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Call to Russia


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The phone call from Tana Weskosith, Deputy Permanent Secretary to Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, if the contact is not available the phone call will connect to Igor Ivanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs if the call is busy again the phone call will connect to the Ministry itself



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
As both Prime Minister Chernomyrdin and Foreign Minister Ivanov were busy, the call would be directed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Deputy Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin. Putin would use an encrypted phone line from his empty office to answer the phone call.

"Deputy Prime Minister Putin speaking."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Hello, I'm Tana Weskosith, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand! I have heard about Russia is in Civil war and we would like to know the situation there, so we can decide whatever we should support Russian Empire or not. What do you think? I would like to know the situation in your country, government agenda in the politic of the country. I do hope there is possible cooperation between our country in the future since Russian Empire has helped us from colonial power in the past."

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"There is no one else to support, Deputy Permanent Secretary." Putin's statement was slow and firm. "The Russian Empire is a merger of the Federation and the monarchists, as such, either you support the Russian government or you support terrorists. We are currently in open conflict against the communist terrorists located throughout Siberia and the Islamic terrorists in the Caucasus region in the south. There isn't much else to say, Secretary Weskosith, everything else is of sensitive nature and cannot be disclosed.

Was there anything else you wished to know?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I see. I believe it is best for both of us if we support the Russian government. Since you have mentioned conflict, can I know in-depth about the conflict that is happening right now? We might be able to help with the conflict."

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I... already have, Minister. The Federalists and the Monarchists have merged into the Russian Empire and we are currently in open conflict against the communist terrorists located throughout Siberia and the Islamic terrorists in the Caucasus region in the south. The best help that you could offer us, Minister, is making your support for the Russian government known to the international stage, assuring that these terrorists do not gain support outside of Russia."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I believe our country can support the Russian government known to the international state. Our Ministry has an assumption that Vietnam and China might support the Far-Left Militants rebel group. We don't have any evidence, but it is easy to predict because their ideology group is on the same base. I know that the Russian government is already careful about this civil war, but I suggest you prepare for the Far-Left Militants rebel group that might have been backed. Does the Russian government need any support other than supportive speech? The legitimate government should get support to the best unless the legitimate government itself has done something unacceptable."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"We're doing fine in every other way, Minister - thank you. In fact, the Russian military has recently liberated the city of Tyumen which had been used since the start of the war by the communist terrorists as their main headquarters. Soon the communists of Siberia will have nowhere else to run or hide. Until then, however, the best you can do for us is to support us, that is all."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
So, things are fine there. Also, is Russia Government open for some trade? We would like to offer Machinery including Computers cost $2,500,000 and Electrical Machinery cost $2,750,000. I believe these machineries could help your country's production!



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Well, there is currently nothing else. Also! Don't forget our equipment production with the Rosoboronexport. It is serious to us to strengthen our army equipment. We hope Russia to consider us as an ally. Keep in my that if Russian Empire needs any help, contact us. We will process as soon as possible to help you with your need. That's it. Your name is Putin, right? I will remember that name. I hope we will work together next time. Thank you for your time. Goodbye. Tana Weskosith would hang up the call



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Rosoboronexport should have sent the equipment by now, Minister. I believe your frigates will also begin production shortly."

The call would end.

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