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[China] Urgent Call to Brazil


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China would issue a urgent call to Brazil's Government, in a private and encrypted way.



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
After ensuring, the line was encrypted, president Romero would pick up the line. "Hello, President Romero, speaking."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Hello President Romero, this is the Minister of Foreign Affairs Affairs, would it be possible to give us a concise reasoning for you actions against France?"


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"They have held our diplomats hostage for nearly two months. They ordered us to leave, but then said the streets of Paris were dangerous for them to control and could not guarantee their safety.

Argentina, then attempted an extraction, but suddenly the French had the police presence to arrest diplomats of both countries.

Weeks later they announced that would gave us another 48 hours to leave, but after being arrested after the last rescue attempt, I was informed by the diplomats that they feared for lives of their families and felt safer in the compound.

Argentina negotiated a peaceful solution whereby I would formally apologise to the French people. In return France, would release the hostages and discontinue the prosecution at the ICJ.

France reneged on that promise, is still holding the diplomats hostage and continues to prosecute the case against us in the ICJ.

The President stops to clear his throat, so much anger is in his voice.

"An apology dod not work, and diplomacy failed. We felt other countries would see it as a sign of weakness and perhaps try to do something similar, just as Germany did in Berlin.

We felt the annexation would get their attention, and get them to the bargaining to table and get our hostages back for the return of their territory."

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"If China could in any way try and speak to the French Government and get them to release your people would Brazil stop the invasion of French Guyana? I do believe that this escalation would be unecessary from Brazil, however we do understand Brazil's position in this matter. But by invading France, you set in motion a gigantic international problem. We both know that, most of the Western Nations dislike Brazil and this move could very well bring them together and..." He would pause. "And force you to stop the invasion..."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Yes, of course. The invasion was just to force's France's hand into doing something, as diplomacy absolutely failed, and the ICJ cases were going nowhere. Trust me, it was a move of last resort. And I have received word that the government of France has fallen. Once this can be confirmed, my troops will immediately pull out of Guiana. On this you have my word."

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His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Encrypted By The Brazilian Cyber Defense Agency
To: The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China
From: Juan DeSilva, Minister of Foreign Affairs if Brazil

"Hello, again Mr.Minister. First I want to say congratulations on being a founding member of the CIS. I am sure it will grow further and be an organization that will do both good, but also be a force to be reckoned with the world over.

Now that the fervor of the Embassy Crises my country has had to endure in Europe are over, and both of those lunatic regimes have been removed from power, I hope we can move on and go back to our normal relations.

Most importantly, we must open trade routes and open up our economies to one another.

We see a need for all five of your National exports as necessary for us to import;
1. Plastics
2. Clothing
3. Furniture
4. Textiles
5. Electrical machinery

These can all be delivered to the Port of Rio.

Are chief exports are:

1. Ethanol Fuel (85% of world production)
2. Oil Seeds (2nd in world; soybeans, non-GMO)
3. Raw Sugar (52% of world market)
4. Beef (2nd in world, 15% of market)
5. Poultry (3rd in the world)

Please inform me of what you want to import from Brazil and what port you would like it delivered to.

I would also like to inform you that my brother, Oscar Romero will be calling your defence minister soon about a pretty large purchase of Chinese Military hardware.


Juan DeSilva


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