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[France] Message to the Holy See


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Empire de France
Château de Versailles

From: Impératrice Thérèse, Impératrice des Français,
To: His Holiness Pope Hadrian VII
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Imperial Coronation and Restoration of Church Relations

Most Holy Father,

First, excuse my arrogance in reaching out to you directly via this mechanism rather than pledging my loyalty to the Church in person. However, the realities of statehood have left very few possibilities for that in this age. As you are likely aware the civil conflict in France has recently concluded, in favour of my rule. While I have been appointed to this role by the people of France, and that was often considered sufficient for my predecessors. I strictly believe that only a Pope can crown Emperors and Kings. For that reason I most humbly ask for the honour of a formal Imperial Coronation.

Regardless of your willingness to accept this request, I hereby once again pledge the Empire of France to your service. We intend to be the temporal enforcer of your spiritual will and I personally pledge to guarantee that France once again shall restore Your institutions and Your officials within this country to their rightful place. This includes the immediate removal of secularism from our Constitution as well as the suspension of laws that have served to diminish the authority of the Holy See on Church affairs within France and that have deprived Your educational institutions of the same recognition and support as similar secular institutions. I hope these measures meet your approval and I look forward to serving You as well as my people.

I have the honor to profess myself with the most profound respect, your Holiness' most obedient and humble servant.

Impératrice Thérèse,
Impératrice des Français



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Unto: Impératrice Thérèse, Impératrice des Français ( Alexander )

From: His Holiness Pope Hadrian VII, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God.

Subject: Imperial Coronation and Restoration of Church Relations

First Daughter of Our First Daughter,

We would like to take the opening of this missive to apologies for how long it has taken Us to respond to your original Epistle. It is not the usual form for unsolicited mail being addressed directly to Us, as such your letter was shifted through many desks and inboxes before making it to Our own desk. As well it came on the heels of the crisis facing Our brethren in the territory formerly held by the Republic of Turkey. As such We have been understandably preoccupied as of late, which We are certain you understand and have faced in your own calling. Though We are heartened by your letter and your want to reconcile with Holy Mother Church and to restore the rightful primacy of France as her First Daughter. For this has been a goal of Our Papacy, and something We have endeavoured to achieve with your two most recent predecessors, to no avail. We also eagerly look forward to the restoration of the Catholic Church’s Primacy in the day-to-day life of the French peoples. For We hope that your measures in this regard will serve as the Guide Post by which all other Catholic Nations strive to emulate.

As to your coronation, We would be more then inclined to achieve such an end. For We have already been called upon to coronate one Catholic King, and the crowning of the Empress of France… and perhaps one day the Empress of the Holy Roman Empire? Would be a shinning achievement that shows how beloved the Kingdom of France is in the eyes of the Church. On the topic of Catholic Institutions in France, We came to an agreement with your predecessor for the restoration of the Palais des Papes in Avignon, We have upheld our end of that bargain, but the other half of the funding never materialized before the disappearance of your predecessor. We have established Avignon as the See of the Regional Patriarch of Europe, and We feel that his residence and Cathedral should be commensurate with his position.

We would also be inclined to offer you a Household Chaplain, of the rank of Cardinal as is justified and commensurate with French History. Should you be so inclined, if you would submit us the names of four French Bishops whom you trust and whose opinions you value, we shall pick one of them as our Envoy and your Personal Chaplain.

With our Blessings,


His Holiness Pope Hadrian VII

Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God.


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Empire de France
Château de Versailles

From: Impératrice Thérèse, Impératrice des Français,
To: His Holiness Pope Hadrian VII
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Imperial Coronation and Restoration of Church Relations

Most Holy Father,

Your apologies are never needed but always appreciated. Unfortunately my Republican predecessors have consistently failed to recognize the importance of the Church in all our lives and the history of the French state. As such I consider restoration of Her Primacy as not only a divine duty, but the only way to bring true salvation to the French people. If in this I and my people can serve as a beacon for the rest of the world, that would be without a doubt an amazing privilege. In addition to the legal moves and executive decisions I have made, I seek to encourage a return to the Church of the French people by serving as a public example. Already we have seen indications that more people are attending Mass and we will endeavour to make this development continue.

The Empire of France shares Your concern for the faith of Christians in Turkey. We have sought to take steps, including utilizing our diplomatic missions to aid anyone inside the country that needs help and by publicly rebuking Turkish efforts to establish relations with France. The Turkish retaliatory measures we are more than willing to bear.

You honour me with Your willingness to perform this coronation, and I can only hope to one day be worthy of the title of Holy Roman Empress. Concerning the Palais des Papes in Avignon, I am aware of past agreements and will happily honour any agreement with the Church that has been made in the past. Our records do not currently have the required contributions listed but if these were provided to us we would immediately correct this unfortunate delay in payment.

I would be honoured if a Household Chaplain were to be assigned to my Court, and would appreciate the ability to consult with one so close to the Holy See on all matters of state.

I have the honour to profess myself with the most profound respect, your Holiness' most obedient and humble servant. Bishop Jean-Michel Dupond showed great loyalty and honour during the Civil War. Despite extensive pressure he acted to protect my sister's life and remained loyal to my position even as Republican forces surrounded the Chartres Cathedral. During all these times he also remained highly loyal to the Church as he often consulted me on how a good Christian ruler should respond. In addition Bishops Maximin Gerard, Eugene Lorent, and Antoin Giroux have likewise demonstrated both great loyalty to the throne of France and the Holy See. Any one of these holy men would be able to provide exception advice and spiritual guidance.

Impératrice Thérèse,
Impératrice des Français


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