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Diplomatic Communications - Poland|Japan


GA Member
May 22, 2020
A call would be placed to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The call would be encrypted on the Polish side. Once answered a young male voice would begin speaking once able.

"This is the Min...Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are seeking a secured line with whomever is available to speak with a delegate from Poland. Thank you"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Makiko Tanaka the Minister for Foreign Affairs would pick up the phone.

"This is the Minister, how can I help you today?"



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Once the line was answered, the call would be transferred to the the diplomat assigned to Japan.

"Konnichiwa. My name is Rajmund Kosmatka and I have been assigned to Polish-Japanese relations. With the recent political changes within Poland, I have been assigned Japanese relations. I am reaching out to you today to discuss Polish-Japanese relations. Would this be a good time to talk, sir?" The voice was that of a middle-aged man who's Japanese accent had no trace of a Polish accent.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Makiko would wake up.

"Huh oh... oh sorry.

Yes this is a good time to talk. How can we help you? Poland and Japan don't seem like a traditional type of friendship but I'm sure we could make it happen. As you know, Russia stretches from Eastern Europe to right next door to us. So regardless, Eastern Europe affects us in one way or another as Russia is considered one of our biggest geopolitical challenges because they have their little tentacles in Asia. So yes.. this friendship could work despite our culture and geographical differences."



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Secured and Encrypted

"Thank you Minister for taking the time. And I agree, while Japan and Poland are not a traditional friendship, I'm sure we will be able to make excellent headway towards that goal. We are in agreement with Russia. They are our biggest geopolitical challenges within Eastern Europe, and Europe as a whole, at the moment. With the world economic crisis burgeoning from within Russia, we cannot help by be worried about the attempts at a Soviet-era military that Russia has tried, and failed, at. But, I digress, the reason I am contacting you at this time is to discuss a few things. First and foremost is the possibility of a trade deal between Poland and Japan. We have a number of exports that will hopefully help Japan's economy and Japan has the same for Poland. At this moment we are able to offer natural gas, sulfur, amber, car parts, and copper."

The Ambassador would proceed to take a drink of the coffee sitting on his desk after he finished talking.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"As you know Japan is a big manufacturer of cars, so we are able to export them. Obviously these cars are made with 100% Japanese parts so we're not too interested in those, but we could use the copper to help in production. Natural gas is also something we need. Japan is more reliant than other countries on natural resources so the more natural resources you have the more we will be interested. We currently do not have a merchant navy fleet so any trade will have to begin at a later date but we are very much so interested in trading with Poland."



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"We understand trying to keep local industries alive, such as those making car parts. Poland would be amenable to trading natural gas and copper with the Empire of Japan in exchange for vehicles. Once Japan is ready to trade, let me know and I will be sure to draft a Trade Agreement. The second article have been asked to bring up, is travel and tourism between Japan and Poland. Both of our nations have long histories, old infrastructure, and a need to increase revenue during this tough times with the current economic crisis. What we propose, if Japan is agreeable, is a visa waiver program where citizens of our two great nations can travel, for up to 90 days, to either nation. This would promote tourism and trade while reducing queue times for visas, making the lives of our embassy staff easier. We could revisit this program in six months times to see if the effect is working. Does this sound agreeable to you, Minister?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"We could definitely see ourselves working on a path to having 90 days visa free status between our two countries. We already have it in place for a range of countries but Poland is not one of them. Obviously we would need to assess the sort of..... characters that leave Poland for other nations. We don't want any Poles overstaying their welcome or the condition of their visa. Is it true many Polish people go across Europe to find work? We don't want to see that happen here so obviously we're cautious to open to former Soviet republics..."



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Secured and Encrypted

"Unfortunately, Minister, those are stereotypes spread to keep Eastern Europeans at bay. At that is at the best of conditions. Apart of Poland's foreign affairs agenda is to end such harmful stereotypes about Polish, and other Eastern European counties, citizens. Unemployment in Poland is at a remarkable low, not much higher than that of Japan's. And while there are criminals originating in Poland who operate international, we are working to end this. As this visa would be a tourist visa, they would not be allowed to work abroad, unless the host nation's laws allow it. Sure they could work illegally, but that would not be our Citizen's fault. It would the Japanese employers. But, while I do not agree with your statements, I can understand where you are coming from in regards to Russia. We can come back to this discussion at a later date, if you wish. Is there anything else that Japan would like to discuss?"

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