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[Egypt] Call to the US


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Egyptian president Mando Safar would set a private and encrypted call to his US counterpart.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Due to President Clinton already being in a call, Secretary of Defence William Perry would pick up his encrypted phone and answer the call.

"Hello, Secretary William Perry speaking. How can I be of service?"


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
To follow the corresponding etiquette, Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad would be punt in the line with the US Secretary of Defence.

"Secretary Perry, thank you for taking our call. Our intention was to speak to the US authorities in charge of foreign relations as we meant to establish a formal line of communication between our two administrations.

The new egyptian Government under President Mando Safar seeks to mantain a unaligned and independent position among the international community, focusing mostly on our regional necesities first. On that line, we intend to have good relations with other major global powers.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm sorry, unfortunately the President, Vice President and Secretary of State are busy in other calls, if you wish I can notify them of your call and they can get round to it, however I am authorised to discuss relations and communications between administrations.

If you wish to keep on discussing with me, then I will say this, I am glad you have decided to contact the US in order to establish bi-lateral relations and I am more than happy to create a link of good relations between our countries"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We can continue the talks on this level, it is fine by me.

We have received word of some comments of US officials regarding the meassures undertaken by the egyptian administration regarding the Suez Canal. We wanted to clarify that we understand your concerns, given we are speaking of a major comemrcial waterway. However, that same importance makes it a very expensive operation, and a potential threat to national security given the easiness with how explosives or chemical weapons could be smuggled into egyptian territory that way.

While we design a new definitive regulatio, we will have to move on with the announced meassures to regulate the traffic towards and outwards from the canal."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am glad you brought it up, as it was on the Secretary of State's agenda to contact you on. However we can speak of it now. I think we were rather rash to jump to conclusions, well not us - the ambassador, however, he should not have made a statement until tariffs and regulations were clear. We understand your need to protect yourselves, we would probably do the same if we had one of the worlds most major waterways cutting through our country"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We thank your Government for the understanding. We will inform the international community and all other interested Parties on the procedure needed to make use of the mentioned waterways.

This will be part of my Governments policy of non-alignment. Our intention is to remain away of any major binding political block or alliance, and focus primarely on the regional challenges my country faces, regarding the instability in neighbouring countries that has a direct impact in our society and national security, and also Middle Eastern Affairs. We plan to continue mantaining and working with the guidelines set in 1978 during the Camp David Accords that the US helped brokering.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am glad to hear that Egypt has chosen a non-agressive stance considering how the world is at the moment. Speaking of that, I'd like to ask your opiniong of the coup that has just occurred in Russia."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"As mentioned, this administration will remain neutral in matters that might arise major international disputes Egypt is not part of, or that do not affect egyptian interests. This is complemented with a policy of non-intervention in internal affairs of other states, which would be applied to the events currently occurring within Russia. The russians have to sort their situation by themselves and end up with what they consider is their most convenient leadership.

Egypt has no intention to take a formal position towards it, beyond wishing that everything goes in the least violent way possible. Russia, same as the US, is an important potential trade partner for my country.

In the meantime, we will focus on regional matters.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That is fair enough.. although speaking of trade. What would you say to a trade agreement being set up between our two nations?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"This can surely be addressed. One of the goals of my administration is to push for the industrialization of the egyptian economy, but in the meantime, we can offer you our traditional exports, more leaned towards commodities, petroleum, gold, copper, fruits etc. We could also eventually discuss agreements to promote mutual international direct investment and to lower the requirements for business visas."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We are certainly interested in petroleum, gold and copper. In return we can offer civilian aircraft and aircraft engines, passenger vehicles, Auto parts, engines and car tires and foodstuffs including beverages and animal feed. And a future discussion of agreements regarding mutual investment and business visas is something I would definitely want on the agenda"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Sadly we have currently no market for civilian aircraft and engines, but we would be more than willing to open up the egyptian market to the US automotive industry, important passenger vehicles and auto parts, engines and tires. We would also like to put on the table the possibility of encouraging US car manufacturers to install facilities in Egypt and potentially serve as regional hub."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We will add those to the list then. And if you wish, I can give you the contact details of car manufacturers here in the US? The likes of Ford and Chrysler."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Excellent. I will instruct the Secretary of Commerce to initiate the burocratic process to set up the new trade routes from Alexandria to the US port of your choice. I will also pass to him the contacts of the Ford and Chrysler representatives."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Given the locations I think the best port for your exports to arrive in would be New York. I shall fax over the contact information for Ford and Chrysler at the end of this discussion."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I will forward this information then. I am glab we can cement this first steps of collaboration. My administration has the conviction that Egypt has to stay out of the international game of confrontations, but we are convinced that we need to construct healthy bilateral relations with gravitating nations. On my behalf I have nothing more on the agenda, is there something else you would like to discuss?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I have nothing else. I hope to contact you soon. Speak to you later" The Secretary would put the phone down and fax over the contact information for Ford and Chrysler.


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