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[EGY] Message to Afghanistan

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: Prime Minister Faridullah Waziri ( Grant )
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: Establishing Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

Prime Minister Waziri,

It has come to my attention that Afghanistan has recently resurfaced with a modern government with a yearning for change. I cannot stress how good of news this is. For a long time, the Middle East has been a pot of insanity and instability, with rogue dictators going on murder sprees without a hint of consideration for their people.

I understand, however, that you are different. Egypt is eager to open up formal relations with Afghanistan, and we would like to aid you with any concerns you have. Egypt has an advanced combined-arms military force, extensive knowledge, and a willingness to help those in our region to ensure stability and prosperity. You may have read the Egyptian Interdiction Zone Policy (EIZ) and noticed that Iraq is included as a peripheral state. This is simply assurance from Egypt that if you were to come under attack by a foreign power, you would be protected by Egypt and its allies.

I hope we can expand our relations from here, Prime Minister.

Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



Jul 1, 2018


To: Daoud Abdel Moneim II, Sultan of Egypt Kelly the Mad
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Establishing Relations

Dear Sultan Moneim II,

Thank you for your encouraging words and for reaching out to start a formal relationship between our nations.

You are correct that the Middle East has faced significant challenges, with instability and violence plaguing many nations. Unfortunately, Afghanistan is currently experiencing its share of the turmoil, with militants causing unrest in Kabul, and attempting to undermine our government. This situation is a stark reminder of our region's difficulties, and it drives our commitment to building a future of peace and progress. We are extremely eager to develop strong ties with Egypt to help turn the Middle East into a prosperous region where everyone is stable and at peace.

We look forward to exploring how we can work together to benefit our nations and the broader region.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​


Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: Yusuf Agha ( Grant )
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: Establishing Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

Minister Agha,

I want to ask if Afghanistan would be interested in receiving an armed support force from Egypt. We have the capabilities to deploy a large contingent of troops to aid you in asserting control over your territory with no strings attached. Consider it a gift from Egypt to Afghanistan to secure our good faith in future relations.

Again, I would like to bring up the topic of the Egyptian Interdiction Zone. We have had favorable reactions and pledges to participate from other nations in the region before and would like to secure the same from Afghanistan. A mutual defense pact, you could consider it- a pledge from all members to protect the EIZ and counter colonialism.

Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



Jul 1, 2018



To: Daoud Abdel Moneim II, Sultan of Egypt Kelly the Mad
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Establishing Relations

Dear Sultan Moneim II,

I sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to your recent correspondence. As you are aware, Afghanistan has been navigating significant transitions in government leadership, including the overthrow of the Taliban regime. Due to these circumstances, we have temporarily vacated our government offices for security reasons, which has unfortunately made communication and access to important documents challenging. I appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.

We deeply value and appreciate Egypt's military support offer. Your commitment to assisting Afghanistan in its recovery is admirable. However, I am pleased to inform you that the need for military intervention has diminished. Afghan forces have successfully swept through all major known Taliban strongholds, and opposing militia groups have now laid down their arms. As such, we believe military assistance is not currently necessary, but we remain open to future collaboration in this regard.

With respect to Egypt’s Interdiction Zone Policy, I am very interested in exploring how Afghanistan can engage with and potentially join this initiative. I propose a meeting to discuss this matter further and to deepen the diplomatic ties between our nations. We are flexible regarding the location, and I am happy to meet either in Kabul or Cairo at your convenience.

Once again, I thank you for your continued support and look forward to strengthening our partnership.

Yours sincerely,

Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​


Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: Yusuf Agha ( Grant )
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: Establishing Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

Minister Agha,

I am pleased and relieved to hear that the tumultuous situation in Afghanistan has begun to subside. Again, I will reiterate our commitment to regional stability, including our support for your government against internal and external threats.

I invite you or a delegation from Afghanistan to come to Cairo at your convenience to meet and discuss the EIZ. We will be patiently awaiting you.

Warm regards,
Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



Jul 1, 2018



To: Daoud Abdel Moneim II, Sultan of Egypt Kelly the Mad
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Establishing Relations

Dear Sultan Moneim II,

Thank you for your invitation. I am pleased to confirm my acceptance and will arrange to travel from Kabul to Cairo as soon as possible.

We will provide a detailed flight plan, including departure times, estimated arrival times, and any necessary layovers. Our passenger manifest will also be sent to your team to facilitate any preparations required for our arrival. Please let me know if you need any specific information or have any requirements regarding the flight.

I look forward to our upcoming meeting.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​


Jul 1, 2018
Yusuf began preparing for the important diplomatic mission to Cairo from his secluded location. This meeting was not just an opportunity to strengthen ties between Egypt and Afghanistan but also a chance to address pressing regional issues that demanded their collective attention. As Minister Agha reviewed the agenda for the meeting, the atmosphere in the bunker buzzed with a noticeable sense of urgency. His aides scurried about, finalizing the details of the trip. The agenda included discussions on trade agreements, setting up an embassy within Cairo, and speaking about the Egyptian Interdiction Zone, where they had been offered a part to play.

Meanwhile, the flight crew was already preparing the aircraft at Kabul International Airport. Ground crew members conducted interior and exterior inspections on the Boeing 727-200, ensuring that every system functioned flawlessly. The fuel tanks were filled, and safety checks were completed. The flight coordinator transmitted the flight plans to the Egyptian Foreign Affairs Office, detailing the route, expected flight duration, and arrival times. Each detail was scrutinized, ensuring a seamless entry into the airspace. The passenger manifest was also dispatched, listing the Minister and his accompanying delegates.

Everything was set within the next few hours, and Yusuf and his delegation got into their car to drive to the airport. The vehicle was a sleek black SUV, symbolising their official status. The journey was long and winding until they finally reached the outskirts of the city of Kabul. Yusuf gazed out the window, taking in the sights of the city that had been his home for so long and hadn't seen since the fighting had ceased. The sounds of vendors calling out filled the air, and it was noticeable that life was returning to the barren city.

As they arrived at the airport, the anticipation was palpable. The delegation stepped out of the car, and an honour guard greeted them, adding a sense of formality to the occasion. The aircraft awaited them. Once inside, they were met by the flight crew, who briefed them on safety procedures and the expected flight duration of approximately four hours. As the plane prepared for takeoff, Yusuf took a moment to collect his thoughts. He understood the significance of this trip—not only for the diplomatic relationships at stake but also for the future stability of Afghanistan.

With the ground crew securing the last supplies, Yusuf and his delegation settled into their seats. The aircraft taxied down the runway, and Yusuf felt anxious and excited about what was to come; he had not left the country in a long time. Within that moment, the engines roared to life, and with a powerful thrust, the aircraft lifted off the ground, soaring into the blue sky. The landscape of Kabul faded behind them as they ascended into the clouds. Yusuf looked out the window, watching as the mountains receded, replaced by the endless expanse of the sky. They were en route to Cairo.

Around four hours into the flight, the aircraft began its descent into Cairo. The captain’s voice crackled through the intercom, announcing their approach, and the cabin hummed with anticipation as passengers readied their belongings for disembarkation. Yusuf glanced out the window and caught a glimpse of the Pyramids of Giza in the distance. A smile crept across his face; he had always wanted to visit Egypt but had never found the time. Perhaps he could squeeze in a bit of sightseeing during his stay? With a smooth, professional landing, the plane touched down on the runway and glided effortlessly to a stop. After a brief taxi, it rolled into a special area on the apron reserved for diplomatic flights.

Yusuf exchanged determined glances with his delegation before unbuckling his seatbelt and gathering his bags. He shuffled with the delegation towards the front and began waiting at the door for the stairway to align and the door to disengage.


Mission Information

Mission Type: Diplomatic Flight
Flight Number: IEAF-924

Departure Location: Kabul Intl.
Arrival Location: Cairo Intl.

Departure Date: 03/03/2005
Arrival Date: 03/03/2005

Time of Departure: 07:00 AM (AFT TIME)
Time of Arrival: 11:30 AM (AFT TIME)

Aircraft Type: Boeing 727
Operator: Islamic Emirates Air Force

Clearance Number: CL-40583-901

Mission Briefing

Purpose of Flight: Transportation of Afghan diplomatic personnel to Cairo for high-level bilateral relations and regional security discussions.

Security Protocols:​

  1. Pre-Flight Security Check:
    • Conduct thorough security screening of all passengers and luggage.
    • Ensure all personnel on board are verified and cleared by security services.
    • Review and secure sensitive documents and equipment.
  2. In-Flight Security Measures:
    • Maintain a minimum of two armed security personnel on board during the flight.
    • Keep communication channels open with ground control and security teams.
  3. Post-Arrival Protocol:
    • Coordinate with local security forces for an immediate secure landing.
    • Prepare for a safe transfer to the diplomatic venue with an armed escort.
    • Ensure debriefing sessions with security teams upon arrival.

Emergency Procedures:​

  1. Emergency Evacuation:
    • In case of an emergency landing, inform passengers calmly and instruct them to locate the nearest emergency exit.
    • Conduct a passenger count before evacuating.
    • Utilize inflatable slides for emergency evacuation if needed.
  2. Medical Emergencies:
    • Ensure a first-aid kit is available on board and personnel are trained in essential medical assistance.
    • Establish communication with the nearest airport medical facility before landing.
  3. Unlawful Interference:
    • If there is a threat of hijacking or violence on board, implement standard procedures:
      • Alert the cockpit crew to assess the situation.
      • Secure the cabin and attempt to defuse the situation through communication.
      • If necessary, prepare for a tactical response upon landing with authorities ready.
  4. Technical Failures:
    • Following a mechanical failure, follow standard aircraft emergency protocols, including engine shutdown and landing procedures.
    • Maintain communication with air traffic control for guidance and support.



Prepared by

Your Name: Fashir Achmed
Position: ATC Clearance Officer
Date: 01/03/2005

Passenger Information

No.Passenger NameNationalityPosition/TitleGender
1Yusuf AghaAfghanistanForeign Affairs MinisterMale
2Zeba AkhunzadaAfghanistanAide to Foreign Affairs MinisterFemale
3Kamran ZadranAfghanistanSecurity DetailMale
4Raheem ShilmaniAfghanistanSecurity DetailMale

Crew Information

No.RankCrew Member NameRole/PositionMilitary IDNotes
1CaptainAbdul TareenPilot-in CommandAF201-5451[Notes, e.g., experience]
2Junior CaptainAli KazimiCo-PilotAF201-6582[Notes]
3First LieutenantWahidullah KakarFlight EngineerAF201-2279[Notes]

Kelly the Mad

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