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[CAN] Phone Call to Ukraine


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Aye, that is true. But an election that was democratic, free, and fair is no reason to attempt to sanction a nation economically, militaristic, and diplomatically - no matter what the results were. My party is innocent of everything that the Norwegian ambassador has attempted to place guilt on us for. I do hope that Ukraine will be able to see Norway's false allegations and their overreach in attempting to tamper with internal politics of another nation. I hope that Ukraine will support us in voting against this sanction and saving our people from economic ruin.

As for the research facility, I'll have the money sent to you shortly as foreign aid. Regarding staff at the embassy, currently we allow twenty diplomatic staff, thirty mission staff, and twenty-security. We will allow Ukraine to send an additional forty personnel to each of their missions. What kind of personnel will be sent there will be left to your nation. Is this satisfactory?"



Apr 5, 2020
"That would be a reason to decline sanctions, Ukraine has an interest in protecting democratic institutions. By vouching for representative governments in other states we also support our own. Our vote will always be one for peace and the right to self determination. As for the personnel agreement, we find this more than acceptable. We truly appreciate Canada's kindness and take this as yet further evidence of your acceptance and respect for others."

"We will inform you once construction begins on our facility. We are thinking of placing it somewhere in Donetsk or Luhansk Oblast--in the east. That is why we asked for your opinion on Russia, given its proximity. We want Canada to feel confident in this deal."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Aye, democracy should be protected at all costs - I agree with you. However, voting against this sanction is far more than simply protecting democracy. I believe that Canada has more than proved its value as a potential ally, Minister Gryshchenko. The previous government has made you quite the money with the purchase of your military technology and now my government has sent you the money to fund half of your research and development facility and with that, together, we would be able to achieve new military technology to best that of the United States and Russia themselves. However, if this sanction passes, our two nations will no longer be able to benefit from this new and growing friendship as we would have to cease all discussions both diplomatically and economically - hurting us both. Canada would rather not let that happen as we believe Ukraine and many of the previous USSR nations to have far more potential than being Russia's footstool. Which with the Crimea situation... I imagine Ukraine to be in such a situation -- no offense intended, Minister, Canada is in a similar situation with the United States... but together, we could secure our positions.

I hope that I can count on Ukraine to vote against such an anti-democratic and anti-growth resolution.

Regarding where the facility is built, Minister, wherever you believe it to be safest Canada will support. But, speaking of military equipment. The previous government purchased two thousand six hundred and forty KrAZ-6322s from Ukraine. However, it seems that only one thousand five hundred of them have entered production? May I ask where the other one thousand one hundred and forty of these trucks are, Minister?"



Apr 5, 2020
"I believe the US and Canada have very different relationship from that of Ukraine and Russia--as is the history of these relationships. But I can assure you, Ukraine's vote will be a vote supportive of Democracy.

As for your trucks, they were under production but we're experiencing some unexpected delays in our factories. I've been told there is an issue with some of the equipment used to make them. I'll see if there is anything we can do to speed this up. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Help me understand Minister Gryshchenko. You state there is currently unexpected delays in your factories yet your Ambassador in the current resolution has stated that Ukraine has halted these productions. For the security of the purchase that Canada has given to you, Minister, I must ask the the money for the three thousand one hundred and forty products currently unaccounted for is given back to us. This equals to a total of 1,810,000,000.00$ that have been transferred to Ukraine and is currently not being used for Canada's order. With that said I ask that until Ukraine is ready to restart these productions that your nation resend this 1,810,000,000.00$ within the next seventy-hours."



Apr 5, 2020
“I’m afraid I have no way of monitoring the Global Assembly live. All I can say is what I have reiterated before, your trucks are in production. They were halted temporarily due to defects, but they have been restarted. I do apologize for any inaccurate information our representative may have communicated or any misunderstandings he may have caused. He is a holdover-appointment from my predecessor, Minister Tarasyuk. Now, given the inconvenience of this production delay, Ukraine is more than willing to give you an additional 30% discount of your next defense order.”



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Minister would begin recording the phone call, quietly and during the Ukrainian's speech, his counterpart would be non-the-wiser. "With all due respect, Minister Gryshchenko, with the facts of your representative stating the productions were halted and that Ukraine voted approve on the Resolution to sanction Canada I don't believe I can trust your word. With that said, this leaves me with two options. Either Ukraine gives us all the necessary parts and blueprints to domestically produce the 2,640 vehicles within Canada or I ask that you stop attempting to delay the refund Canada is asking for for the KrAZ-6322s that you have sold to us. This refund will total to 247,500,000.00$. If you do not send us the ability to produce them safely or the refund, Minister, then I am afraid that we will have to bring this to court."



Apr 5, 2020
“Minister Reid, I’m afraid I didn’t expect any phone calls from Canada today. I have another call in about 5 minutes which was scheduled. I’m sorry, but we’ll have to cut this chat short for now. I can transfer you back to my secretary so we can square off some time to specifically discuss your grievances. Ukraine would like happy defense customers because they tend to turn into happy repeat-customers. And I think it would be best for both Canada and Ukraine to avoid needless court litigation. The time and monetary costs would be detrimental to both our countries.”


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Minister Gryshchenko if you transfer or hang up on me Canada will be bringing this matter to court. We are cancelling our order of 2,640 KrAZ-6322s and are demanding our refund of the products. Are you refusing to refund us, Minister?"



Apr 5, 2020
"I will not hang up or transfer you, but this scheduled call demands my immediate and direct attention. Please hold, I will return as soon as I can."

Minister Grushchenko would attempt to place Minister Reid on hold while flipping through his Rolodex for the phone number of literally any Russian official.


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