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[EGY] To Russia - Potential For Purchase

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: Lucie Albrecht, Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Jay )
From: Abdalla Bazzi, Director of Finances and Procurement
Subject: Potential For Purchase

-- High Security Clearance --

Minister Albrecht,

I am contacting you as a representative of the Egyptian central government. We have been poring over your nation's vast military stocks, analyzing their capabilities and trade-offs. We have concluded that we would like to ask your great nation to be Egypt's primary supplier in its Air and naval force restructuring. We already have a pre-determined first order ready for your consideration if you are open to this deal.

Normally, we would go straight to Robonexport for a purchase, as we have in the past. However, their response to our orders has been dreadfully slow (one of our orders has been unaddressed for half of a year). In addition, this purchase would require a substantial level of secrecy and cooperation with your government. I can only anticipate a number of counter-proposals or additions you would like to make to the purchase, and we are open to any suggestions or other product recommendations you make to help round out our purchase.

Egypt is anticipating spending upwards of 20 billion USD on purchases with Russia, if we can come to an agreement.

We believe this would be the best way to begin our countries relations: with a large, essential trade deal that will bring us closer economically and open the door for further state relations.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

Abdalla Bazzi
Director of Finances and Procurement

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan < Kelly the Mad >
Embassy of the Russian Federation, Sultanate of Egypt < >
[Subject]: [Confidential] RE: Purchase Inquiry
Dear Director Bazzi,

The Russian Government is eager to be a partner for Egypt's aim to develop its air and naval capabilities. In addition to being an important supplier, which Russia has historically been, my Government would like to discuss this sale more closely and would appreciate a face-to-face meeting with your Government.

Ahead of such a meeting, we would like a list of the type of product you'd like along with the intended quantity. In addition, my Government would like to discuss Egypt's current interdiction policy insofar as it relates to Russia's strategic interests and our concerns. I look forward to a fruitful discussion regarding this

My Government is capable of handling this delicate matter with secrecy and hopes to have Egypt reciprocate that delicacy. I look forward to seeing the way our two historic nations have developed relations and to reforge our partnership.

Georgiy Borisenko
Embassy of the Russian Federation, Egypt
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

-- High Security Clearance --

To: Georgiy Borisenko, Embassy of the Russian Federation, Egypt ( Jay )
From: Abdalla Bazzi, Director of Finances and Procurement
Subject: Potential For Purchase

Ambassador Borisenko,

We would love to host you here in Cairo, ambassador. You may come at any time that best suits you, although expediency is always welcomed. Of course, our nation has no interest in our talks reaching outside of those directly involved. Below are the items in consideration for our first order:

30 MiG-25BM

6 MiG-25RBT

54 MiG-31

82 Su-25T

2 Il-78M

8 Il-38

30 Il-76MD/P

3 A-50M

10 An-124

36 Mi-28N/MMW

360 An-2TD

2 Oscar-Class

3 Delta IV Class

75 A-222E

We look forward to seeing you.

Abdalla Bazzi
Director of Finances and Procurement

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan < Kelly the Mad >
Embassy of the Russian Federation, Sultanate of Egypt < >
[Subject]: [Confidential] RE: Purchase Inquiry
Dear Director Bazzi,

Thank you for your prompt email.

I have reviewed the proposed miltary sale with the office for foreign arms sale and they have provided an update on the proposed items. At this moment the sale of the nuclear-powered submarines is not possible due to their advanced missile capabilities. In lieu of these submarines my Government would be happy to sell the Project 877 Kilo-class submarine to showcase our interest in developing our mutual ties.

As for the remaining items on subject to approval, a discussion on Egypt's interdiction policy is a prerequisite to approving such weapon systems given their implications in their use against Russia's strategic interests in nations such as Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Algeria. I hope we can have an honest discussion and learn more about your interdiction policy.

I look forward to meeting you in Cairo soon.

MiG-25BM30tentative approval
MiG-25RBT6tentative approval
Su-25T82tentative approval
Il-78M2tentative approval
Il-388tentative approval
Il-76MD/P30tentative approval
A-50M3tentative approval
Mi-28N/MMW36tentative approval
An-2TD350tentative approval
A-222E75subject to approval
An-12410subject to approval
Delta IV Class3Denied

Georgiy Borisenko
Embassy of the Russian Federation, Egypt
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation


The sun was setting over Cairo, casting a golden hue across the sprawling cityscape as the Rossiya A380 jet touched down on the tarmac of Cairo International Airport. Ambassador Georgiy Borisenko, a seasoned diplomat glanced out the window as the aircraft came to a smooth halt. The city's frenetic energy seemed almost palpable, even from the confines of the sleek, black jet.

Borisenko’s mind was preoccupied with the latest communiqué he had received from Moscow, detailing the Egyptian government’s announced policy—the Egyptian Interdiction Zone, or EIZ. As he prepared to disembark, he unfolded the document once more reading the title Our Sultan, His Greatness Daoud Abdel Moneim II, from this day, the 15th of March, 2003, proclaims the Egyptian Interdiction Zone to be active.

The ambassador's brow furrowed as he read through the intricate details. The EIZ was a sweeping geopolitical maneuver that would affect a vast swath of the globe. The document laid oout policies aimed at safeguarding Egyptian interests and asserting Cairo's influence in a region it has continued to lose sway since the days of Nasser.

Given the coreregions were off-limits to foreign military interference, the directive would have immediate repercussions for Russia's strategic posture in the Middle East, particularly concerning its operations in Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The potential obstacle to Moscow's efforts to bolster its allies in the region meant that the sale of advanced weapons to Egypt would be complicated unless they could find an arrangement. The notion that Egypt would retaliate against any perceived encroachment was a significant escalation, one that meant Russia could not afford to hand over its prized assets.

Egypt’s insistence on limited external influence in these areas would complicate any efforts by the British and American to estblish a presence in the region—a move that Moscow had been contemplating for some time. As the jet’s steps descended to the ground, Borisenko adjusted his suit as the Russian Embassy in Cairo arranged his secure transportation.

The motorcade awaited him, a fleet of black limousines that would transport him through Cairo’s bustling streets to the Egyptian Government complex. As he stepped into the limousine, the vehicle’s interior offered a cool respite from the warm hot air outside. The hustle of Cairo was muffled behind the tinted windows.

As the limousine began its journey, Borisenko opened the policy document once more. He read the Ministry's notes one more time as he prepared to meet with the Egyptians. The first meeting in a while for the Russians with their old allies.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Borisenko would be met at a non-descript Egyptian government building by a pair of well-dressed Egyptian diplomatic security staff. Emerging from the shade of an awning, they would greet the Russian with handshakes.

"Mr. Ambassador, welcome to Cairo. We apologize for the lack of pomp, word is that a new diplomatic center is underway- but until then, this annex will suffice. Please follow us, we can take your jacket."

They would lead the diplomat into a clearly outdated building, with off-colored walls and harsh fluorescent lighting, through winding hallways. Offshoots into general administrative space are visible to Borisenko, with most Egyptians working in semi-casual attire. After a surprisingly long while of walking, they would come to a door with a security-meshed window, "Director of Finances & Procurement" written proudly on a plaque outside.

After politely rapping on the door, the security staff would open it wide, revealing a just slightly nicer atmosphere. Well-furnished and cozy, shelves decorated the walls of the room, displaying all kinds of knickknacks and awards. Abdalla Bazi would be waiting inside, a man with a small frame and wire-rim glasses who spoke surprisingly loud. He was dressed down in a nice dress shirt with tie, his suit jacket hanging on a rack nearby, and apparently sweat through.

"Ambassador Borisenko, welcome, welcome. I'm so glad to have you here with us. I expect Mr. Jabour, our Chief of International Affairs, as well as Chief Aswad of the Air Force, to join us shortly. I hope they will be able to give their perspective on our needs as well. Take a seat, please. Thank you again for making the trip."

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Reactions: Jay


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Borisenko shook hands with a person waiting for him at the non-descript Egyptian government building. As they walked inside he simply nodded as he listened to the Egyptians speak. "No not at all. I understand." He said as he opted to have his own aide keep his jacket for him as he joined the Egyptians in the outdated but still well-maintained building.

"Director Bazi, it is a pleasure. I look forward to meeting with them too." The Ambassador said as he took his seat. "Lovely office." He said as he looked around the office. "I have to say we were surprised to get your email after a long period of quietness from Cairo. I hope all is well with the Sultanate?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"All is well, yes, we are working on an upheaval of our existing government agencies. You should know that's what you are here for. We have been gathering our footing internally for the past year or so, and only now do we have the capital for the massive expansion we are planning to undertake.

"We simply were not ready until now to reach out to our old partners, im sure you will understand. But I hope that will not stand between us and a prosperous deal, a prosperous relationship, yes?"

As he talks, Bazi begins to take out several manilla folders from his desk and a short filing cabinet underneath; the diplomatic security staff would leave the room and close the door behind them. They were to stand guard outside, out of earshot, for the rest of the meeting.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Borisenko nodded as he listened to Director Bazi speak. As his security staff left the Ambassador looked to see if anything would be said before responding. "No, I understand completely. It is a rather difficult time globally speaking and Egypt's fiscal responsibility speaks volumes to the wise wisdom of the Sultan. I hope his health is well." Borisenko said rather curiously seeking to learn more about the wellbeing of the Sultan.

"As for Russia, I hope we can learn a lot more about the situation in Egypt, your regional plans, and how Russia can be a partner to Cairo and not just a shopping cart." He said with a smile waiting to hear what the Director thought.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"His Greatness is indeed doing well; perhaps he may be able to host you and others of your government in the future. But, all in due time, yes? I assure you that we have national cooperation at the forefront of our priorities. Egypt has of yet made few international friends- you see, after our first diplomatic mission to Thailand ended with the assassination of our Chief of International Affairs, we have been very reluctant to reach out outside of our region."

He shifted around slightly, uncomfortable. He had known Moustafa Asker personally and was still disturbed by the circumstances of his death. No international delegation has left Egypt since.

"Now, while our national relationship is important, I am no diplomat. This meeting was arranged to purchase equipment. Of course, this can be followed by a more in-depth diplomatic meeting. For now, however, I can answer your questions as they pertain to security."

Folding his hands in front of him, Bazi would wait for the Russian to finally get to business.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I am glad to hear of the Sultan's wellness. I pray for his continued good health. I understand your apprehension however those actions reflect more so Thailand and its role as an agent of instability than it should of other states such as Russia. Russia condemned in the strongest terms the blatant assassination of Mr. Asker, may God rest his soul. If Russia may be of any assistance in bringing those responsible to justice, please, let my government know." Borisenko said as he pulled out a binder.

"Yes. Equipment." Borisenko said looking at the table in his file. "As I clarified in my previous email, we are happy to move ahead with the purchase request of MiG-25s, Su-25S, the Ils-78,38, 76, A-50, Mi-28, and the An-2. However, the sale of the Mig-31 and the Oscar and Delta class submarines is not possible at this time. That is unfortunately non-negotiable."

The Russian man said as he looked back at the list. "As for the the An-124 and the A-222E will be subject to an understanding of how the exclusion policy impacts Russia. The Russian Government has an active relationship with a number of regional actors, we have a base in Syria, active defense relations with Iraq, and historical ties with Algeria. To be blunt Mr. Bazi. We won't sell you these weapons if you're going to use them to enforce the exclusion zone on Russia."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The director's face immediately shifted from genial to grave, a slight frown forming.

"Mr. Borisenko. Does Russia plan on attacking a nation within the EIZ? Because if Russia decides to launch an attack on a country within the EIZ, I would be surprised. We in Egypt do not take unjustified wars lightly. If Russia does not plan on attacking, without a legitimate cause for war, nations within the EIZ, then, of course, they will not be used on Russia. The EIZ is not an enemy. It is a safeguard for the fragile region to prevent abuse at the hands of greater powers.

"I will ask once more, Mr. Borisenko. Does Russia plan to abuse this region?"

He would stare dead at the Russian, his eyes piercing, his words demanding.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Director, let me assure you unequivocally that Russia harbors no intention of launching an unprovoked attack on any nation within the Exclusive Economic Zone. In the event of any conflict, Russia's actions will remain, within and in line with, international law. Our strategic objectives and national policies are firmly rooted in respect for international law and the sovereignty of nations which we hold equally.

The EIZ, as you observe, can be seen as a crucial mechanism for maintaining regional stability and preventing the exploitation of its resources by greater powers. Russia has no design to undermine it. In fact, my Government hopes this arms sale will assist you in enforcing it. However, while we have no doubt of the good intentions of the Sultan, may God grant him a long life, his potential successors may not. They may quickly see Russia's support of the government of Algeria as an encroachment or our military presence in Syria as a threat to the EIZ. It is this issue my Government hopes to put to rest, perhaps if the Egyptian Government would be willing to sign a diplomatic note agreeing that Russia's lawful presence in the EIZ can not be misconstrued as hostile to the EIZ, my government would be willing to proceed with this sale.

Rest assured, Director, that Russia's conduct will remain within the bounds of legitimate international behavior. If there are specific concerns or incidents that have prompted these questions, let us address them directly and transparently. Nevertheless, I hope that you will reflect on what I have said and ensure that the Egyptian Government is cognizant of our concerns."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"I understand where you come from, Ambassador. I know your good intentions, and they certainly put my mind at ease. We make a clear distinction between cooperation and conflict in how the EIZ Policy is carried out; for example, Egypt permitted Polish use of an airfield in an older deal. However, they are not permitted to launch weapons while in the EIZ. We would be willing to put into writing our reassurance that your activities in Algeria are not an encroachment on the EIZ if it would make you more confident.

"Now a critical matter for us to discuss is that of the items of our purchase you have denied. I understand the Russian rationale behind banning the sale of your nuclear submarines. The ones I would like to pursue further are the MiG-31s and the A-222Es. Both of these are to be solely defensive weapons. The A-222Es are simply advanced artillery to protect our waterways and, to an extent, the badlands of our nation. I do not fully understand your reasoning behind your refusal to sell us these artillery systems.

"Next is the MiG-31s. I do know that it is a very modern and powerful air superiority fighter. However, these aircraft are without ground strike capabilities and are only to be used for the protection of our airspace. Airspace defense is essential to our doctrine, and the MiG-31 is the only plane that meets all of our requirements. What can we do to make you sell us these aircraft?

"I would also like to see your price estimates for our order, as we may be looking to adjust what items we purchase in our first, second, and potentially third orders."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I can speak with Moscow regarding the Mig-31 however I doubt they will approve it. The MiG-31 has not been sold to any foreign nation. However, my Government would be happy to sell more MiG-25s which serve a similar role. In the meantime, I would ask if you could perhaps make the case to your government to allow Russia to station a squadron of MiG-31s and operate them in support of Egypt to protect your airspace. I think that would be far more convincing in Moscow than the sale of the jets.

As for the A-222E, they were tentative because my Government wished to understand the EIZ more clearly. Given that these artillery systems could effectively block Russia from using the Suez Canal or place our vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean in danger. However, with your assurance that our presence in Syria, Iraq, and Algeria will not be an issue, I am sure I can get Moscow to sign off on their sale.

Which of course brings me to an important point. My Government is extremely concerned of Thailand's offensive and dangerous efforts to undermine the global order. Please be assured that the Russian Government is fully committed to supporting Egypt against any and all forms of Thai aggression. In addition to this arms sale, my Government would be eager to reestablish its presence in Egypt and provide combat advisors to support Egyptian troops in training to use these advanced systems.

This is the tentative sale proposal including the price per unit after tax and fees. However, I understand this sale is rather large including a number of big-ticket items. Is there any way I can help with this?"

ItemQuantityPrice Per UnitTotal Price
Total Order Price: £11,180,445,321.83

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"We are prepared to transfer the funds for this primary order immediately. It comes at a very reasonable cost, and I am satisfied. Our armed forces will benefit greatly, especially from the transport aircraft. Despite the high asking price, I cannot stress enough how impactful this will be in terms of Egypt's objectives.

"The MiG-31s are, to speak honestly, an essential part of our defensive plan. Unfortunately, after our deal with Poland, we have come to realize that foreign nations operating on our soil was a one-time mistake that we hope to remedy in the coming years. We are willing to pay a premium for the MiG-31 if necessary. Again, you have our reassurance that they will not be used against you for the activities you are already engaged in across the EIZ- as they are, of course, not aggressive in nature.

"I would also like to add that in our next purchase package, which would include the MiG-31s if greenlit, we are also searching for long-range SAM systems. I was wondering what the most modernized and capable air defense package and or radar package you could offer us would be."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I am glad to hear this. If you can transfer the funds we will move ahead with the purchase right away." Borisenko said as he looked at the file again. "Unfortunately I do not believe Moscow will approve the sale of the MiG-31. I wish to emphasize Russia is not Poland. Could you tell me more about the issue with Poland and its operations on your soil.

As for the long-range systems my government is happy to offer the S-300 or the S-400 as a long-range surface-to-air system to Egypt. An inclusive system for operation with the Egyptian Armed Forces. The Russian Government would be happy to deploy a few batteries as part of our forces in Egypt if acceptable to your government. This would give you an opportunity to learn about the system and train with it."

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