was coming to aid them in the next following days. The People's Council ordered communist cells to try and stop Government intervention and aid the Belgians in delivering the goods to Faro, where the council was situated. A few revolutionaries would be sent to Lisbon to monitor Naval presence.

@Flying Damascas

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Throughout the first night well into the second day, the Leopold would continue unhindered in pursuit of its objective as it sailed from Ostend to Aveiro, stopping in Cherbourge for a few hours before leaving under cover of the dark night. The combat battalion would review their maps of Aveiro where they would land on the shores and establish contact with the local communist insurgency to deliever arms, medicine, food, and a Red banner. The goal was to get in and slip back out in a show of solidarity with the Portuguese proletariat.


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
Brazil would secretly receive the encrypted information by the Portuguese Government. the Brazilian Department of War and Defense secretly monitored the situation across the Atlantic.


Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
After stopping in Cherbourge for a day, The Leopold would continue to round the coast of France with the intention of adjusting their course by rerouting towards Faro where the ship would deposit its wears in the hands of fellow communists and then vanish. Orders would be transferred via paper to avoid risking the possibility of compromising themselves at sea, no Portuguese personnel was to be provoked so long as restraint was shown. The Ministry of Defense and The Naval High Command would stay silent but that wouldn't matter as the former People's Navy was swimming with communists and fellow travellers.


Jul 1, 2018
Dock Personnel at the Port of Cherbourg would notice the Communist Belgian-flagged ship as it violated French Sovereignty by transpassing into one of its ports, reporting the information to La Royale and the Order of Ste Therese. Information on their southward course would be passed on to Portugal, (@Strix ) Spain, (@Zak ) and to the Governments of Guernsey and Jersey (@Jamie ) by La Royale, through the Chanclier Royale. Other French POrts would be required to report any violations of french territory from here on out, and refuse any further services to such trespassers.


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
Information from French sources seem to be coincidental with the reported landing ship embarking back at the port of Ostend. The French would be given Portuguese gratitude for their sharing of information. Portuguese Military High Command ordered ships to be ready for possible combat, and were ordered to defend Portuguese sovereignty. The navy would be placed on high alert, always scanning for suspicious activity.

751 Squadron "Pumas" would be mobilized. Four out of Five helicopters were given the order to do routine patrols over Portuguese waters, scanning for any suspicious activity. The remaining one would be in reserve for civilian duties. All AW101s would be outfitted with full fuel tanks, 4x Sting Ray homing torpedoes, along with the Selex Galileo Blue Kestrel 5000 maritime surveillance radar system, capable of detecting enemy vessels. The AW101s would also be deployed with the Racal Orange Reaper ESM, in case of any hostile interaction.

the 751st squadron were ordered to patrol the immediate area within Portuguese airspace and waters. (IN,IM)

Both the NSM Joaquim de Aguiar and the NSM Humberto Delgado would be immediately ordered back to port, to be outfitted with the wartime load out. The two ships' armaments, mainly the 3"/50 Mk.33 in 1 twin mount guns, and the 40 mm/L70 Bofors guns also in twin mount, would be checked, along with the supply of full ammunition. Their RADAR and SONAR systems, the Kelvin Hughes KH5000, and the Racal Decca RM316P would be made combat ready. All ships would be filled with personnel and were sent to conduct routine patrols in Portuguese waters (IN,IM).

Two Centauro-class Patrol boats would also be notified, their Navigation Furuno 1505 DA sensor systems along with two 12.7mm MGs and one Oerlikon 20mm gun would be filled with enough ammunition for a small skirmish. Both boats were filled with enough fuel and were ordered to assist the two corvettes in patrolling Portuguese waters (IN,IM)

Portuguese forces were STRICTLY ordered to not engage hostile targets unless provoked, or were violating territorial law.

Portugal's Brazilian Allies would be notified of the possible incursion, and requested assistance.

Appropriate Belgian Authorities were notified of the deviant ship, and the message was made clear that Portugal has no quarrel over Belgium, but an uncalled for military ship within its waters would sour its relationship between the two countries. The Portuguese government would also request the Belgians to 'deal with your own ships, before we'll need to intervene.'

@Flying Damascas

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Having been alerted by Portuguese Authorities, the Belgian govermment would authorize the termination of "Operation Solidarity" and would order The Leopold back to Ostend after which the crew of said ship shall be subject to disciplinary measures.


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
The Brazilian Government would secretly receive the encrypted information, secretly relaying information over to the Portuguese Government of imminent support.

The High Command of the Imperial Navy would order the encrypted deployment of the following fleet:

>>The Following is Encrypted and Secured property of the Imperial Brazilian Navy!<<
"Imperial Fleet detachment"
1x] Type 51 Luda-Class Destroyer
[AIB Rio Grande do Sul]

[2x] Oslo-Class Frigate
[AIB Bahia]
[AIB Maranhão]

[1x] Almirante Gastão Motta-Class Replenishment Vessel.
[AIB Almirante Gastão Motta]

The AIB Rio Grande do Sul Destroyer would lead the Fleet, being fully equipped anti-ship missiles, the twin 130 mm (5 in) gun mounts and 37 mm (1.5 in) anti-aircraft guns being only lightly loaded, Admiral Diego Costa da Silva being on board the vessel. on both sides following the destroyer, were the AIB Bahia and AIB Maranhão frigates were fully equipped with torpedoes and ammunition for their 76mm cannons, as well as ammunition for their 12.7mm, 20mm and 40mm/70mm anti-aircraft guns, both ships' sensors and long-range, surface and search radars, as well as sonars, would all be activate and running for the trip. in between the two Frigates was the AIB Almirante Gastão Motta, filled with supplies and ammunition for the voyage, all vessels were fully crewed for the trip.

The Fleet would depart from Rio de Janeiro Naval Base(GG), with Lisbon as their destination(IM).

The Voyage would occur as follows:


Operation "Ally" had begun

>>The Following is Encrypted and Secured property of the Imperial Brazilian Navy!<<



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Hello @Flying Damascas ,

I have been noticed of this thread, more specifically Post #10.

As you have stated in the Operation title and within your various posts before Post #10, it would seem that this operation has been conducted under rogue personnel. These personnel, through your posts, are operating under radio silence and via paper-only. Therefore, it would be impossible for the Belgian government to have contacted your ship whilst at sea. Furthermore, as per the rules: All Posts under "Worldwide Roleplay" are subject to 80 words or more.

As Post #10 does not reach even half of this requirement and alongside the other given reason, I will be marking Post #10 as void. This means that your ship is currently still at sea.

The Modern Nations Staff Team

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Top Secret

Due to the maintanance of Radio silence while on active duty, The Leopold would continue on its voyage as according to plan but would attempt to maintain a low profile til the packages could delivered to communist insurgent bases in the southern part of the country and troops deployed to shore up the communist lines before potentially delievering a crucial death blow to the old regime presiding over Portugal. The hope of consolidating the revolution was very much alive aboard the ship as the crew and combatants took to lengthy discussions of Marxian theory and the necessity of physical force in pursuit of revolutionary aims and working class interests over bottles of beer and cigarettes. Towards Midnight as the ship continued to sail off the coast of France, orders would given to increase the speed in an attempt to accomplish the objective and outrun potentional aggressors


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
Ships and Aircraft around Portuguese waters were still on high alert, keen on finding any foreign naval vessels that dare trespass her realm's waters without announcement. They were adamant at finding this communist ship, as officers recalled the failed coup of 1989. Meanwhile, the newly christened NSM José Malhoa, a Bartolomeu Dias-class frigate, would be sent on her maiden voyage along with her complement of 154 men. Enough supplies and ammunition for 9 hours of continued patrol.

The frigate would carry her wartime-load out. All radar systems and sonar systems were readied for combat, weapons systems activated, and men were briefed of the situation. The ship's armament; one Oto Melara 76 mm anti-air/anti-surface gun, one Goalkeeper CIWS, and four Mk 32 324 mm torpedo tubes, with Mark 46 torpedoes, were checked and rearmed with full ammunition. The ship was fueled for her journey and made her way to intercept the two patrolling Corvettes, who are now in Northern Portuguese waters. [IM>IN]

The Helicopters would fly overhead and attempt to scan the waters for any anomalous vessels, flying in a spaced chevron formation, they aimed to scan the waters in as little time as possible, flying under the cover of the night. When they would spot something, they would relay it to the ships on the sea below, for interception and hopefully negotiation. They would refrain from using their weapons unless provoked.

The Portuguese government would express their concern of a 'communist ship' going south to the Belgians. Asking them if they require assistance in 'neutralizing' Belgian communist hardliners.

Secretly, the Portuguese High command would hear of their Brazilian allies coming to aid, and request them to patrol Southern Portuguese waters. They would be thanked for their assistance.

@JakeDorent @Flying Damascas

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Top Secret

Towards the beginning of the 3rd day at sea before docking in Faro, The Leopold's crew would hoist a flag of plain crimson the international symbol of revolutionary socialism and communism playing the opening bars to "L'Internationale" the anthem of class struggle time inmemorium. After coffee and rations, the crew would begin performing the maintainance and cleaning of the ship's M2 MG and Phalanx CIWS as a precautionary measure.

Radio Silence would remain in force and so long as it did the ship was more or less vunerable to attack with no means of communication with the naval high command not that assistance was forthcoming given that the Leopold was the only active vessel at sea. In addition, its armament was relatively weak and could do little in the way of significant damage to potential aggressors


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
>>The Following is Encrypted and Secured property of the Imperial Brazilian Navy!<<

As the second day of the operation came around, the Fleet continued on their assigned route (GG>HG>HH>HI>HK>HL>HM>IM), the fleet would slow down to allow for the replenishment and refuelling of the Fleet by the AIB Almirante Gastão Motta, the procedures would happen without any errors and soon, were completed, allowing the fleet to continue on, the sailors were both excited and anxious for their first assignment away from the homeland, the Imperial flag flying high, the second day ended as uneventful as it began.

The Navy's High Command meanwhile would keep a close watch as the Operation unfolded.


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
Portuguese Naval High command, with as little progress on tracking down the ship, would order a coastal sweep with the Patrol boats and the AW-101s, ensuring that they get to refuel and rearm when needed. The hastily organized Frota Real de Defesa would be ordered to dock at Lisbon and await further orders as the sun begins to rise. Whilst the Portuguese mean were distraught at the lack of action, officers quickly revitalized the personnel by singing songs of the old days, revitalizing their love for king and country.

Meanwhile, a few civilians would notice a large military ship near the coast of Faro, with descriptions almost accurate to the one being chased down. The Royal Defense Fleet would be reengaged with the operation, and after refueling, would make their way to where it was last seen. The ship's captains would be ordered to 'Full Speed Ahead' and stay close to one another. It wouldn't be long before the ships would intercept the lone landing ship. [IM]

The Helicopters and the Patrol boats would be scrambled, with both kinds of vehicles refueled and rearmed at Lisbon, before heading their way to Faro. Brigada de Reacção Rápida would also be mobilized, with forces occupying southern Portugal, mainly the cities of Faro, Albufeira, and Olhao. Whilst only infantry along with a few vehicles, they were there to monitor the presence of possible enemy incursion.

Secretly, the Brazilians would be notified of a possible enemy ship near Faro, and requested them to assist friendly forces in cornering the threat.

@Flying Damascas @JakeDorent
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Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Top secret

The Leopold would near the northeastern coast of Spain, it was here that the crew determined it to be in the best interests of the operation to attempt to make contact with the insurgents to cordinate a plan of revolutionary action.

Via an encrypted line of communication, the Leopold would attempt to contact its Portuguese comrades in arms:

"Workers of Portugal, the hour of liberation is just around the corner. Hardware shall arrive shortly....please, notify us about activities of the ground in particular the presence of hostiles near Faro and its environs. In a few days time, our combined forces shall be to able to sweep away the old order of Church, State, and bourgeoise parliamentarianism via spontaneous mass action and the prowess of our arms. Glory be to the Revolution, No War But Class War!"

The crew would amass themselves in the ships communications office where they awaited the response of their comrades.


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
The civilian tip, it seems however unlikely it must have been, was just a false flag. Officers and men alike were distraught at the event, but nonetheless continued their patrols. The Fleet would yet again return to Lisbon, and continue patrolling the waters, albeit, in a more relaxed state. [IM>IN]

The crew would be given plenty of time for R&R and the ships were ordered to refuel and resupply when needed. The patrol boats would be ordered back to Lisbon, as the scanning operation was a complete disaster. The sea was too simply big to find a single large landing ship. Although, they were still placed in high alert.

The tense atmosphere in the command rooms were already causing officers to be on their feet, eager to jump in at any presented opportunity. The false flag caused a ruckus in the control rooms of the ships, with officers arguing about the mission in itself. High Command eventually had to step in, and ordered a more lax approach to finding the rogue ship. The AW101s would be sent to Lisbon, and were ordered to be on high alert, and prepare themselves for a quick response when needed.

"Hello, this is borboleta-1." Static, as always. Portuguese communist revolutionaries were still alone in their fight against the monarchy. Leonardo, a lone communist officer, stood and waited for a signal to come through. He was about to go ahead and try for another run tomorrow until...

Through the static, voices could be heard, although a little bit rough, there was no question that they were human. Leonardo would rush back to the wooden chair, and listen to the crude speaker, his eyes filled with hope. He listens as he adjusts the waves to make it a bit more clear. The Belgians have arrived

"Comrades! It's great to hear the voices of our fellow brothers in arms. I must extend my sympathies for the loss of the revolution in Belgium. Worry not my fellow workers, for we shall carve a new era in European history. In regards to your concern, we have successfully fooled the Portuguese Navy by deceiving them at Faro, although they have tightened security around the southern cities."

"I do not know their numbers comrade, but informants have said that they plan to put around 200-300 men in Faro, although I must say that this information is not of the highest quality."

Leonardo would wait for a response from his fellow revolutionaries.

@JakeDorent @Flying Damascas

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Top Secret

"This is shock collar cell red, great to hear from you as always, Comrade!" One of the radio operators in the office said with a bit of good cheer. "Thank You, we lost our grip on power and were bound by the constraints of the old workers movement with its corrosive dependency on parliamentary action and trade unionism. Our sincerest appreciation is all yours. We shall be landing in roughly 24 hours, do you have any men available we have brought several crates of ammunition, explosives, and arms on hand and could use your help in diverting the enemy."

Around noon, The Leopold reached the northern coast of Portugal. The objective was well within reach. Morale was surging as the final briefings belong before landings were due to commence sometime in the late morning.

An assault team would be tasked with moving inland and establishing contact with communist insurgents working to overthrow the monarchy through armed and spontaneous struggle against the forces of monopoly capital and social reaction. Once contact was firmly in place, the team would split up and cordinate a series of sabotoge operations. Among the assault teams were two political commissars whose own objective was to forment revolution via the publication of Marxian leaflets and political agitation in the workplaces so as to spread class consciousness and breed chaos to tie down and hopefully overwhelm the authorities as their power slipped from their fingertips

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