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Call to Mexico


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
It's has been almost 24 years since the Republic of Thailand and the United Mexican Socialist States had their first formally established diplomatic relations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to reach out far to North America to contact Mexico. Ambassador Mr. Paisan Rupanitkit would request a meeting between himself and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs on the subject of Trading, Scholarship program, Mexico's thought on Sweden's annexation of South Africa, and opinion of 2nd Russia Civil War to improve their country relationship.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
The Mexican Foreign Affairs office would see the phone call from the Republic of Thailand and establish a secure and encrypted line. Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs would answer the call.

"Hello this is Deputy Assistant (DA) to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Pablo Hernandez speaking, how can I help you sir or ma'am?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Hello! This is the Thai ambassador to Mexico! I was assigned last year. This is my first term as begin ambassador, and I am eager to discuss it with you. Can I know your name? You can call me Paisan want to discuss the Trading, Scholarship program, Mexico's thoughts on Sweden's annexation of South Africa, and opinion of the 2nd Russia Civil War. I hope you don't mind. I have prepared some information to discuss with you since last week."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Yes my name is Pablo Hernandez. How goes your stay in Mexico?

Mexico is eager to begin talks with Thailand. I shall go in order of which you wish to discuss, that being of trade first. After we complete this conversation we can move to the other topics. Mexico offers many goods. Goods such as:
1. Vehicles- $3,500,000.00
2. Plastics- $3,000,000.00
3. Vegetables & Fruits- $2,500,000.00
4. Livestock- $2,500,000.00
5. Beverages (Beer & Liquor)- $2,300,000.00

We currently do not offer free trade agreements, with the exception of very rare circumstances. Mexico is currently awaiting a 31 vessel shipping fleet. Once complete Mexican goods will flood the market around the globe. Our market is currently open and all products listed above are in abundance and ready to be sold."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"My stay in Mexico is so satisfied Mister, Pablo! I have biked around Mexico city people, city, and the food is amazing. I would regret life if I rejected the opportunity to come here! Okay, I should start talking about my mission.

The goods that you are offering are interesting. We would like to take Vegetables & Fruits, Livestock, Beverages. Would you interest our Machinery including Computers, and Electrical Machinery, Equipment? It's just $2,500,000 and $2,750,000. I believe it can help with your Vehicles industry!

Since you mentioned awaiting vessels, I can't deny that we order 7 cargo ships to use in trading as well. Our trading with Mexico will use a new cargo ship, so this might take some time before we start a trade route. I hope Mexico will still open a port for our vessel."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Out vessels are on order, and we should receive them soon. Mexico would very much like to proceed with the deal of Vegetables & Fruits, Livestock, and Beverages (Beer & Liquor) in exchange for Machinery including Computers and Electrical Machinery, Equipment. That should cut the tariff price down to $2,050,000.00 per shipment. With no added cost, Mexico can cover the logistics. All I require is a port to deliver and receive goods from in Thailand. Once that is established I'll have a drafted trade agreement for you and we can discuss the next topic."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"That's nice Mister, Pablo! If you want a trade route through the Pacific ocean, Bangkok port is the best option. If you wish for a trade route through Mediterranian or Africa, Phuket port is the answer. No matter what you choose, we can always open both ports for Mexican goods. I thank you for covering a logistic for us! You can choose which route you want the trade to go through. You can draft a trade agreement for us Mister, Pablo."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Everything looks to be in order. I have drafted the Trade Agreement and faxed it over to you. Please review and have it signed. Once signed and all necessary funds are sent, I will have our ships depart."


Trade Agreement
The purpose of this document is to legalize the agreement of trade between the United Mexican Socialist States and the Republic of Thailand. All writing in this document is legal binding.

The United Mexican Socialist States shall trade Livestock, Fruits & Vegetables, and Beverages to include Beer and Alcohol, to the Republic of Thailand. The Republic of Thailand shall trade Machinery including Computers and Electrical Machinery, Equipment to the United Mexican Socialist States.

The amount from tariffs from the United Mexican Socialist States and the Republic of Thailand shall be subtracted. The Republic of Thailand will have to pay $2,050,000.00 per shipment. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon there shall be no free trade.

The United Mexican Socialist States agrees to provide all logistics at no extra cost to the Republic of Thailand.

To cancel a trade a two month notice must be placed in official format. Either country may cancel a deal and/or trade.

All trade shall be monthly. The Republic of Thailand is expected to pay the amount stated above on the 1st of each month. The Republic of Thailand may pay in advance.

The United Mexican Socialist States shall provide three vessels for this trade agreement.








Tijuana port

Bangkok port


Machinery including Computers

Monthly/Round Trip


Tijuana port

Bangkok port

Fruits and Vegetables

Electrical Machinery, Equipment

Monthly/Round Trip


Tijuana port

Bangkok port

Beverages (Beer & Liquor)


Monthly/One Way

It is expected of both countries to have goods readily available at the ports above for pick up and delivery. The United Mexican Socialist States shall depart once payment is received from the Republic of Thailand.


Pablo Hernandez
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
United Mexican Socialist States

Republic of Thailand

"Now to our next order of business, I believe you mentioned scholarship programs. What did you have in mind?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Paisan Rupanitkit would read a fax document that was sent by Pablo Hernandez to his office. "Hmm, the agreement is made sense to me. I believe we can use this agreement. I will sign it soon, give me a moment, please!" Ambassador Paisan would sign the agreement and sent the evidence document back to Pablo Hernandez's office.

"Yes! I have mentioned about scholarship program!" You know, Mexico is a beautiful country, and Mexico City is so relishing to live in the city. We would love to have a scholarship program for College and University students 18 - 40 years old to exchange knowledge and culture between our country for at least a year! Do you interested in this? We can provide the top 5 universities in Thailand with an exchange program. Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai University, Kasetsart University, and Prince Songkla University. These universities had over 390,000 enrollment last year! These universities are happy to cooperate with Mexican universities! If you agree, we will draft the agreement document! So, we can see the detail."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Mexico has many fine institutions across our great land. All higher education is completely free of charge in Mexico. All tuition is paid for by the Federal Government. This includes foreign nationals that attend universities in Mexico. This includes all universities in Mexico for all ages, gender, nationalities, etc. We do not discriminate in Mexico. We encourage all to seek higher education. Our education system may not be as prestigious as the United States, but we strive for excellence. Our top 10 universities are as followed:
  1. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
  2. Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)
  3. Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)
  4. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)
  5. Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA)
  6. Instituto Tecnológico Autonomo de México (ITAM)
  7. Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG)
  8. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)
  9. Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
  10. Universidad Anahuac
Despite our fine institutions, we have a rather low enrollment rate. At just under 60,000 last year. We wish these numbers were higher. If Mexican citizens don't wish to attend, then purhaps foreign nationals will. I look forward to seeing your drafted agreement."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I hope our students would enjoy staying in Mexica like me! The draft just finished. I will fax it to you soon, give me a moment, please."


"What do you think?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"All looks to be in order." He would state as he signed the agreement. He would then fax the signed agreement back.


"I look forward to these Thai/Mexican agreements. This shall allow us to prosper. I would like to tie up the next talking point into 3 topics. Mexico's thoughts on Sweden, our thoughts on the Russian Civil War, and last on the current state of the Middle East.

To begin, Mexico is weary of Sweden's intentions. Right now Mexico is in no position to act despite the President wanting to. The restructuring of the Armed Forces is still underway. While Mexico would have no issues defending the country, it lacks the ability to forward deploy any troops. In response to Swedish aggression, Mexico has placed an Embargo on Sweden. Although Mexico is not a Global Assembly member, we have been monitoring the Emergency Bill put in place by Korea. I am happy to see that Brazil and Turkey feel the same as Mexico. It's because of actions that the Global Assembly takes, that Mexico will not join. We feel that their lack of respect towards the rest of the globe is unacceptable. South Africa is a country that Mexico has much business with, however due to Sweden aggression it has taken a toll on Mexico's economy. Due to this if Mexico must act then we will. I can't go into more detail than that unfortunately.

As for the Russian 2nd Civil War, it is sad to see such a great and powerful nation such as Russia, turn into a battleground once more. Mexico backs the legitimate government, and the Monarchy of Russia. I side with President Zedillo and call these wannabe factions as terrorist. They are no better than the Cartels in Mexico and need to be put down. Mexico has offered aid to Russia to fight these terrorist, although Russia declined military intervention, which leaves me to believe that Russia does not fear these terrorist and can deal with them. Mexico did offer Russia a temporary tariff free trade agreement, to help them through their troubles. Once Russia is reunited and whole, normal trade shall commence in the form of paid tariffs.

And last, I know you didn't bring it up, but I wanted to discuss the Middle East. Mexico currently has a travel ban on nearly all Middle Eastern countries. This is temporary due to the ongoing issues in the region. Between Arab countries threatening Israel and Turkey shooting down a civilian aircraft. The region seems more unstable than ever before. I'm surprised that the GA hasn't tried to intervein. Again another reason why Mexico refuses to join. What is your take on the situation?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I am aware that Mexico isn't in the Global Assembly, and that won't mind us. GA tries to bring peace and unity, but they only act when someone proposes the resolution. My government hopes GA would set up a committee to surveillance the world. My country also has a problem with deploying the force. We don't have a ship to transport them since the last coup. I understand the restructuring of the Armed Forces because we are doing it as well. I heard Mexico has a large army! While I was walking the market, I heard locals talk about it. Sweden is an economic powerhouse embargoing them might affect only a bit. Honestly, mister Pablo, there is conflict in our government. The Prime Minister might resign and held a new election. When we have a new Prime Minister, I believe we would have a lot of things to discuss more cooperation.

I am happy that Mexico also supports legitimate governments like us! We don't call other factions terrorist through, but we call them rebellion. We didn't ask Russia directly about military intervention. They told us they want our support about making it clear to the public. Russia has always been brave. I won't doubt this.

Yes, Mister Pablo. I can give you our opinion on the Middle East. The Middle East region has always been known to be unstable for all of Asia. They always have some problems with religion. We hope they don't end like Crusades in the past. We have put a travel ban on the Middle East region. Turkey's army is strong. If their military technology is advance as the United States, they could rule the world. Like I have said about GA. They are too ignorant. They only take action when the member proposes a resolution. I think you had known about Turkey's resolute is. Turkey fears no one. Turkey accused us since the start of the GA resolution in South Africa. It is our fault as well since we don't announce our mission.

Thank you so much for giving us your opinion, mister Pablo. Also, our Armed Force plans to invite many countries to military exercise, but it is not official yet. I hope Mexico's military capability can reach us when the time arrives. Ummmm... Do you still have anything you wish to talk about? I don't know what I should discuss next. I have discussed all."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Thank you for sharing those details. It will greatly benefit Mexico knowing how other countries feel on these topics. I believe we have talked about everything you wished to discuss. I feel we accomplished much today. I have nothing further at this current moment. Again I want to address that once the funds are submitted for the goods, I will give the order for the shipping vessels to make way for Thailand. Thank you so much for your time and thank you for reaching out to me. Feel free to call back or visit if you have anything further you'd like to discuss or even for a visit."


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