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[Congo] Diplomatic Cable to Russia

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Chief of the Army Muhammed Onwudiwe would put through a video call to the Russian ministry of foreign affairs to discuss the countries relations.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, would answer the video call through an encrypted feed.

"Good day, Mr. Onwudiwe. How may I help you?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"And a good day to you as well, Mr. Ivanov. Following our agreement on the Congo's local production of Russian aircraft, and further purchases from the Russian government of defense equipment, we find it paramount that we open up diplomatic relations with Russia and privately discuss matters of importance in the world right now."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Of course, the Congolese Empire is among the most important nations of Africa. Assuring proper relations is paramount for us as well.

First, we wanted to discuss the 'empire' part of the modern Congo. Please, help us understand the Congolese Empire: what are your international stances; are you a constitutional monarchy; does Emperor Gowon trace his lineage back to the House of Água Rosada?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Of course, you'd want an outline as to what we are as a government- Internationally, we are trying to make new allies and support the other constitutional monarchies across the world. As we've seen what it has done to us we are trying to spread it to others. Our primary focus at the moment is on defense, with Nigeria rapidly militarizing we fear for not only our own safety but that of other African nations and the reputation of our continent as a whole. We do not want to be seen as warmongers.

As for the government, we are a constitutional monarchy and have a single parliament that consists of 358 seats. This parliament is the major law-making body of the nation, which the emperor takes part in via 'appointed representatives', members of parliament who are appointed by and closely follow the will of the Emperor. There are currently 120 of these appointed representatives in the parliament, though this can fluctuate up and down depending on the nation's situation. The rest of the members of parliament are elected by the people, though no prime minister exists. The Emperor is the Head of State, as well as the Head of Government and the ultimate Chief of the Armed Forces.

As for legitimacy," Onwudiwe would check the security of their connection, then directly face the camera. "While we have confirmed through DNA testing that Emperor Gowon is a descendant of the House of Água Rosada, we cannot say for certain which portion of the house he descends from or if there are other living claimants who have a legitimate or stronger claim. As it stands, Emperor Gowon is the rightful ruler of the Congo, even if it is out of the order of inheritance."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Ah, wonderful. Please know that I meant no offense and certainly wasn't questioning your Emperor's legitimacy, it was simply my curiosity. It's good to know that the Congo is a constitutional monarchy. The Russian government believes that this type of government is the strongest for assured democracy, especially in an unstable land such as Africa.

Regarding your defense, Mr. Onwudiwe, I can assure you that Russia will do its best to aid in that aspect. With Sweden, a nation stuck in imperialism, having invaded and annexed South Africa and reinstated Apartheid rule in the region, Russia's goal in the African continent is to assure strong and stable nations and militaries to assure that this imperialism does not extend and perhaps one day: remove imperialism from Africa permanently. We are already working closely with the Nigerian government in assuring this and would happily extend this support to the Congolese Empire. In fact, if it makes you more comfortable, perhaps Russia could be a middle-man between the Congo and Nigeria in potentially discussing a non-aggression pact? Assuring that your efforts are put towards the true enemy?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Yes, mediation for a non-aggression pact would be much appreciated. Again, while we want to remain in good relations with our neighbors, it would seem the world around us is caught in a massive and far-reaching arms race which we simply cannot ignore... hence why we have been purchasing so much equipment from both your government and Turkey's. While our primary mission is defense, we cannot neglect our offensive and intervention capabilities."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Wonderful, I'll notify the Russian Ambassador in Nigeria to discuss a NAP with the Nigerian government. But yes, the world is in quite the arms race at the moment, but that isn't a bad thing per se, Mr. Onwudiwe. For a continent such as Africa, this arm race can in fact become a very good thing, proof of this is the fact that Sweden has already delivered an immense blow to the continent by invading and annexing a sovereign nation. This arms race can assure that this does not happen again.

Regarding Turkey, Mr. Onwudiwe. May I ask exactly what the relation between your nation and Turkey is?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"We would like to think that our relations with Turkey are in good order, similar to ours with your government but with far less familiarity considering their lack of a monarch. We support the dismantling of the Israeli state, though not necessarily the Turkish approach to it. They provide us with affordable weaponry that makes up a large portion of our ground forces equipment. Otherwise, we have no commitments.

"On another note, I would like to know you Russian's opinion on a potential expansion of the Congo further into Africa. Of course as non-violent as possible, maintaining a policy of solely targeting military targets and hopefully, before even that coming to a diplomatic agreement. Now, keep in mind we do not have any plans of this sort in place and we are certainly not in any position to act on it if we were to want to.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"That's a reasonable relationship for a nation such as Turkey, Mr. Onwudiwe. While we're still on this topic, what are your stances on Sweden and its invasion of South Africa?

Regarding expansion... I suppose if your nation has proper claims to territories that are no longer yours that the Kremlin would look over the claims and make a decision. Although, we do support upholding the peace in Africa for as long as possible, after all the true enemy are the European nations that remain stuck in imperialism. Wouldn't you agree?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Whenever it comes to European imperialism, our stance is as firm as that of our gods. Any white man who attempts to bring armed forces into Africa without express request from an African country should ne struck down without hesitation. Our armed forces are fully prepared for when the time comes to forcefully dismantle the Swedish occupation force and replace it with a fair monarch who can bring South Africa out of the dark ages. All we need is a more substantial coalition to face such a world power.

And yes, we intend to maintain the peace for at minimum as long as Europeans maintain a foothold in Africa. Now is a time for unity above all else to take down the menace that lurks to the south. Once total African dominance of the continent is achieved, we may then press our legitimate claims."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Good," the Russian man would state, "like the Russian people, the Africans have suffered for centuries. Together, with the aid of other African nations, we can assure that this suffering ends in Africa. Now, of course, we support a purely defense way of going about this, after all Russia is a member of the Global Assembly... However, we will do everything in our power to support and arm any African nation that wishes to keep African sovereignty from European nations. With that said, Mr. Onwudiwe, the Russian Ambassador in Nigeria has spoken with the Nigerians to hold a summit here in the Congo to sign a Non-Aggression Pact between your two nations, additionally, if you so wish - we can sign it too.

Furthermore, I wished to bring to your attention an independent company in Russia named Wagner Group that would be willing to structure your armed forces for a small fee if you so wished. Additionally, they also provide high-end training in various fields of warfare: asymmetric, guerilla and anti-guerilla tactics, mountain warfare, desert warfare, jungle warfare, urban warfare, and can also train your pilots. I'm certain that hiring their services would give your nation a small boost over your neighboring nations and would certainly help your armed forces modernize."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Fantastic, I can host the summit at the Palace of the People, in the Vacant Senate Chamber not used by our Imperial Diet. Your representatives can begin departing immediately. We would be much interested in signing the treaty with the Russian Empire as well.

We have also looked into this Wagner Group and will be looking in the future to purchase their services to aid in furthering our air and ground forces preparedness and ability. If that is all we would like to discuss on this call, I will be awaiting you and the Nigerian representative in the Congo."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Wonderful, Mr. Onwiwude, I will inform the Nigerians and prepare Moscow to have diplomats attend the summit. Until we meet again, Sir."

If there was nothing else, the Russian Minister would end the video call.

Kelly the Mad

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