Start Year: 1995
Current Year: 2006

Month: April

2 Weeks is 1 Month
Next Month: 23/03/2025


Administration Team

Administrators are in-charge of the forums overall, ensuring it remains updated, fresh and constantly growing.

Administrator: Jamie
Administrator: Hollie

Community Support

Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.

Moderator: Connor
Moderator: Odinson
Moderator: ManBear

Have a Question?
Open a Support Ticket



Community Support Guide

◤ Community Support Guide
In brief, the community support section allows players to submit support tickets where they can be responded to with an official solution by the subject matter expert. These tickets remain a permanent record in the section and can only be viewed by the player submitting the ticket and the Community Support Team. The support ticket system is broken down into six categories:

[1] General Inquiry
Have a question that doesn't fit any of the below? General inquiry is probably the best option for you.​

[2] Price Request
Our bespoke economy system includes a huge directory of individually valued products. All of these products are viewable within the Catalogue and for any nation to start a production it must be in the list. If there are products not on the catalouge, you should create a ticket under this prefix. These can include a maximum for 5 products per ticket and you may only have one unresolved ticket open at any one time.​

[3] Thread Management
Anything in relation to the physical management of posted threads should be under this prefix - this includes anything that needs pinning, moving, locking or deleting. When creating a ticket relating to the management of threads you must include all the relevant links and thread names to prevent any unintentional mistakes being made during processing.​

[4] Economy Support
Prior to submitting a ticket under this prefix make sure you have visited our Economy System information page which details much of how our economy works in extensive detail. If you still can't find your answer, this prefix relates purely to our Economy System and any additional queries you may have.​

[5] Technical Support
For any support in relation to any technical matter including subforum requests, bugs or issues with your account.​

Submitting a Ticket
First and foremost, you must check the Frequently Asked Questions to see whether your query has been answered before!

If not, start a thread in the Community Support section. Title your thread appropriately and select the relevant prefix. The content of your thread should provide as much detail as possible, please make sure you include any relevant links or screenshots.

We endeavour to respond to unresolved tickets as soon as possible but please appreciate that there may be delays, particularly if your ticket is complex or requires escalation. Price Requests are often complicated and each product requires individual investigation which often results in extended delays to the resolution of the ticket.

You may notice a green tick at the bottom of a response within your ticket () and this same reply is duplicated at the top of the thread immediately below your original post. This indicates that a ticket has been resolved. If you feel you have't had an adequate response, simply post a new reply within the same ticket - please do not generate a new thread relating to the same subject.

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