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France | Covert Message to Afghanistan


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
While Central Asia had so far not been a priority for the French state and likely wasn't going to be one for a while still, the London attacks caused a shift in focus. What information they had about al-Qaeda was that it was linked to the Taliban and had ties to Afghanistan. But the sheer lack of information available to the government made it clear that they were going to need to foster contacts in the region if they were to protect French interests. At the same time the unstable nature of the government in Kabul and the fact that it could not be ruled out entirely that the government was involved with the terrorists meant that a direct outreach from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs was simply too risky. Instead a different agency, isolated from Parliament and political responsibility, would need to establish initial contacts. With that in mind the DGSE, the French foreign intelligence agency would establish communications with the Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs.


From: Pierre Brochand, Director, Direction générale de la Sécurité extérieure
To: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan Grant
Classification: Top Secret

Subject: War against al-Qaeda

Your Excellency,

As you are undoubtedly aware London was recently attacked by terrorists from the al-Qaeda organization and in direct response the Empire of France has declared a war on terror in general and against al-Qaeda in particular.

It is the belief of my agency that in this endeavour France and your government find ourselves on the same wavelength and that the defeat of al-Qaeda and any linked group such as the Taliban would be in the mutual interest of both our states. For this purpose I have been asked to establish, initially, clandestine connections with your government to share information and possibly to provide direct support to Afghanistan to combat the terrorists that endanger your own population as well.

Should you agree to this goal I would like to propose a meeting between one of my agents and a member of your administration in either Afghanistan or in a third country. Due to the sensitive nature of this endeavour I ask that regardless of your response this message is kept secret within your office as well.

Pierre Brochand


Jul 1, 2018



To: Pierre Brochand, Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure Alexander
Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: War against al-Qaeda

Dear Mr Brochland,

First and foremost, please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding. Since returning to office and in light of the recent attack in London, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been heavily engaged in discussions with various nations regarding the attack and potential measures to prevent future incidents. This has naturally caused delays in our responses to everyone attempting to make contact.

We acknowledge France’s commitment to this cause and share the objective of dismantling terrorist networks that endanger innocent lives. Given the sensitive nature of this communication, I will ensure discretion in handling this matter within my office.

Regarding your proposal for a meeting, due to my current obligations, I will unfortunately be unavailable for a direct meeting at this time. However, I propose a meeting in Kabul at the Arg Palace, where Prime Minister Faridullah Waziri will be available to receive your representative. The Prime Minister will be able to engage in substantive discussions regarding intelligence sharing and potential strategic collaboration in the fight against terrorism.

If this arrangement is suitable, please provide the necessary details regarding your representative’s availability, security requirements, and any specific topics of concern you wish to address. We will ensure appropriate measures are taken to facilitate a secure and productive meeting.

I look forward to your response and to strengthening the cooperation between our nations in pursuit of global security.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​


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