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[Egypt] Message to the UK


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted


Message to: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of yje United Kingdom
Message from: Sadiki Aswad, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Arab Republic of Egypt

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

On behalf of the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt I woud like to formally establish a formal link between both our Administrations. In line with our new foreign agenda, we are reaching out to other influencing nations on a global level in order to begin talks regarding political and commercial affairs that could benefit both States.

Our intention is to establish a line of communication between Cairo and London, and look into the possibility of increasing bilateral commercial exchange through the establishment of new trade routes.

Kind regards,

Sadiki Aswad
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Arab Republic of Egypt



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Jason Green, the Secretary of Defence for the United Kingdom would invite Sadiki Aswad into a private phone call, requesting the call to discuss initial relations as opposed to replying to the email directly.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
After the proper arrangements had been done, Minister Sadiki Aswad would accept the private phone call with Secretary Green.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Having noticed the call was accepted, Jason Green was quick to speak "Hello, my name is Jason Green, I'm the Secretary of Defence for the British Government. I'm contacting you in regards to an email you had sent the Secretary of Foreign Affairs regarding a potential relationship between the U-K and Egypt. Can I please just confirm I'm speaking to the right person? Mr.. Sadiki Aswad?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Mr. Secretary Green, yes, this is Sadiki Aswad, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt. A pleasure speaking to you, a call is a much more flexible way to introduce both our administrations."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Pleasure to speak with you Mr Aswad. I couldn't agree more, there can be so much confusion in emails as it is, at least the call will allow us to set the record straight in any case." smiled the secretary on the other side of the line. "I was grateful to have seen the email and expressed interest in opening a line of communication between the two countries. No doubt in this day of age, communication is perhaps the most vital aspect of our lives as we know it. Is there anywhere you'd prefer to begin?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"One of my nations highest priorities is to exploit our strategic geographic position, severely neglected for the last decades. Egypt lies at the junction between east and west, and it ous our administrations desire to boost our position as regional commercial hub. Perhaps commerce adn trade would be a good common ground to start from, and later progress to other issues."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Understandable, I'm sure your government will go onto great things." he spoke. "I'd be happy to discuss trade, we actually have some products we think you may be interested in importing into Egypt:

1. Machinery
2. Cars
3. Precious Metals
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Organic Chemicals

If you'd like to confirm if there's anything here you are keen on importing?
Additionally, I'm interested to hear what Egypt is offering."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I would think that opening the egyptian market to british machinery, cars and pharmaceuticals would be a viable way to go. In return, my country would seek to introduce egyptian petorleum, gold, copper, fertilizers and fruits to the british one."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That could work, so we would be able to delivery Machinery, Cars and Pharmaceuticals on a weekly or monthly basis.. depending on your preference, to a location of your choice.
We'd like to ask, in return for Fertilizers, Petroleum and Gold to be delivered in return to the UK, Portsmouth, on a month-by-month basis if this would be Ok?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, we can see that happening. The british goods can be shipped to our main mediterranean port in Alexandria. Our products on the other hand will be delivered to Portsmouth on the time period you mentioned."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"We've submitted the request to have the trade routes placed under IMTO rules so you ought to see the first shipments making their arrivals within the next month. It's a pleasure to be doing business with yourself." there was a short pause, "Trade is always paramount to increasing the standard of cooperation between nations. If you're happy to submit the routes at your side, we can move onto the next topic if you have something on your agenda?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"My administration is preparing the paperwork as we speak. We are happy to make such quick progress in terms of commercial exchange.

If you agree, we could move on to more political issues. Given your nations international position, we would like to know London's stance on this apparent resurging or communism in some nations in eastern Europe and Asia. As a former NATO nation, can we expect an active opposition?



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Likewise, the quicker the business.. just means the more business that can be discussed." he smiled. "The British Government is holding back on making any official... um.. opinion, regarding political shifts within Eastern Europe and Asia.
As you'd expect, any changes like the ones you describe are monitored closely but London is making no real statement until any intentions are made more clear. As of this moment, I can confirm there's no real stance for any opposition but as you know, that can change, and quickly. Does Egypt have any official stance on these affairs?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The current Governments main foreign policy is one of neutrality. While we are eager to establish firm and solid bilateral relations with many nations around the globe, we will refrain from entering into any multilateral agreement and organization, such as the General Assembly and military alliances, considering that those would potentially mean the resignation of certain sovereign rights.

Said that, obviously we will remain neutral should any conflict finally spark between east and west, so long as our commercial and economic interests remain undisturbed.

Regardless, we are looking into some regional issues here in Africa that could compromise our national security.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Understandable. At the moment, we seem to share the same interest in neutrality, and whilst we are in the Global Assembly, it's something we've not taken an active role in. That may change, as I do see benefits but we're currently opting to avoid any mainstream alliances and will focus on relationship building in general.

Speaking of issues, and specifically regional, we're currently moving to Madagascar to support them against the Ebola Outbreak. A Casualty Ship is en-route to help support them. I'm hoping we're going for this in it's premature stage before it develops to anything more.

What other regional issues are you currently seeing, may I ask?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The lack of public infrastructure such as hospitals and sewage, plus the lack of easy access to clear water is a constant in most african nations, which obviously contributes dramatically to increase the chances of epidemics and diseases such as the ebola in Madagascar. Without a proper long term plan and commitment by part of the local Governments, there will hardly be any real changes... Should your humanitarian convoy need to cross the Suez Canal, it will obviously have no obstacles and will be given priority for the crossing.

As for the regional issues, you may know that the Nile river is the heart and soul of my nation, and its economy. We depend almost 100% on its waters for our crops, industries, transportation and tourism. While we do now control most of its tides thanks to the Aswan Dam and several hydraulic projects, we live in constant dependence on what happens up the river, in the hundreds of kilometers of river that span towards its source, south into Sudan. You may also know how the corrupt dictator Omar Al-Bashir fails to have control over its territory and bring a lasting peace to a nation that has lived in a state of civil war for most of the last 30 years. Warlords and muslim radical groups spawn constantly and roam the land, pushing refugees into egyptian territory.

In a whole, this represents a treat to our life-source, and also strains our resources, having to watch out for hundreds of thousands of refugees in the south. Diplomatic channels constantly meet with empty words and promises from the Al-Bashir government...



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Understandable, of course, the United Kingdom has a huge focus on humanitarian aid and we'll provide support to any African country that don't have access to the basic necessities. After all, we're all in this together. The mission to Madagascar is a sign of the cooperation we share with those further away, and I thank you for providing priority passage through the Suez. It will certainly increase our response time to support the fight against Ebola. Getting it as early as it currently is will no doubt help prevent it spreading.

I suppose all around our countries, Europe.. Africa.. and other continents are all surrounded in regional issues that we must overcome. If you do have any need for assistance, please let me know and we will do what we can to help."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Let us know if there is any way we can support your humanitarian efforts in Madagascar.

We will keep you posted on any news regarding the Sudan-affaire.

I think this conversation has been very positive, and has helped grasp a better understanding of each others foreign agenda and interests. If there isn't anything else you'd like to discuss, I must leave you now



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Absolutely. Based on estimations, our task force ought to be arriving very shortly to assess the situation, we will then go from there to decide the best action moving forward.

I couldn't agree more, I'd like to think it's been progressive and allowed both of us to have a better understanding of our foreign affairs and hopefully a stepping stone to cooperating in the future.

That is all from my side, thank you so much for your time."

With that, the pair could do their farewells and the call could end mutually.

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