- May 4, 2021
- 3,295

The Court of Justice of Thailand, as defined by the Constitution, is responsible for adjudicating all legal disputes except those specifically assigned to other courts. It operates as a hierarchical system with the Supreme Court at the apex, serving as the final court of appeal for civil and criminal cases. Below the Supreme Court are the Provincial Courts of Justice, maintained by Provincial Administrative Organizations, which handle cases within their respective provinces and may hear appeals from District Courts. District Courts of Justice, maintained by District Administrative Organizations, preside over cases within their districts and can also consider appeals from the People's Court. Justices of the Supreme Court are elected democratically by all personnel within the Courts of Justice, ensuring a degree of internal accountability. Personnel administration for judges across all levels of the Court of Justice is managed independently by the Judicial Commission of the Courts of Justice, composed of judicial officers and elected non-judges, to maintain judicial independence and integrity.