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Commonwealth of New Zealand | Message to Afghanistan


GA Member
May 24, 2024
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Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf Agha, Afghanistan < Grant >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 29th of November, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dear Minister Agha,

I would like to formally extend my greetings to you and the Afghani government. I wish to formalise diplomatic relations with your nation through the establishment of mutual embassies in each others' capital cities, or through dual accrediation with another nation. This first step could enable mutual negotiations around trade, border and defence issues. I look forward to your response.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


Jul 1, 2018


To: Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade basedcnt
Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dear Minister Goff,

Thank you for your kind greetings and proposal to start diplomatic relations between our nations. We appreciate New Zealand's interest in establishing mutual embassies and initiating discussions about our nations on trade, border, and defence issues.

An escalating situation within Kabul presents significant challenges to establishing a safe embassy here. Due to the current instability, setting up an embassy in Kabul would be impractical and hazardous. Therefore, I suggest starting diplomatic relations with Afghanistan by establishing an embassy in New Zealand first. We remain committed to enhancing our bilateral relations and look forward to the opportunity to set up an embassy in Kabul once conditions allow.

In the meantime, we are open to exploring alternative arrangements to facilitate our mutual interests. We value your understanding and look forward to continuing our discussions on this crucial matter.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​

Last edited:


GA Member
May 24, 2024

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Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yusuf Agha, Afghanistan < Grant >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 30th of November
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Minister Agha,

Thank you for your speedy reply. Would the Afghani government consider accepting the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok as a dual accrediation embassy, between Afghanistan and Thailand?


Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


Jul 1, 2018


To: Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Basedcnt
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dear Minister Goff,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the potential for the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok, which will serve as a dual-accredited embassy for both Afghanistan and Thailand.

We would appreciate additional details about this proposal so that we can provide a comprehensive and informed response. Specifically, we are keen to understand the security arrangements that would be in place to safeguard sensitive and confidential documents when sharing them in space with other nations' Ambassadors. Given the nature of the information exchanged between New Zealand and Afghanistan, including top-secret communications, ensuring the highest level of security is paramount to us.

Additionally, we would like to note that Afghanistan currently has an Ambassador based in Thailand. Given this existing representation, we are uncertain about the necessity of a dual-accredited embassy arrangement. Instead, we would be more interested in exploring the possibility of establishing an Afghan embassy in New Zealand. This means we could facilitate direct and secure diplomatic interactions.

We look forward to your detailed response on these security aspects and the possibility of a new diplomatic presence in New Zealand.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​


GA Member
May 24, 2024

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Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf Agha, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan < Grant >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 31st of November
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Minister Agha,

New Zealand wishes for joint representation, through the establishment of embassies in each other's capitals. In this case, however, with Kabul unsafe for the establishment of a New Zealand embassy, the currently existing New Zealand Embassy to Thailand in Bangkok would serve as the New Zealand Embassy to Afghanistan, without the physical presence of the embassy. This would be done up until Kabul is deemed safe for New Zealand interests. There would be no Ambassadors from other nations that would have access to confidential documents due to the New Zealand Embassy to Thailand communicating with both Thailand and Afghanistan.

The Afghani Government has every right to establish an Afghan Embassy in Wellington, and we welcome that development. Joint representation is a must, however.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


Jul 1, 2018


To: Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Basedcnt
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dear Minister Goff,

Thank you for clarifying the details surrounding the dual-accreditation embassy and addressing our security concerns.

Your proposed solution of operating through the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok is both practical and considerate. This approach will undoubtedly promote the growth of our diplomatic and bilateral relations while prioritizing the safety and well-being of your diplomatic staff. We appreciate this interim arrangement until Kabul is stabilized, allowing for the eventual establishment of a physical presence in our capital city.

We are delighted to proceed with the establishment of our Embassy in Wellington and look forward to making the necessary arrangements as soon as possible. We plan to send our ambassador, Rahmatullah Safi, to your esteemed nation shortly after the New Year. We have full confidence in Ambassador Safi's expertise and professionalism, and we are certain they will greatly contribute to strengthening our bilateral relations.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​



GA Member
May 24, 2024

Encrypted, Secure - Sensitive

Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf Agha, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan < Grant >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 21st of December, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

It is my pleasure. Bi-lateral dialogue and communication is key to any nation's relationship with another.

A RNZAF transport aircraft can be made available to transport your Ambassador, their family and the Embassy staff to New Zealand from any location within Afghanistan - conflict and risk taken into account - if you so wish.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


Jul 1, 2018



To: Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Basedcnt
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dear Minister Goff,

We are sincerely grateful for the offer to transport our diplomatic personnel and their families to New Zealand. I will coordinate with your office to arrange the necessary logistics. Please be assured that the highest level of caution will be taken during the planning phase to ensure no harm will come to your military personnel while in the local airspace or while on the ground.

I raise my glass to a thriving and favourable friendship between our nations.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​



GA Member
May 24, 2024

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Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf Agha, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan < Grant >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 6th of January, 2005
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Thank you for your assurances. Either the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade or a New Zealand Defence Force representative will contact you shortly to arrange the time and place of the transport aircraft's arrival.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand

rnzaf logo.png

Encrypted, Secure - SECRET

Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf Agha, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan < Grant >
CC: < > < >
Sender: Squadron Leader Brayden MacGregor < >
Date: 7th of January, 2005
Subject: RNZAF Transport of Diplomatic Personnel

Good Morning Minister Agha,

I am SQNLDR MacGregor, in charge of organising the Royal New Zealand Air Force's diplomatic transport mission to Afghanistan. I have a few questions that will need answering in order to properly plan this deployment. These questions are; where is an easily accessible airfield (for the Afghani diplomatic team), with a 1,000 foot runway and low hills around? What is the security state of the airfield/airport/runway chosen? How many people will the Afghani diplomatic team bring? How much cargo and/or vehicles?


Squadron Leader Brayden MacGregor, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Commonwealth of New Zealand


Jul 1, 2018



To: Brayden MacGregor, SQNLDR RNZAF Basedcnt
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade of New Zealand
Subject: RNZAF Transport of Diplomatic Personnel

Dear SQNLDR MacGregor,

Thank you for reaching out and for your efforts in planning the diplomatic transport mission from Afghanistan to New Zealand. As you know, Kabul is in a worsening state of war, which will bring potential risks to you and your team. I will do my best to answer your questions and secure a site with our soldiers where possible.

After conferring with my contact within the Afghan Air Force, we decided that Bagram Air Base, located 25 miles outside of Kabul, is the best location for pickup. This will position your men and their flight paths away from immediate Kabul airspace. Bagram has two active runways, laid with concrete and well 1,000ft in length. There is higher terrain surrounding Bagram, although I'm advised that standard aviation approaches would be sufficient.

The current security state of Bagram Air Base is fully operational and under the control of the Afghan Armed Forces, presenting minimal risk to you or your men. All party members will bring a maximum of two suitcases each, consisting of general essentials and clothing, with none weighing more than 25kg per suitcase.

Our Diplomatic Party will consist of the following:
  • Rahmatullah Safi (Ambassador)
    • Zuha Safi (Wife)
    • Afshaneh Safi (Child)
    • Lodhi Safi(Child)
  • Akbar Atta (Aide)
    • Parigul Atta (Wife)
    • Tajj Atta (Child)
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to ask.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​



GA Member
May 24, 2024
rnzaf logo.png

Encrypted, Secure - SECRET

Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf Agha, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan < Grant >
CC: < > < >
Sender: Squadron Leader Brayden MacGregor < >
Date: 28th of January, 2005
Subject: RNZAF Transport of Diplomatic Personnel
Thank you for your quick reply Minister Agha.

Your information has been of great assitance, and as such a RNZAF 26SQN CA.130J will be dispatched to Bagram Air Base in a week's time (4th of Febuary) to fly the diplomatic team, and their families, to New Zealand. Due to the significant weight capability of the Hercules, it is possible for the Afghan diplomats to bring as much as 1,000 kilograms of any personnel items they may wish.
Additionally, we ask that 2 security officers accompany the aircraft and flight crew. They will not leave the aircraft, and will be armed.
Thank you,

Squadron Leader Brayden MacGregor, Royal New Zealand Air Force
Commonwealth of New Zealand


GA Member
May 24, 2024
On the 3rd of Feburary, 2005, a RNZAF CA.757 would rotate off the runway at Wellington International Airport. Onboard would be 3 diplomatic personnel from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and 2 New Zealand Army infantrymen with a rifle and sidearm each, in addition to its normal crew and an additional 2 flight attendents. The Boeing would be configured for VIP seating and for long-haul, with 6 small bedrooms, a kitchenette, bathroom with shower and storage for food and water replacing all economy seats, on cargo rails for its 7 passengers.
The CA.757, under the callsign KIWI03, would then land and refuel at Darwin International, in the north of Australia (Owen ). When in Darwin, some crew members would depart to buy food, water and other sustenance. It would then takeoff again and land at Suvarnabhumi Airport near Bangkok, Thailand (Bossza007 ), to refuel. Once finished, it would take off again and head for Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Throughout the trip, the aircraft and crew would abide by any and all safety regulations and procedures.

The CA.757 would then land at Bagram, and guided by controllers, taxi to the designated location. The crew would lower the airstair and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs diplomats would disembark.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The RNZAF Boeing 757 would be cleared to land at Darwin International Airport/RAAF Base Darwin and would taxi to the RAAF base side of the airport. There the Army and Air Force Canteen Service would provide the crew with food and drink and the Air Force Base Support Squadron would refuel the aircraft, free of charge as Australia and New Zealand had signed the ANZUS Treaty. The RNZAF crew would be offered to fly west to RAAF Base Cocos Islands on their journey to Afghanistan as the range of the aircraft would mean that a refuelling stop on Cocos would provide them with the necessary distance to travel to Afghanistan. RAAF Base Cocos Islands would have sufficient runway to handle a Boeing 757.



Jul 1, 2018
As Rahmatullah Safi, the Afghan Ambassador, boarded the CA.757 with his family and aide, the atmosphere was respectful and calm. He greeted the flight crew politely before guiding his wife and children to their seats. Behind them, Akbar Atta, his aide, followed with his own family. Both families carried considerable baggage—personal belongings, household items, and essentials for their new life in New Zealand. They would soon be taking up residence there for Rahmatullah’s diplomatic posting, and their luggage reflected the long-term nature of the move.

While the passengers settled in, the Afghan Air Force ground crews were hard at work on the tarmac, preparing the aircraft for its return journey. Technicians checked the fuel levels, ensuring no delays during the long-haul flight back. In a coordinated effort, the ground crew inspected every detail of the aircraft’s exterior, from the engine nacelles to the control surfaces, ensuring the CA.757 would be fully operational for its flight back to New Zealand. Extra care was taken to secure the additional baggage properly in the cargo hold.

Meanwhile, inside the cabin, Rahmatullah glanced out the window at the activity below, momentarily reflecting on his new posting. Once everyone was seated, he moved to another row where his aide, Akbar Atta, waited. With a focused demeanour, Rahmatullah opened his briefcase containing critical documents for their upcoming diplomatic posting. Handing Akbar several pages, they quietly reviewed the plans and discussed scheduled meetings with New Zealand leaders. Their exchange was efficient as Akbar jotted down notes while Rahmatullah highlighted specific points. Their teamwork reflected the weight of the responsibilities they would soon face as they prepared for their new life in New Zealand.


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