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France | Franco-Japanese Imperial Relations


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

From: Sophie Dubois, Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, France
To: Su Miyamoto, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan Tokugawa
CC: Palace of Versailles, France
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Franco-Japanese Relations

Your Excellency,

First of all I would like to congratulate you and the rest of your Cabinet on your recent election. Ever since the end of the internal disturbances and chaos inside your country and especially following the ascent of Her Imperial Majesty, the Japanese Empress and the transition from martial law to now a democratic government France has been closely watching Japan. As a country that saw a very similar transition towards a democratic monarchy to provide order to a chaotic country, we understand how difficult this process must have been and recognize the many pitfalls that the Empress and your Cabinet had to avoid to keep from turning autocratic. Your success in these endeavours is a testament to your commitment to civil rights, and your Empress' desire to atone for the past displays a maturity far beyond her age.

In light of these similar paths for our countries, as well as a long history of friendship between the French and Japanese peoples, and converging foreign policy interests as evidenced by our own alliance with Thailand and your conference with them, I would like to propose the establishment of formal relations between our two Empires. In particular Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress of the French has requested me to arrange for a state visit from the Empress to Japan and in particular to meet with the Japanese Empress to discuss the establishment of cooperation in the fields of trade, culture and military matters as well as policies for the Pacific in which we both share interests.

If it is preferrable to you to meet outside Japan instead, we would also be open to hosting the Empress in France. We look forward to hearing from you.

Sophie Dubois,
Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères,


GA Member
Jun 10, 2024



Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan

From: Her Excellency Su Miyamoto, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan
To: Her Excellency Sophie Dubois, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Empire of France Alexander

Classification: Restricted
Encryption: Camellia 128 Bit Block Size 128 Bit Key Size 18 Rounds

Subject: Establishing Relations

Your Excellency,

Thank you for your kind message, I will be sure to relay your sentiments to the rest of the Cabinet and the Chrysanthemum Throne. It would be our honor to host the Empress of the French and Her Imperial Majesty is excited to meet with a fellow monarch from Europe. We could arrange for an official state visit later this month.

Kind regards,
Su Miyamoto


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
With Japanese confirmation and the formal invitation the Ministry would commence the preparations for the Empress' formal visit to Japan. In this they would coordinate with their Japanese counterpart to make sure all required preparations weren't made, in particular the security arrangements, the authorization for the Azure Guard to be armed and the travel itinerary for both the advance plane carrying the first part of the security detail and her vehicles and of course the Empress' plane itself.

Once all things were arranged at the agreed day and time the Airbus A380 Air France Flight 001 would approach Tokyo Haneda Airport.


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