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Diplomatic Communications | Poland-Netherlands


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tim

From: Szymon Tabaka

Subject: Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Poland

Security: Secured and Encrypted


I apologize if this is not an opportune time to be conversing but my name is Szymon Tabaka. I have recently been appointed Ambassador to the Netherlands. While my paperwork is being filed for my transfer to the Polish Embassy within the Netherlands, I wanted to reach out to whomever has time to discuss some subject matters with me. I have a couple articles on my agenda before I assume the full position and would much like to get them sorted before I arrive. First of which, how is the Kingdom of the Netherlands fairing with the World Economic Crisis? As a recent addition to the list of nations to have a sitting Monarch, Poland felt it as a duty to reach out and assess how our sister nations are fairing.

Szymon Tabaka
Polish Ambassador to the Netherlands


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020



Ambassador Tahaka < ManBear >​
RE: Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Poland​
Dear Ambassador Tabaka,

Thank you for your message, it does not come unwanted as our ministry has reached the point were our new administration is eager to establish relationships with old and new friends for the future of our country.

I can start with the economic crisis, our country is suffering a spike in crime not seen in the last decennia because of the economic hardship some are suffering. Luckily with our social welfare system we have ensured that the unemployment has stayed at a low and steady level. Tourism is down, as can be expected, and we are currently suffering from low trade which is one of our main goals for the short term.

If you are already in the Netherlands I would like to invite you to my office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rijnstraat 8, The Hague. Would tomorrow (Tuesdaya) at 10 AM work for you? If not please let me know alternative dates this week when you are available.

Yours sincerely,

D.A. Benschop
State Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: D.A. Benschop

From: Szymon Tabaka

Subject: Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Poland

Dear State Secretary Benschop,

It warms my heart to hear that.

We have experienced such problems in Poland as well. We are in the process of establishing an agency to help combat this problem both within Poland and abroad. But we are glad to see that the Netherlands is weathering this storm better than most. I have a red eye flight book to land tomorrow morning at 4 AM. I'm sure I can take some time from the adjustment to a new home to visit you at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I shall send a communication once we arrive at the embassy to inform you of our safe arrival. I look forward to meeting you, Sir.

Szymon Tabaka
Polish Ambassador to the Netherlands.


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020



Ambassador Tahaka < ManBear >​
RE: Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Poland​
Dear Ambassador Tabaka,

I look forward to meeting you and hope your flight goes well. Please also let me know if anything unexpected happens that inconveniences the set date.

Yours sincerely,

D.A. Benschop
State Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would monitor the flight details. They had a driver ready on stand by if the Polish requested a pick up with their confirmation, of course they would be allowed to use their own transport as well. The Secretary of State would spend the morning reading the files prepared by the responsible ministries so he was well informed about trade discussions including trade, travel, and more.


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Ambassador Tabaka would arrive on the red eye flight after a 30 minute delay. Though the flight only took nearly 3 hours, with the delay on the tarmac, the young ambassador was definitely tired after having awakened at such an ungodly hour. The embassy staff picked up the Ambassador, with a medium sized bag with a diplomatic sticker on it, in an unremarkable sedan before transporting him back to the embassy's location. The ambassador's belongings had been lost after landing and replacements had been phoned in to his family still in Warsaw. Until then the Ambassador would be wearing his casual clothes. After arriving at the Embassy, he would spend a few hours familiarizing himself with the layout and personnel within the embassy before writing an email from his office. One was to confirm his arrival to the embassy to his superiors in Warsaw. The other was to the State Secretary of the Netherlands.

To: D.A. Benschop Tim

From: Szymon Tabaka

Subject: Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Poland

Security: Secured and Encrypted

Dear State Secretary Benschop,

Thank you for the well wishes. I have arrived at the Embassy and will be willing to attend the meeting today set for 10 AM. However, a mishap with my luggage has cause my suitcase to be headed towards Cairo while I am in the Netherlands. I have a set of casual clothes, normally I wouldn't entertain the thought of having a meeting with a government official in jeans and a t-shirt but it shall take a few days for my superiors to arrange mail courier to deliver me replacement clothes. I am looking forward to our meeting in person.

Szymon Tabaka
Polish Ambassador to the Netherlands

While he awaited a response from the Dutch, Szymon would have his new assistant begin contacting clothing stores to see if they had any suits of his size in stock. It would take several hours to hopefully find someone that carried his size and thus, the Ambassador was hopeful.


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020



Ambassador Tabaka < ManBear >​
RE: Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Poland​
Dear Ambassador Tabaka,

I understand the events that went for this and it will be no problem. I think it is best to not release any pictures of the talk because we do not want to attract unwanted comments or discussion regarding your outfit, but this is something we can discuss while in person. Upon arrival at the Ministry please present your diplomatic passport and the guard will escort you and any aides you bring to my room, having been informed of the situation.

Yours sincerely,

D.A. Benschop
State Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish Ambassador clambered out of the back seat of the diplomatic vehicle assigned to the Polish Embassy. He had not had any luck in finding any clothes that would fit his unusual frame and thus he had arrived wearing only blue jeans and a striped t-shirt. If he was of the typical size of a polish man, he would have just borrowed a suit and explained the issues. Szymon was alone as he approached the guard, his four foot, one inch frame was probably a sight to behold climbing out of the rear of the sedan. He fished his diplomatic passport out of the back pocket of his pants and offered it to the guard. It would identify him as the Polish Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
The guard let him into the building and told the receptionist who he was. The receptionist checked the calendars and saw that he had a meeting with the State Secretary and called him. "The State Secretary is coming to pick you up," the receptionist told the ambassador. Upon getting the call the Sate Secretary went downstairs and he soon walked out of the elevator hall which had four elevators towards the reception. "Good morning, you must be ambassador Tabaka?" he asked before shaking the man's hand. "I'm glad you could still make it on such short notice, and I hope your baggage makes its way here too soon," he said before walking to the elevator with the ambassador, going up to the floor which had his office. "How was your travel?" he asked in the elevator.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"Yes, that would be me. You must be State Secretary Benschop. It is a pleasure to meet you in person sir," Tabaka said as he shook the man's hand. If it would please you sir, you may refer to me as Szymon or Ambassador Tabaka. Whichever you feel to be appropriate. I am quite new to this ambassadorship, with the restructuring of every Ministry within the Kingdom. We lost quite a few people who had been tied into the corruption of the previous administration."

The Ambassador followed the State Secretary into the elevator.

"My travel was uneventful. A little crowded on the airplane. Not enough leg room on those commercial flights." He waited to see the State Secretary's reaction before chuckling at his own joke. "But no, my flight was fine. Except for the loss of my luggage. How has your morning been so far? I do hope I have not interrupted any time you had planned to spend with your family."


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"Correct. The pleasure is mine." Benschop said as he shook the ambassador's hand. "I'm glad your administration is restoring proper diplomatic routes so we can once again work together with a stable Poland."

"Oh yes, the leg room keeps decreasing, they're cramming those jets as full as legallyy possible... And yes, losing luggage is quite unhandy, but I hope they arrive safely soon. And you haven't interuppted anything, the minister is on a state visit to Australia so I have taken over daily ministerial tasks at the ministry so I'm working a lot these few days anyway." As they arrived on the senior ministerial floor they left the elevator and entered his office which was private. He offered the ambassador a seat and walked to the drink trolley which had been placed there while he was downstairs. "Coffee, tea or water?" he asked, giving the ambassador some time to get his paperwork as well as offering him a drink.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"I am glad I did not interrupt anything. And water will be fine, I try to stay away from caffeine." The ambassador would sit himself in the chair offered with a grace of someone who was used to chairs that did not suit his size. The briefcase that he had been carrying was placed on his lap as he fished a few articles of paper out of it as well as a pen.

"First off, State Secretary, is my government would like to know where the Netherlands stands with Poland. Both diplomatically as well as economically. To give you an idea on the Monarchy's goals both within the region of Eastern and Central Europe as well as the world stage, I have prepared a few things." He flipped through the papers until he found the one he was looking for. "Poland's goal within the regions of Central and Eastern Europe is to stabilize the region from radicals left over from the Soviet Union era. Both Fascists and Communists left over from that period in time are very prevalent in those regions and post a significant risk to the safety and livelihood of all citizens living there. Poland's goal is also to stand out as a economic, military, and social leader within these regions. To promote the growth of the region. In regards to the world stage, Poland wishes to simply make its voice heard. We wish to become the voice of the people. We also wish to protect all of the world's civilians from those that would cause them harm. It is why Poland is so steadfast on opening talks to foreign powers now that we are back on our feet. We will show those who attempt to cause harm and instill fear in ordinary citizens that Poland and her allies will stand against them."

Szymon paused to take a drink of the glass of water.

"In your capacity as State Secretary, does Poland's goals coincide with those of the Kingdom of the Netherlands?"


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"A very noble thing, very noble," he said as he poured himself a cup of coffe, pouring a glass full of water for the Ambasador. He walked to the desk and placed them near them both on the desk.

He noted some things down as he was informed of Poland's goals, both regional and internally. "I wholeheartedly agree with the initial statement, any kind of dangers from radicals leftover from a bygone era must be stopped for the stability of the region, especially as it has recently been shown to be so fragile. As for the goals it is something we admire, recent history has left Eastern Europe underdeveloped and we are very glad to see that change, and are also willing to help countries to get that change faster from our privileged position. The world stage is also something I agee with very deeply, we must use the power vested in our role as diplomats to make the world a better place, not just for the people we represent but for everyone. To answer your final question, I believe our goals coincide and overlap. But this is of course dependent on the more specific goals and means presented to achieve these goals, but I believe we have similar views so far."

He tried to write down the most important things of what they had both said, looking down to the paper for a short moment before looking at the ambassador again. "So, I think it would be good to now discuss what we want to do on the short term to help eachother."


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Taking another sip of the water, the Ambassador would pull a piece of paper from his briefcase.

"Before I left, my contact within the Ministry of National Defense passed me some information to pass on to my counterpart in the Netherlands. Now, at the moment it is still in the pre-planning stage. This is merely a proposal to garner interest before Poland begins spending money to make it happen. I have been asked to invite the Netherlands to send a unit from their Special Operations teams to participate in a sort of Special Operations Exposition that will be televised. It is our hope that it will not only garner interest with civilians who wish to be protected but also increase the awareness of those who wish to do more to protect their community. With this it will show would be terrorists and extremists that Poland and her allies will not back down. Is this something that the Netherlands is agreeable to? Again this is not a binding agreement but if interest is garnered, Netherlands will be apart of what is promised to be either an annual or semi-annual event with millions of viewers. It could boost tourism to all countries involved."



Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
Benschop nodded as he listened to the proposal, "that surely sounds interesting, it could also provide an opportunity to gather new people interested in joining the armed forces. I believe our minister would seriously consider such a proposal so I highly encourage directly contacting him when any plans are made for this idea." He wrotesome notes on a separate piece of paper and adressed it to the Minister of Defence who'm he'd send the memo to.
"I believe it would be wise to move on to some substantive business, do you have any topic you wish to start with?"


GA Member
May 22, 2020
"I'm glad we are in agreement then. As for more substantive business, we would like to inquire into the Kingdom of Netherlands opinion on a few topics concerning world governments. First off, lets start off with the most pressing for Poland. What is the Dutch opinion on Russia and the issues arising there constantly?

As he spoke, the Ambassador wrote down a few notes on his pad of paper.

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