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[Brazil] Message to Ukraine


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
"Very well, We shall keep that in mind."

The Secretary would pause for a moment and lean forward on his desk to find the file which included Brazil's exports, before starting to read through it.

"Hmm, I believe Brazil would be interested in Ukraine's non-ferrous metals, in return, we can offer agricultural items such as sugar, and two of our proudest exports, Coffee and Meat, however, we can also offer Iron ores, Vehicles and Machinery, does any of those interest Ukraine?

He glanced out the window at the night sky of the Imperial District.



Apr 5, 2020
"We would be," Hrushko yawned mid sentence, looking at his watch. Had they really been talking for so long? He shook his head disapprovingly, straining to keep his heavy eyelids open. The time difference between their countries made it so early evening in Brazil was late night in Ukraine. "Excuse me," he apologized, "We would definitely be interested in your coffee. Again, an issue would be the transportation..." Hrushko would yawn again.
