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[EGY] Message to Afghanistan

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: Prime Minister Faridullah Waziri ( Grant )
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: Establishing Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

Prime Minister Waziri,

It has come to my attention that Afghanistan has recently resurfaced with a modern government with a yearning for change. I cannot stress how good of news this is. For a long time, the Middle East has been a pot of insanity and instability, with rogue dictators going on murder sprees without a hint of consideration for their people.

I understand, however, that you are different. Egypt is eager to open up formal relations with Afghanistan, and we would like to aid you with any concerns you have. Egypt has an advanced combined-arms military force, extensive knowledge, and a willingness to help those in our region to ensure stability and prosperity. You may have read the Egyptian Interdiction Zone Policy (EIZ) and noticed that Iraq is included as a peripheral state. This is simply assurance from Egypt that if you were to come under attack by a foreign power, you would be protected by Egypt and its allies.

I hope we can expand our relations from here, Prime Minister.

Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



Jul 1, 2018


To: Daoud Abdel Moneim II, Sultan of Egypt Kelly the Mad
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Establishing Relations

Dear Sultan Moneim II,

Thank you for your encouraging words and for reaching out to start a formal relationship between our nations.

You are correct that the Middle East has faced significant challenges, with instability and violence plaguing many nations. Unfortunately, Afghanistan is currently experiencing its share of the turmoil, with militants causing unrest in Kabul, and attempting to undermine our government. This situation is a stark reminder of our region's difficulties, and it drives our commitment to building a future of peace and progress. We are extremely eager to develop strong ties with Egypt to help turn the Middle East into a prosperous region where everyone is stable and at peace.

We look forward to exploring how we can work together to benefit our nations and the broader region.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​


Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: Yusuf Agha ( Grant )
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: Establishing Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

Minister Agha,

I want to ask if Afghanistan would be interested in receiving an armed support force from Egypt. We have the capabilities to deploy a large contingent of troops to aid you in asserting control over your territory with no strings attached. Consider it a gift from Egypt to Afghanistan to secure our good faith in future relations.

Again, I would like to bring up the topic of the Egyptian Interdiction Zone. We have had favorable reactions and pledges to participate from other nations in the region before and would like to secure the same from Afghanistan. A mutual defense pact, you could consider it- a pledge from all members to protect the EIZ and counter colonialism.

Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan


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