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Declaration of war against the Kingdom of Sweden


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

P.W. Botha would sit firmly at his desk, facing the camera. He would speak in Afrikaans. An English transcript would be distributed to the world's media.

"Mede Suid-Afrikaners,

Dit het onder my aandag gekom dat Suid-Afrika se gebied tans deur 'n vreemde moondheid beset word. Die Koninkryk Swede het die Suid-Afrikaanse soewereiniteit oor die Prince Edward-eilande met geweld verwyder deur die onwettige liggaam van die Global Assembly. Hulle beset tans hierdie eilande en dit is onaanvaarbaar. Dit is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse gebied. Ons sal nie van hierdie bedreiging afskrik nie, en dit is duidelik 'n daad van aggressie en skending van Suid-Afrikaanse gebied. Swede is te lank 'n bedreiging vir die wêreld. Hulle druk, ondermyn en vind hul vetterige hande in almal se binnelandse sake. Hulle is ook so erg soos die ondraaglike swartes. Vanaf hierdie punt het die Republiek van Suid-Afrika oorlog teen die Koninkryk Swede verklaar. Ek vra dat elke Blanke Suid-Afrikaanse man, vrou en kind saamstaan in die gesig van hierdie onuitgelokte aggressie deur die Sweedse regering. Ons sal hulle verslaan, ons sal ons gebied herwin en ons sal oorwin.

Dit is al. "


"Fellow South Africans,

It has come to my attention that territory of South Africa is currently occupied by a foreign power. The Kingdom of Sweden has forcibly removed, through the illegitimate body of the Global Assembly, the South African sovereignty over the Prince Edward Islands. They currently are occupying these islands and this is unacceptable. This is South African territory. We will not shy away from this threat and it is clearly an act of aggression and violation of South African territory. Sweden has been a menace to the world for too long. They pressure, subvert and find their greasy hands into everybody's internal affairs. They are also as bad as the insufferable blacks. From this point onward, the Republic of South Africa has declared war on the Kingdom of Sweden. I ask that every White South African man, woman and child stand together in the face of this unprovoked aggression by the Swedish Government. We will defeat them, we will reclaim our territory and we will be victorious.

That is all."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Declaration of War would be rescinded and an official apology would be issued to the Kingdom of Sweden.

"To the people of Sweden,

On behalf of the Government of South Africa I officially apologise for the actions of the Government which occurred a couple of months ago and have rescinded our declaration of war. We hope for nothing but peace and prosperity between the people of South Africa and the people of Sweden in the coming years ahead. It is my expectation that we can forge a great path towards friendship and reconciliation. We rescind all claims to Swedish territory in the Antarctic and Prince Edward Islands and recognise it as the sovereign territory of Sweden.

Yours Truly,
P.W. Botha,
State President of South Africa."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The message to Sweden would be passed to and broadcast across national and international networks within the media sphere.

No official comment would come from the government immediately following this statement whilst the Prime Minister, alongside his various ministers, aides and advisors would conduct the necessary meetings in conjunction with the National Security Council as well as international allies, partners and friends. Undoubtedly the general public would have questions and demand answers from their government in relation to this matter however at this fragile stage the government would continue to refuse comment.

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