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Egypt-Israel Phonecall

Feb 4, 2021
The Deputy Defence Minister, Adham Maalouf, would call Minister Liebermann, to discuss possible Egypt's acquisition of Israeli naval assets.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Avigdor Lieberman would answer the call on a private and encrypted channel, he would lean back into his armchair whilst residing at his personal residence. It was a surprise to hear from the Egyptian Government so soon after concluding previous defence talks.

"Deputy Minister Maalouf, what a pleasure to speak to you this evening. How can I help you?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Hello Minister. I have already heard that we have secured you some of our equipment, which is great news to hear. Now, I was just in a meeting with the Egyptian Navy. We are interested in purchasing naval equipment, to counter the threat of Turkey. In particular, the Sa-ar 5-class corvette to bolster our Coast Guard, and the Super Dvora patrol boat to be introduced into the Mediterreanean Fleet. Are you okay if we were to request to purchase some of these vessels?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Unfortunately, we are not willing to sell the Sa'ar 5-class corvette at this time. This is something that our government wants to keep to itself due to the advanced technology onboard this ship. We can however offer the Sa'ar 4-class missile boat which is still an excellent ship and boasts a wide range of technology which will help the Egyptian Coast Guard complete its missions. We are also willing to sell the Super Dvora Mk II-class patrol boat for use in the Egyptian Navy's operations across the Mediterranean Sea. What do you think Minister?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"That sounds fine, Minister. Let's see..." the Deputy Minister would check his notes before continuing. "Let's say, 2 Sa'ar 4 corvettes, and 10 Super Dvora patrol boats. We would also like to pay in instalments, in-" another check of the notes- "three instalments of $152,960,000 each. Does this seem acceptable to you?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I don't have the costs for the Sa'ar 4-class missile boat at this present moment. I've just had an assistant head off to speak with a member of Israel Shipyards who will be able to assess the cost and I can make a better decision."

(I had to price request the Sa'ar 4-class missile boat since it's not on the catalogue. I'm waiting on staff to add it.)

Thomas R. Jones

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