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Diplomatic Call < United States >


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
In the late hours of the evening, the soft amber glow of the desk lamp was the only light cutting through the otherwise dim atmosphere of Minister Albrecht’s office. The rich mahogany furniture and deep burgundy walls cast long shadows, giving the space a quiet solemnity. The Foreign Minister's brow was furrowed as she read the draft email to Poland, the impending legal concern over Russia's deployment of Special Forces without a status of forces agreement was being discussed by the office of legal counsel. She read an email from the same office on the legality of killing the Thai worker's front President on visit to Kyiv. However, Albrecht’s mind was tired from the day's endless briefings, each more troubling than the last. Her hand instinctively moved to adjust her glasses, which had slipped down to the tip of her nose, and she sighed heavily. With each passing day, the stakes felt higher. The escalating situation in Syria, the rising tension with France, and the growing friction within the European weighed heavily on her.

The recent national security meeting had only exacerbated her unease. The Generals spoke of troop movements and the intelligence reports were more grim than the one before. The idea of conflict with France, once unthinkable, was now a very real possibility. Her dream of fostering a European entente, one where Russia would with France help lead the continent into an era of stability and prosperity, felt increasingly distant. The Slavic-centric policies advocated by the hardliners within the Kremlin were gaining traction, and the ideals she had fought for were slipping away.

As she leaned back in her chair, stretching her stiff shoulders and arms, her secretary knocked lightly on the door, stepping in with a hushed tone.

“Madame Minister, your call with the U.S. Secretary of State is ready. It’s been secured and encrypted.”

Albrecht nodded, her mind already shifting gears. Her thoughts raced, contemplating how much to reveal, how much to hold back. Russia's position in the Syrian conflict was delicate, and the balance of power in the Middle East was fragile. She knew that Washington would have its own agenda, and trust between the two nations was getting better but she did not want to seem to pro-American and run the risk of being ousted by the hardliners.

Reaching across her desk, she flipped the switch on the secure phone, the faint hum of encryption initiating as she took a deep breath. She straightened in her chair, her expression hardening as she closed the windows on her screen letting the desktop page simmer in fornt of her. The line connected.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

In Washington D.C. it was the mid-afternoon. He had just eaten a shrimp Caesar salad for lunch on one of the rare days where he was able to eat lunch alone. He savored these days where he could sit back, eat, and relax... well, it was his version of "relaxing" for lunch. While he ate, his mind would usually race about work and his personal life. To combat these productive thoughts while he was trying to be unproductive, he would listen to the radio, watch a movie on his laptop computer, or search the World Wide Web.

Right now he was busy planning a State Visit for the Australian government as well as the diplomatic consequences of moving troops and assets to the Pacific and Australia. The State Department's focus was, in many ways, on Asia while so much was occurring in Syria, but they were not totally blind to what was going on. Secretary Adams was surprised to get an unscheduled phone call from the Russian Foreign Minister, but he didn't hesitate to take it on his secure line.

"This is Secretary Adams... Good evening, Madame Minister," he said as he sat at his desk so that he could take notes if needed, and one of his senior staffers sat on the other side of his desk in case he needed some assistance during the conversation.

"How can I be of service?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Secretary Adams, it is a pleasure," Lucie said as she rubbed her eyes softly. "I apologize for the sudden call. If I had the luxury of time, I would've been more courteous." Lucie said with a mild sigh as she looked down at the minutes from the Federal Security Council meeting.

"As you are aware, events in Syria are continuing to escalate both from a rhetoric standpoint by Thailand and France, but also militarily. Last evening, Russian forces observed intensive clashes between Rebel forces in Syria, and several hours ago, the Russian Navy detected a fleet-sized element of French warships steaming towards Syrian territory." Lucie sa,id looking at the map the GRU provided.

"While I can not say I fully understand its composition, the fleet will be intercepted by the Russian Navy as soon as it nears Syria and will be informed they can not proceed any further. I am hopeful the French will heed caution and turn back around." Lucie traced the map with her fingers as she spoke to Adams. "The Russian Government is currently supporting the legitimate Syrian Government in administering security and control over two provinces, Latakia and Tartarus, where significant Russian assets remain. This is all to say, Secretary Adams, there is the potential for a powder keg to explore here and President Nemtsov has instructed me to consult with your Government and explain the situation."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"That is indeed concerning," Adams said.

"I'm hoping that you could elaborate more on Russia's position in Syria and what your government's objectives are there? Regardless, an international incident or escalation between Russia and France is certainly not desirable. Has your government tried reaching out to France diplomatically to resolve this?" he asked.

"I will be sure that President Sinclair is informed of how just sensitive the situation is over there, immediately," he said. Adams called a member of his staff to his office and told him to draft a memo to the President to inform him of a potential developing situation in the Mediterranean.

"If there is more of a developing situation in the area, the United States will be at the forefront of doing everything possible to ensure that there is a peaceful resolution," he said sincerely.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Russia is supporting the legitimate government of Syria Secretary Adams," Lucie said. "When terrorists took Damascus, they beheaded the higher elements of Syria's Government, however, Russia was able to evacuate a large number of civil servants and members of government to Latakia, where the Syrian Government is now based. In line with the wishes of the Syrian Government, we are fighting terrorist groups across Syria."

Lucie rubbed the top of her eyes with her nails as she laid back into her chair. "Yes, a clash between our navies in the Eastern Mediternean is not desirable. However, there is no outcome other than a French withdrawal that will be appropriate, Secretary Adams. We will not allow neo-imperialists to land and colonize Syria." Lucie added "Our two governments collaborated before to stop imperialists in London and Paris from trying to keep their colonial enterprise in the Suez, I hope that your government will reject France and their allies' attempts to bring terrorists into power in Syria and to support French colonial ambitions in the Middle East."


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