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Dodgy Dealings


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Nexus Groups' fifty-percent acquirement of Russian Helicopters JSC and the United Shipbuilding Corporation wasn't overlooked by the British Government, in fact, it raised the prospect of dangerous weapons that could be utilized if such time was required. Although separate from the British Government, Nexus was known to supply the British Armed Forces with the vast majority of its equipment so cooperation between the two entities were rather close. Regular meetings occurred to discuss procurement, iron out any problems and even look into the development of new equipment that the armed forces could use for future conflicts. This was different. Under top secret conditions, Jason Green, the Secretary of Defence, had arranged for a meeting with the one of the directors of Nexus, John Weston. A few hours later from the arrangement and the pair were face to face in the private office, hosted at Johns home. The pair greeted one another and engaged in some small talk before they begun to speak business. It was quite a subtle transition.

Jason Green, Secretary of Defence
"As pleasant as it is to meet with you again, John, my request for a meeting did have an ulterior motive that warrants secrecy and is of great importance to national security. Specifically, the acqu--" Jason stopped, John speaking up and interrupting him.

John Westen, Managing Director for Nexus
"The acquisition of Russian Shares? Yeah. Aside from being surprised how long it has taken, we had already come to the conclusion that the government may have more interest in it then us selling some product. What can I do for you?"

Jason Green, Secretary of Defence
"Are we that predictable?" joked Jason, "We both know the loss of the majority of their defence assets is a major hit to the Russian Government. That, isn't what we want. The government want to work with Russia, but our concern is who Russia sells such equipment too and we want to make a contingency. I don't think it's any secret that whilst the Russian Government like to act like the big dog, they are easily turned into a submissive, yapping chihuahua if countries such as Argentina, demand it. That is where our concern for national security has arisen from. It was only a year ago when discussions with the Russian Government were solidifying with a training exercise, trade and other discussions. A huge period of silence followed and then out of no where, they were begging for Argentine approval with the merger of RusAr. It's the unpredictable and acquiescent stance that is our main concern."

John Westen, Managing Director for Nexus
"Your concerns are well justified, but the procurement came with an agreement and breaching that agreement would be catastrophic for Nexus and our relationship with our trusted clients. We have conditions made by the Russian Government that we must meet. I'm sorry."

Jason Green, Secretary of Defence
"May I see this agreement?"

John Westen, Managing Director for Nexus
"Certainly, please bear with me.." John stood up, exiting the room and was out for roughly 10 minutes before returning with a stack of paper, containing the agreement in full to which he offered Jason.

The Secretary received it and spent the better part of 15 minutes going over every point, multiple times. Rolling his eyes a few times before looking up.

Jason Green, Secretary of Defence
"Problem solved. I want you to sell the fifty percent of both shares to a new company. Officially, I want an agreement called the Licenced Agreement Procuring Defence of Government.. oh.. LAPDOG for short. Convenient. The agreement does not oppose the sale of the fifty percent to another party who could then, if required, violate the terms that Nexus is under. Fortunately this wouldn't impact your company as you would have sold it on to this new corporation.. under the pre-tense you get the production rights to still make your sales. This would allow me to return to government with the premise that if needed, we could severely impact Russia or other countries within their circle, such as Argentina. Like I said, this is purely a contingency just in case anyone who uses such equipment oversteps their mark. This means we could also prevent the shipping of parts and hinder maintenance too."

John Westen, Managing Director for Nexus
"It feels like this is all planned and thought out, not that I'd expect anything less for the government. Providing that Nexus still has the clearance to build these products for sale, I don't see why we couldn't do this. Although I may need to seek legal counsel before going ahead. This would be confidential of course. It's certainly a flaw in the agreement, and keeps Nexus intact."

Jason Green, Secretary of Defence
"Do what you need too, we will do whatever is required to protect Nexus and keep it out of the limelight which is why a new company would be the best case. Thank you for your time, I will leave it to you to discuss with whom you need but this won't be necessary until they step over the mark..."

The pair turned onto a bit of small talk again before their meeting concluded, all information remained private.

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