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Diplomatic Cable < New Zealand >


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand < basedcnt >
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation < >
[Subject]: Bilateral Relations
Your Excellency,

I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out in the hopes of restoring Russo-New Zealand relations and developing our bilateral relations.

His Excellency has identified the need for stronger relations and hopes that Australia will reciprocate this energy. Our Ministry is eager to engage in a constructive dialogue with you.

I hope that we may talk to allow us to facilitate open and transparent communication on matters of common interest. This talk could serve as a platform for discussing political, economic, cultural, and security-related issues. Additionally, we are keen on exploring opportunities for collaborative initiatives in areas such as defense cooperation, energy relations, and industrial development.

We are eager to further Russian investments in New Zealand, provide access to Russian equipment, and develop positive relations that will provide peace and security in Oceania. In addition we hope to cement a new era for Russia's role in the region and to play a positive one at that.

I look forward to the prospect of working closely with you to build a foundation of trust and cooperation between our nations.

Please let me know a suitable time to meet over the phone

Best regards,
Lucie Albrecht
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation


GA Member
May 24, 2024

Encrypted, Secure

Recipient: Minister of Foreign Affairs Lucie Albrecht, Russian Federation < >
Sender: Minster of Foreign Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Subject: Bilateral Relations

Minister Albrecht,

Thank you for reaching out on behalf of your government. We would also like to improve our relations, and are willing to talk to matters of economic cooporation and renewable energy devlopment. Foreign investment in New Zealand is highly competetive and encouraged, and your nation's businesses are welcome to compete for both business and government contracts. Recent increasing tensions have also been at the forefront of this Government's notice, and we hope your nation will not interfere with any decrease in those tensions, as war is bad for business.

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade looks forward to hearing from the Russian Federation again.

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Commonwealth of New Zealand

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand < basedcnt >
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation < >
[Subject]: Bilateral Relations
Minister Goff,

I trust this message finds you well.

Thank you for reaching out to my office. I am excited to see things off to a good start. I am eager to see our relations improve and find ways for mutual cooperation to be the bedrock of our new partnership.

My office will set up a secured line for our two governments to discuss matters of concern regarding recent tensions and ways to enhance Russian-New Zealand economic and cultural ties.

Best regards,
Lucie Albrecht
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation

In the halls of the Foreign Ministry, three men, dressed in military attire from the army, one of whom was dressed in the uniform of the naval forces, would walk towards the Minister's office. Her office was dimly lit by the warm yellow lights casting on the burgundy walls, the Foreign Minister greeted the officers who were defense analysts and planners from the Ministry of Defense.

Once the officers were sat in a conference room, they would be join them along with several other foreign affairs specialists as they dialed into the New Zealand Foreign Ministry. Once the call was accepted by the Kiwis, the secure line was encrypted and the Minister began to speak.

"Hello Minister Goff, it is a pleasure to speak with you. Thank you for taking the call. I am sure we have much to discuss and I hope you can get us started on the recent tensions that have concerned you."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Minister would reply, "Thank you for contacting us, Minister Albrecht. I agree, relations between New Zealand and the rest of the world are as important as ever. The disagreements between Australian and Thai authorities, nor the New Caledonia issue, is not something we intend to have a vested interest in; indeed we hope your government feels the same. We would like to increases business dealings with Russia in the meantime."

The New Zealand Minister for Foreign Affairs would have a Defence aide, the Minister for Trade Hon. Jim Sutton and the Secratary of Foreign Affairs and Trade sitting around him as he spoke.

"We would like to discuss economic trade and technological agreemtns between our nations, especially in regards to nuclear energy power as a transition for New Zealand from non-renewable to renewable sources."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes. We've been working on the normalization of relations with Thailand. I can say that they have proved to be difficult but nonetheless we are receiving active engagement by Thailand to rectify the issues. As for the Australians, talking to them has been similar to talking to a wall. However, I digress. The focus as you said should be how we can advance our mutual ties.

I am happy to hear that you are eager to enhance business dealings. Please, I would love to hear further how we can create new economic ties and how Russia can assist New Zealand's civilian nuclear project which we are eager to participate in.

In addition, I hope New Zealand will turn to purchasing Russian weapons to strengthen its defense forces and Russia is eager to offer support for New Zealand's rebuilding of its armed forces."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"We are sorry to hear your communication issues with Australia; if there is anything we could help with, let us know.

The New Zealand Government, and Ministry of Energy, has recently started a project to power the entirety of New Zealand with nuclear energy. We have not gotten very far due to lack of experience, manpower and funding, although we are taking steps to solve this issue, which includes contacting countries with nuclear energy programs like yours, the United States, Japan, Australia, France and the United Kingdom. In approximatly 90 days, we would like to start a state-owned enterprise composed of 1/3 New Zealand owned, and the rest split between any nation willing to help the program.

We have been investigating Russian and American weapons; for the time being, we will operate American maritime patrol and ASW aircraft due to interoperability requirements with Australia and range requirements that Russian aircraft cannot match. However, the NZ MoD is looking at purchasing up to 3 strategic transport aircraft, which could be Il-76 aircraft."


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I will be sure to express your support to my Government. Should it become a priority again for my Government we will be sure to ask for your assistance.

I am happy to hear about your ambitious energy project. Please be assured Russia is happy to support New Zealand and our nuclear energy companies have helped develop nuclear power plants in Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, and Turkey. We are more than ready to help New Zealand.

I will be sure to have our energy minister visist Auckland to discuss this further but if you could tell me the total number of watts you seek to acquire, proposed locations, and funding expectations that would be appreciated.

Lastly, if your government would be interested the Russian Armed Forces could deploy its airborne forces to New Zealand to give your government a live demonstration. On the issue of interoperability, former Warsaw Pact nations have continued to use their Russian equipment without issue such as Poland. As well as Germany, Portugal, and Canada having previously purchased Russian equipment."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"Certainly, our preliminary figures for watt output (from converted coal plants) are 4GWh per year. New Zealand needs about 40,000GWh of energy per year. I must mention that the nuclear plants are meant to replace the coal, and in future oil, plants, not the many hydro-electric plants currently in use.

Some locations include converting coal plants like Huntly Power Plant - which is the only real option in that category - and manafacturing new plants near high-voltage substations. They would have to be built in the less-populated southern island, and on flat ground which is relatively hard to find there. Some locations include 12km north of Bolfour, at 168*35'30"E, 45*43'45"S.

Another option is remanafctuaring old plants, such as one near the decommissioned Meremere Plant, to save on costs associated with the junction and other electrical systems. Our preliminary cost is about 5 billion USD per plant, not including land suitability development. We would expect about 800MW per reactor at first.

We would be glad to see an Airbourne demostration. What is the Russian Airbourne Force's average airdrop size? I would not want to suggest a demonstration size that does not coencide with doctrine."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I will be sure to pass this information onwards to the Ministry of Energy and we can have a delegation visit New Zealand by the weekend. The technical details will be hashed out by them.

As for the airborne demonstration, we can offer a limited exercise of two companies of our airborne forces to showcase the Il-76 including how it can transport Russian troops and their equipment from Vladivostok all the way to New Zealand."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"Thank you; please insure that itenery details are sent to my department. I will get some representatives from the Ministry of Energy to meet your Government's counterpart.

If two companies is an effecient amount for such a demonstration, then organise a time and date - and send it through to the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foriegn Affairs and Trade - and you can perform the demostration at the Tekapo Military Training Area, in the South Island of New Zealand."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you, my office will have that information shared as soon as possible." She said as she flipped over her report. "I would also like to gauge New Zealand's interest in a trade agreement to cover raw material exports to New Zealand and higher quality end products as well."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"We would be interested in signing an import-export agreement with Russia, mainly for the import of petroluem to New Zealand and for the export of lamb to Russia. Any country, yours included, is more than welcome to export to private businesses based in New Zealand."

The New Zealand end went mute for a few seconds, then the New Zealand Mnister would come back and say, "A Defence aide I have here has raised an important question. Is the Il-76 reconfiguable for long-range anti-ship duties and or for AEW&C? We are aware of the A-50, but I'm asking in a more tactical sense, ie. can be configured from regular troop version for strike duties in under 12 hours?"

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"We would be happy to raise this proposed trade deal to our trade ministry in addition we would like to include a potential uranium export clause for your nuclear power plants. As well as to export to New Zealand under no tariffs electronics, and other luxury and personal goods such as clothing and apparel." She said as she looked at her notes.

"As far as I am aware, with the Il-76 you would need to purchase separate aircrafts as the weapons systems, radar equipment, and inner configurations are not interchangeable. Is there any specific reason why you are looking for a one-fits all aircraft?"



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"That is agreeable, thank you. One minor not however, we are looking at multiple sources from which to import uranium ore."

"Yes, the New Zealand Defence Force does not have that many funds devoted to it, and a modular aircraft that can perform strike, AEW and transport duties will lower cost of the aircraft and cost per flight hour. There is no way to put long-range cruise missiles on the Il-76's external hardpoints?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"The Uranium Export clause can be structured in a way that allows for multiple sellers. Its main purpose is to set the legal standards and contract for the sale." Albrecht said as she tried to find some information on the Il-76 in the Ministry's Database. "I am going to be honest, I am no defense expert. However, the Il-76 was not designed with this in mind. I am sure that you can probably put some missiles on the two external hardpoints with a more modernized aircraft but that would be a limited strike-capable aircraft. It would not be able to act as an AW&EC or an anti-ship along with being a transport aircraft. If money is an issue, we can discuss perhaps a payment scheme that makes the purchase more reasonable for your government?"



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"This is suitable for us; would you prefer my Ministry to draft it?"

The Minister would then start speaking, obviously being prompted by the Defence aide with him. "Any basic strike capability is suitable, and places the Il-76 ahead of any would-be competitors. Thank you for the payment plan offer, we will evaluate potential costs with the New Zealand Treasury, as soon as we have them and after the demonstration."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes if you'd like to propose some language I would be happy to send it to our legal office for review. I can have our delegation in Auckland within a few weeks to fully flush out the details and propose a larger nuclear energy proposal. I would request you provide us with suitable locations for the potential plant and the specifications of what else may be needed."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"Excellent. I will send over some preliminary ideas about location and specifications, and we look forward to your delegation's visit. Also, the delegation would probably be better recieved in Wellington, as that is where most of Government is."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Wellington sounds good. I look forward to a positive outcome from their meeting and for developing Russo-New Zealand ties.

The VDV would like to host the demonstration in October if that is appropriate for your government."

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GA Member
May 24, 2024
"Thank you, October is suitable. If we have no other topics or agendas to speak about, I believe we may end the call."

If there were no other topics or agendas to be discussed, the New Zealand representative would offer his farewells, thanks and good-byes and disconnect after the Russian representative finishes.


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