GA Member
- Jun 10, 2024
- 45

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan
From: Her Excellency Su Miyamoto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan
To: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America Odinson
Classification: Confidential
Encryption: Camellia 128 Bit Block Size 192 Bit Key Size 24 Rounds
Subject: Formal Relations
Your Excellency,
While the history of the United States and the Empire of Japan has been defined by conflict for much of the 19th and early 20th centuries, ever since the two states have shared close ties. Even now the United States continues to have a deep impact on Japanese culture, our way of governance and even the very architecture of our country. As you may be aware we have recently re-established a strong and effective government following a period of internal disturbances. While we continue addressing these disturbances, we have reached a state where we are looking to open up to the outside world again. While several countries have reached out to us already, you are the first we are reaching out to.
The Empire of Japan seeks to restore the relationship we once shared, to begin that process I would like to request a meeting between your Department and our Ambassador in Washington, D.C. If you will agree Ambassador Miho Kuroda can meet at any day and time. I look forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Su Miyamoto
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