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Call for Disbandment


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Republic of Ireland President Mary Robinson has called for a Disbandment of the Irish Republican Army. President Robinson states "Lay down your weapons, the time for peace has come. We will negotiate a peace and open borders for Irish citizens. I am calling for an armistice and for the Irish Republican Army to lay down their weapons. Local Police Departments will be collecting and confiscating all weapons brought to them with no repercussion to the citizens turning them in. Now is a time for peace and prosperity between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. The Irish government is in agreement, we want to have peace with our neighbor across the channel and have a prosperous relationship. From here on out any act of violence against the British Government, British Soldiers, British Infrastructure, or British Citizens will seen as an act of terrorism. The Republic of Ireland will work with the United Kingdom to rid of the Irish Republican Army and any other associated groups."

The Republic of Ireland officially does not support the Irish Republican Army and will do what is necessary to Disarm Disband these terrorist. The Republic of Ireland is giving amnesty to any member of the Irish Republican Army that lays down their arms and turns them into the local authorities. President Robinson gave her speech at 5:00 P.M. local time in Dublin, Ireland.