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Ethiopia | Ground Forces Annual Deployment Exercise

Personnel Quantity


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ

Status: Private
As part of the operational capabilities program of the ethiopia ground forces personnel, a basic course would be assigned to all ethiopian army ground troops to get accustomed to operations in desert and mountainous conditions, such as those found around most of the ethiopian territory.

All troops would be ordered to take part, regardless of their specialities.

The course and drills would be given in the vicinities of the respective military bases, always seeking the most probable engagement conditions of the desert and arid regions of Ethiopia.

Participating units:
- Northern Military Command
- Central Military Command
- Western Military Command


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The involved ethiopian army commands would begin the course by conducting field drills, that includes marching during day and night conditions in desert and mountain environments near their respective bases.

They would carry out these drills with their full combat equipment, carrying several kg of gear in order to try emulate real scenarios. They would march for several kilometers and stop to rest. Eventually, the instructors and officers would order them to take certain positions or to carry out basic maneuvers that shoould be expected in a real combat or skirmish.

The aim of this would be to familiarize the troops with the common ethiopian environmental conditions and to give them an advantage at the moment of confronting with troops not used to operate in this kind of theater.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The ethiopian ground forces would continue their training, now with extreme survival practice. They would be ordered to march in groups into rural and desert areas, with minimal supplies and instructed to survive for several days, while completing a checklist of objectives (that would include day/night maneuvering). The goal of this part of the training was to improve their survival and operational abilities under extreme arid conditions. Survival specialist would be giving "pre-mission" classes and demonstrations for the troops. Rescue and support units would be ready for cases were medical or emergency evacuations were required.

Limited vehicles would be employed during these drills.
