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[Egypt] Message To The Russian Federation


Jul 21, 2018

To: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia
From: Hosni Mubarak, The President Of The Democratic Republic Of Egypt

Hello, Minister. This is Hosni Mubarak, The President Of Egypt. My country has been with relations with past administrations, so with the current administration of the Russian Federation, I would like to establish official relations between our two countries. To do so I would like for us to create a trade route between our two countries. We can provide you with our best export materials, like metal and mineral fuels, including oil. We can also provide you space, as we have the whole Sinai Peninsula in our hands. We can provide temporary relocation for your people here in the Sinai. We just need a few days to clear it of people and relocate them to another place. I would very much like to hear what you have to offer in return.

In terms of military, our military has opened up an equipment acquirement program and we are interested in purchasing tanks, naval ships, transport aircraft, troop trucks, fighters, and attack helicopters. Please give us a list of what we can choose from, and please put also the price for the equipment. I will wait for your reply.
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Jul 8, 2018

The Following Message is Classifed and Encrypted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


President of the Democratic Republic of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak,
CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,

President Mubarak,

I would like to thank you for reaching out to the Russian Federation on behalf of your great nation. As you have already stated, the Russian Federation and formerly the Soviet Union has enjoyed longstanding strong relations with our Egyptian partners for decades now. The current Russian Government wishes to reassure you and your government that the Democratic Republic of Egypt has a steadfast commitment from the Russian Federation to continue building excellent relations between our two nations.

As such, the Russian Federation agrees that establishing a trade route between our two nations is an excellent place to start going about the establishment of official relations between our new administration and Egypt. Unfortunately the Russian Federation is one of the worlds major exporters of both mineral fuels and metals, however Russia would love to begin importing Egyptian fruits. While the Russian Federation could export cereals and copper to Egyptian markets. Does such a trade agreement interest your government and if so how often and where would you like to receive Russian exports? Russia would like to receive bi-weekly shipments of Egyptian fruits and we would like them to enter the Russian Federation via the port of Novorossiysk on the Black Sea.

I would also like to thank you and your government for your kind offer to house Russians whom have been displaced by the extreme weather this winter in the Sinai. At present our government plans to relocate those of our citizens who have been displaced within Russia itself, primarily within our Black Sea region. However our government shall certainly keep your governments kind proposal in mind should the need arise to temporarily relocate more Russians than we can currently handle internally.

With regard to the Egyptian Armed Forces new equipment acquisition program, Rosobonexport is more than happy to provide whatever equipment the Egyptian Armed Forces require. Given the decades long strong military-to-military ties between our two nations, the Egyptian Armed Forces have been preapproved by the Kremlin for the acquisition of all Russian made strategic and tactical armaments and you will find a list of weapons systems that meet your stated requirements below.

Before you view Rosobonexport's to the Egyptian Armed Forces new weapons procurement program, the Russian Armed Forces have conducted an overview of your armed forces and have several recommendations which I wish to share with you.

1. Reduce the number of redundant weapons systems of the same type that the Egyptian Armed Forces currently operate, in order to provide ease of maintenance, training, operation, and the increased efficiency of your armed forces. Should the Egyptian Armed Forces take their Russian counterparts advice on this matter, the Russian Federation will gladly acquire any Russian made weapons systems that the Egyptian Armed Forces consider redundant, with compensation for the Egyptian equipment being applied to the Egyptian Armed Forces weapons order from Rosobonexport. Non-Russian made weapons systems considered redundant could be auctioned by the Egyptian Armed Forces or sold to Swedens Storhet Auktioner Government Surplus Disposals, with the profits going towards the acquisition of new weapons systems for the Egyptian Armed Forces.

2. Acquire a modern air defense network, complete with modern early-warning radar, long-range air defense systems, medium-range air defense systems, short-range air defense systems, and anti-aircraft guns. The Russian Armed Forces can not stress enough how important the acquisition of such a system is for Egypt, given the nature of modern warfare, which is heavy on the use of air power and missile strikes launched from an enemies air, ground, and naval assets. Incoming air strikes and missiles can't be detected and countered without a strong and layered air defense network, leaving upon your nation to relentless missile strikes. Should the Egyptian Armed Forces wish to build a layered air defense network, Rosobonexport will gladly out together a proposal for the Egyptian Armed Forces, while the Russian Armed Forces will assist their Egyptian counterparts in the deployment of such a system across the Democratic Republic of Egypt.

Now for Rosobonexport's reply to the Egyprian Armed Forces new equipment acquisition program. Remember all Russian made equipment is available for acquisition by Egypt, so should the Egyptian Armed Forces desire anything not included within this proposal, simply let me know and I'll see to the details.

Rosobonexport Proposal #1​

Transport Aircraft

Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A Strategic Transport Aircraft - $60,000,000 per unit

Combat Aircraft

Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 Stealth Air Superiority Fighter - $85,000,000 per unit

Sukhoi Su-35 Multirole Air Superiority Fighter Aircraft - $80,000,000 per unit

Mikoyan-35 Multirole Fighter Aircraft - $43,000,000 per unit

Mikoyan Mig-29SMT Multirole Fighter - $21,000,000 per unit

Attack Helicopters

Kamov Ka-52 Alligator Attack Helicopter - $38,000,000 per unit

Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Attack Transport Helicopter - $40,000,000 per unit

Mil Mi-28 Havoc Attack Helicopter - $23,000,000 per unit

Main Battle Tanks

T-14 Armata MBT - $6,500,000 per unit

T-90MS MBT - $5,500,000 per unit

T-72B4 125-mm MBT - $2,500,000 per unit

Logistics Trucks

KamAZ-6350 8x8 Logistics Vehicle - $320,000 per unit

Ural-5323 8x8 Logistics Vehicle - $150,000 per unit

Ural-4320 6x6 Logistics Vehicle - $100,000

GAZ-33097 4x4 Logistics Truck - $50,000 per unit


Kilo-Class Diesel-Electric Attack Submarine - $320,000,000 per unit

Lider-Class Nuclear Powered Combined Giided Missile Destroyer, Large Anti-Submarine Warship and Guided Missile Cruiser - $1,750,000,000 per unit

Admiral Gorshkov-class Frigate - $650,000,000 per unit

Gepard-Class Frigate - $400,000,000 per unit

Steregushchiy-Class Corvette - $200,000,000 per unit

Karakurt-Class Corvette - $75,000,000 per unit

Bora-Class Guided Missile Hovercraft - $25,000,000 per unit

Berezina-Class Replacement Ship - $90,000,000 per unit

Boris Chilikin-Class Fleet Oiler - $90,000,000 per unit

Again should you desire any additional equipment please let me know and I'll inquire with Rosobonexport as to the products specifics, price, etc, etc.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,​

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Jul 21, 2018
"In terms of ships, we would like to purchase 45 units of Sovremenny-class Destroyers and 45 Slava-class Cruisers, along with 18 units of Berezina-class Replenishment Ships and 18 Boris Chilikin-class Fleet Oilers.

In terms of transport, we would like to purchase 4500 units of Ural-5323 and 4500 units of Ural-4320, and the same number for the GAZ-33097.

In tanks, we would like to purchase 985 units of T-72B4/T-72B3M and the same number for the T-90MS and T-14 Armata.

In aircraft, we would like to purchase 850 units of Mig-29SMTs and the same number for Mig-35s, and 185 units of Yakovlev Yak-130, along with 485 units of Mil Mi-35M, and the same number for the Mil Mi-28 and 185 units of Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A and 98 units of Ilyushin Il-78, and also 85 Beriev A-50U.

For the air defense, we would be very happy if you could help us in that, as we have problematic problems when it comes to this. We would also like to purchase 98 000 units of 9K38 Igla and the same number for Igla-S (SA-24 Grinch).

In compensation, we would give you complete permission to have a base here in Egypt; any kind of base, and we would give you all our stocks of T-80U, BMP-1 and PT-76s, and anything you need or want.
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Jul 8, 2018

The Following Message is Classifed and Encrypted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


President of the Democratic Republic of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak,
CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,

President Mubarak,

While Rosobonexport would like to thank our Egyptian colleagues for such an enthusiastic purchase proposal, we can not in good faith consider ourselves a friend of Egypt were we to agree to sell equipment valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars to the Egyptian Armed Forces. Such a purchase would immediately plunge your nation into bankruptcy and economic turmoil, which would be far worse and deeper than the recent Egyptian Financial Crisis. Instead of the recent proposal that has been put forward by our Egyptian Colleagues, why don't we work together to build a more manageable order on the Egyptian economy and would still provide the Egyptian Armed Forces with world class Russian weapons systems?

At present the Russian Federation will underwrite $350,000,000 worth of Egyptian arms sales from Rosobonexport, which will be for in exchange for the transfer of the 100 T-80U MBT's, 100 BMP-1 IFV's, and 100 PT-76 Amphibious Light Tanks that are currently in service with the Egyptian Armed Forces. Unfortunately at this time the Russian Federation is not prepared to establish any military bases beyond Russia's "Near Abroad", as the Russian Armed Forces are not properly staffed, nor properly equipped to operate a military base so far from the Russian Federation at this time. Not to mention that the Russian Federation is facing a number of climatological and economic challenges at this time, which are placing a greater strain on the Russian Armed Forces domestically. With that said, the Russian Federatipn and Russian Armed Forces would become very interested in acquiring a military bases or bases within Egypt, should these problems become resolved and our ability and desire to project power abroad become a reality. Until then the Russian Federation must decline your nations intriguing offer.

Now for a more workable arms deal between Rosobonexport and the Egyptian Armed Forces.

Rosobonexport Proposal #2​

Transport Aircraft

2 Beriev A-50 AEW&C Aircraft - $360,000,000 per unit and $720,000,000 overall

72 Mikoyan Mig-29SMT Multirole Fighter - $21,000,000 per unit and $1,512,000,000 overall

Attack Helicopters

36 Mil Mi-28 Havoc Attack Helicopter - $23,000,000 per unit and $828,000,000 overall


Domestic Production License for the Igla-S (SA-24 Grinch) MANPAD - $250,000,000 for the domestic production license.

Main Battle Tanks

200 T-90MS MBT - $5,500,000 per unit and $1,100,000,000 overall

200 T-72B4 125-mm MBT - $2,500,000 per unit and $500,000,000 overall

Logistics Trucks

2,000 Ural-5323 8x8 Logistics Vehicle - $150,000 per unit and $300,000,000 overall

2,000 GAZ-33097 4x4 Logistics Truck - $50,000 per unit and $100,000,000 overall


2 Admiral Gorshkov-class Frigate - $650,000,000 per unit and $1,300,000,000 overall

5 Steregushchiy-Class Corvette - $200,000,000 per unit and $1,000,000,000 overall

10 Bora-Class Guided Missile Hovercraft - $25,000,000 per unit and $250,000,000 overall

1 Berezina-Class Replacement Ship - $90,000,000 per unit and $90,000,000 overall

1 Boris Chilikin-Class Fleet Oiler - $90,000,000 per unit and $90,000,000 overall

Price of Rosobonexport Proposal #2 to the Egyptian Armed Forces is $8,040,000,000 and with $350,000,000 subtracted for the acquisition of surplus Russian equipment held by the Egyptian armed forces the total price of the deal is $7,690,000,000. Not only is Rosobonexport Proposal #2 significantly more affordable than the massive offer made by the Egyptian Armed Forces, it also greatly increases the capabilities of the Egyptian Armed Forces over their current state, and the majority of the equipment would be delivered to the Egyptian Armed Forces in weeks, not months or years.

Following the signing of this deal between our two nations, Rosobonexport would be happy to continue working with the Egyptian Armed Forces to put together a larger deal in the near future, which would satisfy some of the equipment desired by the Egyptian Armed Forces that's not fully addressed by Rosobonexport Proposal #2. For this future arms deal between Rosobonexport and the Egyptian Armed Forces, the Russian Federation will assist the Egyptian Armed Forces seek financing from a number of sources, including the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina, FCI, the PRC, etc, etc. Perhaps by this time the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will also be in a position to provide a percentage of the financing for a future deal between Rosobonexport and the Egyptian Armed Forces. While the Egyptian Armed Forces should have also acquired significant additional funds through selling off redundant armaments to Storhet Auktioner, which can be put towards this larger second arms deal.

What are your thoughts on the proposals put forward regarding the possible trade routes between our two nations?


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,​


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service, who continually monitor for unencrypted messages from governments who represent a high risk to global peace and stability, would secretly intercept and take note of the unencrypted Egyptian message. It would be forwarded to analysts within the agency who would begin research into yet another remilitarisation program conducted by the Egyptian government.

The intercepted message privately and securely forwarded to the intelligence agencies of the United States and Great Britain.


Jul 21, 2018

"Well, we would like to procure the following equipment:

485 units of T-72B4/T-72B3M
485 units of T-72 SIM-1
485 units of T-90MS
485 units of T-90M
485 units of T-80U
485 units of T-80BV-U


98 units of Mil Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter
98 units of Mil Mi-28N Attack Helicopter
98 units of Mil Mi-24D Attack Helicopter
98 units of Mil Mi-24VM Attack Helicopter
98 units of Mil Mi-35M Attack Helicopter

I'll be ordering more equipment in the following days, and will be paying annually once all equipment are all ordered. Thank you very much.

Hosni Mubarak, The President Of The Democratic Republic Of Egypt


Jul 8, 2018

The Following Message is Classifed and Encrypted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


President of the Democratic Republic of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak,
CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,

President Mubarak,

I have taken the liberty to adjust your order, as ordering so many different types of MBT's would be a logistical nightmare on your armed forces, while also being extremely costly. To remedy this problem I selected the T-72 SIM-1125-mm MBT as the centerpiece of this deal, replacing the T-72B4 MBT, T-80 MBT variants, and the T-90M MBT, which you had selected large numbers of. The T-72 SIM-1125-mm MBT is a quote capable MBT, mixing Russian and western technology, it is reliable, easy and cheap to maintain, lethal on the battlefield, and relatively inexpensive as I heavily discounted the MBT for you at $1,500,000 per MBT. I also discounted the 485x requested T-90MS MBT's to $5,000,000, in order to provide the Egyptian Armed Forces with an elite "Silver Bullet Force", capable of defeating any MBT within your region and the wider world.

I've also adjusted your attack helicopter order, as the 98x Mil Mi-28NM Havoc Attack Helicopters make additional Mil Mi-28 Havoc variants redundant given your nations budgetary constraints. While I also took out the Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Assault Helicopter, as the Mil Mi-24VM Hind Assault Helicopters and the Mil Mi-24D Assault Helicopters make the Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Assault Helicopter redundant and expensive, given the aforementioned budgetary constraints.

Unfortunately due to the great costs of rebuilding the Russian Federation and wild economic fluctuations within the Russian economy, Rosobonexport needs this deal to be paid upfront. However we are happy to work with financial institutions such as FCI or the Argentine Central Bank to help your armed forces finance this arms deal, if you're unable to pay for it in full. Rosobonexport would also be happy to write-off up to $3,000,000,000 from this arms deal, should the Egyptian Armed Forces wish to transfer currently held Russian made fighter aircraft to Rosobonexport to help complete this deal.

I look forward to your answer.

Rosobonexport Proposal #3​

98x Mil Mi-24D Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit

98x Mil Mi-24VM Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit

98x Mil Mi-28NM Havoc Attack Helicopters - $2,352,000,000 in total and $24,000,000 per unit

485x T-90MS 125-mm MBT - $2,425,000,000 in total and $5,000,000 per unit

1,940x T-72 SIM-1 125-mm MBT - $2,910,000,000 in total and $1,500,000 per unit

Total Value of Rosobonexport Proposal #3 = $10,535,000,000


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,​



Jul 21, 2018

"We are willing to trade our whole stockpiles of Il-14s, BMP-1s, Sukhoi Su-30MKK, and Sukhoi Su-30MKMs, in exchange for some additions to the deal.

-1 940 units of T-72B4/T-72B3M

We are ordering this MBT because our tank crews and army personnel are very familiar and used to operating with and alongside this type of tank, and we need to replenish our stocks of this MBT. Perhaps we could make some kind of deal without compromising the proposal you made and my order with this type of tank and the number of units I am hoping to purchase. I will await your reply.

Hosni Mubarak, The President Of The Democratic Republic Of Egypt
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Jul 8, 2018

The Following Message is Classifed and Encrypted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


President of the Democratic Republic of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak,
CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,

President Mubarak,

I have edited Rosobonexport's proposal to reflect the addition of the T-72B4 MBT and included the Russian Federations offer regarding to acquisition by the Russian Armed Forces of used Russian aircraft and IFV's that are currently in use by the Egyptian Armed Forces.

Rosobonexport Proposal #4​

98x Mil Mi-24D Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit

98x Mil Mi-24VM Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit

98x Mil Mi-28NM Havoc Attack Helicopters - $2,352,000,000 in total and $24,000,000 per unit

485x T-90MS 125-mm MBT - $2,425,000,000 in total and $5,000,000 per unit

1,940x T-72 SIM-1 125-mm MBT - $2,910,000,000 in total and $1,500,000 per unit

1,940x T-72B4 MBT's - $3,880,000,000 in total and $2,000,000 per unit.

Total Value of Rosobonexport Proposal #4 = $14,415,000,000

While the Russian Air Force is prepared to purchase your stock of 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters and 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters for $7,425,000,000 and the Russian Ground Forces would like to purchase your stock of 100x BMP-1 IFV's for $100,000,000. The full deal with the Russian Armed Forces being worth a total of $7,525,000,000 to Egypt for the transfer of the used Russian equipment you've offered to the Russian Federation. Should you wish to proceed with this arms deal, please transfer $14,415,000,000 to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation will then transfer $7,525,000,000 to Egypt for the immediate transfer of the selected used Russian aircraft and IFV's to the Russian Armed Forces.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,​



Jul 21, 2018
"Could I insert this last batch of equipment? Here are the following:

-850 units of Bumerang IFV (with 30 mm Bumerang-BM remote weapon station)
-850 units of Kurganets-25 IFV (with 30 mm Bumerang-BM remote weapon station)
-785 units of BMP-2
-785 units of BTR-90

perhaps we can make a deal, without compromising both our interests. I will await your reply.

Hosni Mubarak, The President of the Democratic Republic Of Egypt


Jul 8, 2018

The Following Message is Classifed and Encrypted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Recipients: President of the Democratic Republic of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak, CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,

President Mubarak,

Rosobonexport is willing to work with Egypt, given your nations traditional friendship towards the Russian Federation and begin producing the 850x Kurganets-25 IFV's and the 785x BTR-90 8x8 APC's, without the Egyptian Armed Forces being required to make an upfront payment on these vehicles. This will give Egypt some time to come up with the funds for the equipment, either through loans, government revenue, or perhaps our two nations could reach some other agreement, such as Russia trading the equipment in exchange for the establishment of a large base for the Russian Armed Forces within the Southern Sinai and granting a Russian firm a 50% stake in the Suez Canal Authority. So we have some options, as well as some time to come to an agreement regarding payment on the Kurganets-25 IFV's and BTR-90 8x8 APC's, and if we fail to come to an agreement then the Russian Ground Forces will simply take ownership of the equipment.

So I am going to adjust the proposal to add the Kurganets-25 IFV's and BTR-90 8x8 APC's, this will include both their unit price and their total price, however the funds for those two vehicles do not need to be transferred right away as I said before. However Rosobonexport will still require the $14,415,000,000 upfront to begin production on all of the requested equipment and as previously agreed upon the Russian Federation will pay $7,525,000,000 to Egypt for the acquisition of the 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters, 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, and 100x BMP-1 IFV's that we have agreed to purchase from your armed forces.

Rosobonexport Proposal #5​

98x Mil Mi-24D Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit

98x Mil Mi-24VM Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit

98x Mil Mi-28NM Havoc Attack Helicopters - $2,352,000,000 in total and $24,000,000 per unit

485x T-90MS 125-mm MBT - $2,425,000,000 in total and $5,000,000 per unit

1,940x T-72 SIM-1 125-mm MBT - $2,910,000,000 in total and $1,500,000 per unit

1,940x T-72B4 MBT's - $3,880,000,000 in total and $2,000,000 per unit

850x Kurganets-25 IFV's - $4,250,000,000 in total and $5,000,000 per unit

785x BTR-90 8x8 APC's - $1,373,750,000 in total and $1,750,00 per unit

Total Value of Rosobonexport Proposal #5 = $20,038,750,000

Total owed to begin production of Rosobonexport Proposal #5 = $14,415,000,000

Total balance owed to Rosobonexport by the Democratic Republic of Egypt = $5,623,750,000

While the Russian Armed Forces will transfer funds totaling $7,525,000,000 for the acquisition of your stock of 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters, 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, and 100x BMP-1 IFV's.

Should you wish to proceed with this arms deal, please transfer $14,415,000,000 to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation will then transfer $7,525,000,000 to Egypt for the immediate transfer of the selected used Russian aircraft and IFV's to the Russian Armed Forces.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,



Jul 21, 2018
"We will transfer the said equipment to your country as soon as possible. Well, I saw that you want to build a large base for the Russian Armed Forces in the Southern Sinai. I looked into that and maybe you could move that to the westernmost part? There, you can build a base which overlooks the vital Strait of Tiran and you could also occupy its island, the Tiran Island. That island is vital, for you could build another base there, and will serve as a choke point, blocking every ship when it comes to war. How does that sound?

That is if you accept this order that I'm about to include to the proposal you made: 850 units of T-55M6, together with 850 units of BMP-2. I await your reply.
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Jul 8, 2018

The Following Message is Classifed and Encrypted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


President of the Democratic Republic of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak, CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, President Mubarak,

While the Strait of Tiran is certainly a vital strategic waterway and Tiran Island dominates access to the strait, the Russian Federation requires territory that firmly located along the Red Sea, as we wish to ensure our access to and safeguard the critical Suez Canal. After speaking with the Ministry of Defense, they have located two sites of interest within the South Sinai Governate, which they wish to develop for use by the Russian Armed Forces.

The Russian Navy, Russian Aerospace Defense Forces, and Russian Air Force wish to build a large naval and air base within Ras Sedr, South Sinai Governate, Democratic Republic of Egypt, which will be complete with an integrated and layered air defense network, coastal defense systems and coastal surveillance radar, facilities to handle and protect a significant amount of personnel from the Russian Armed Forces, port facilities to berth, replenish, and maintain at least a flotilla of Russian warships and submarines, and airport facilities to station at least an air wing of fighters and an air wing of helicopters and from the Russian Air Force, and a squadron of ASW/MPA aircraft, along with a squadron of maritime strike aircraft from Russian Naval Aviation.

While the Russian Ground Forces wish to build a training facility for desert warfare within Saint Catherine, South Sinai Governate, Democratic Republic of Egypt, which would have facilities to handle and protect several thousand Russian soldiers, several varied desert warfare courses, along with a small airport to handle aircraft and helicopters transporting Russian soldiers into and out of the proposed Saint Catherine Desert Warfare Training Center. While the Russian Armed Forces would also like to build a modern road connecting the Russian Ground Forces Desert Warfare Training Center in Saint Catherine, to the primary Russian Naval and Air Base as Ras Sedr. The roadway would also serve the local Egyptian population and would benefit the local infrastructure and economy of the South Sinai Governate.

Should this arrangement please your government as well, then we will have a deal. The revised Rosobonexport Proposal #6 has been described in detail below.

Rosobonexport Proposal #6​

98x Mil Mi-24D Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit.

98x Mil Mi-24VM Hind Attack Transport Helicopters - $1,372,000,000 in total and $14,000,000 per unit.

98x Mil Mi-28NM Havoc Attack Helicopters - $2,352,000,000 in total and $24,000,000 per unit.

485x T-90MS 125-mm MBT - $2,425,000,000 in total and $5,000,000 per unit.

1,940x T-72 SIM-1 125-mm MBT - $2,910,000,000 in total and $1,500,000 per unit.

1,940x T-72B4 MBT's - $3,880,000,000 in total and $2,000,000 per unit.

850x T-55M6 MBT's = $765,000,000 in total and $900,000 per unit.

850x Kurganets-25 IFV's - $4,250,000,000 in total and $5,000,000 per unit (Free pending the transfer of Ras Sedr and Saint Catherine to the Russian Federation.)

850x BMP-2 IFV's = $2,210,000,000 in total and $2,600,000 per unit.

785x BTR-90 8x8 APC's - $1,373,750,000 in total and $1,750,00 per unit. (Free pending the transfer of Ras Sedr and Saint Catherine to the Russian Federation.)

Total Value of Rosobonexport Proposal #6 = $23,013,750,000 ($5,623,750,000 written off pending the transfer of Ras Sedr and Saint Catherine to the Russian Federation and $7,525,000,000 transferred to the Democratic Republic of Egypt for the acquisition of Egyptian stocks of 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters, 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, and 100x BMP-1 IFV's.)

Total overall cost to the Democratic Republic of Egypt of Rosobonexport Proposal #6 pending the transfer of Ras Sedr and Saint Catherine to the Russian Federation and the transfer of 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters, 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, and 100x BMP-1 IFV's to the Russian Armed Force = $9,865,000,000

To complete Rosobonexport Proposal #6, please transfer $17,390,000,000 to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, transfer the Egyptian territories of Ras Sedr and Saint Catherine to the territory of the Russian Federation, and transfer 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters, 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, and 100x BMP-1 IFV's to the Russian Armed Forces.

In return the Russian Armed Forces will transfer $7,525,000,000 to the Democratic Republic of Egypt for the transfer of the 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters, 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, and 100x BMP-1 IFV's, and will produce 850x Kurganets-25 IFV's and 785x BTR-90 8x8 APC's for the Egyptian Armed Forces, for the transfer of the Egyptian territories of Ras Sedr and Saint Catherine to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Air Force has an immediate need for the transfer of the 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters and 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters, which we agreed upon acquiring within this deal. So let us please close this deal now and should your armed forces wish to acquire additional arms from Rosobonexport, we can most certainly do so within the framework of another arms deal. Further delays in the acquisition of the 110x Sukhoi Su-30MKK Multirole Fighters and 55x Sukhoi Su-30MKM Multirole Fighters by the Russian Air Force could force the Russian Air Force to purchase aircraft domestically in order to meet their current critical need for advanced multirole fighters and that is something avoidable, which I do not wish to happen, as our negotiations are quite advanced and in the best interests of both nations.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov,

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Jul 21, 2018
"The jets are prepped and ready, while the BMPs are being loaded on the ships. The BMPs are headed for the port of Novorossiysk, while the jets are to lad at Moscow International Airport. Callsign would be Egypt-Two.

For the next order of business, fighter jets. Here are the following equipment we would really like to procure for our next deal:

-485 units of Sukhoi Su-30SME
-485 units of Sukhoi Su-30MK2
-485 units of Sukhoi Su-35S
-485 units of Mikoyan Gurevich Mig-29S
-485 units of Mikoyan Gurevich Mig-29SMT

Now, about the land, we agree, including the population, that you own the lands, but let the people in it still live there. One more thing, this is the last change, but please change the T-55M6 to T-80U with the same number of what I ordered. I await your reply.
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