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France | Message to the Polish Embassy


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

From: Sophie Dubois, Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, France
To: Serafina Pawłowska, Ambassador to the Empire of France, Poland
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Continued Relations and Status of Forces in New Caledonia

Your Excellency,

First of all, I have been asked by the Empress to once again relay our gratitude for your help in quelling the insurrection in New Caledonia. Now that a general quiet has returned and with the presence of significant numbers of French military and security personnel, the Ministry of the Armed Forces believes it can re-assume sole security responsibilities and is returning command authority to the Commander, New Caledonia (COMNOUCAL) Brigadier General Alix Germain, also in part to address local opposition to the continued presence of multiple non-Kanak military structures.

To guarantee an orderly transition and to make sure that both the logistical and political needs of Poland are addressed in this matter as well I would like to invite you and your military attaché to meet with me and my liaison to the Ministry of the Armed Forces Colonel Anne-Marie Masson at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Beyond the practical matters involving Polish forces on the island, after concluding those discussions and without our military experts present I would also like to discuss the continued relations between France and Poland, and how we might continue them as two ideologically like-minded Catholic European powers. The Empress also intends to like French personnel award Polish personnel involved in operations in New Caledonia honours and we would like to discuss the practicalities of those and if there are any specific concerns from Poland that Versailles needs to keep in mind for those.

Sophie Dubois,
Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères,



GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
To: Sophie Dubois; Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires etrangeres Alexander
Subject: Continued Relations and Status of Forces in New Caledonia
Security: Encrypted and Classified Secret by POSP
Minister Dubois,

Thank you for reaching out to me in response to the French military returning to the island of New Caledonia. We feel it is in the best interest for the people of New Caledonia, Poland, and France if we proceed along with the plan of Brigadier General Alix Germain assuming general command authority of the region. It would be my honor to join you at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to discuss this transition of power alongside our military attache.

In regards to awards for Polish soldiers, I would be happy to discuss this with you afterwards. With such a distinctive time in theater I feel such things are well deserved by our forces there. I can be there shortly alongside our military attache and a few additional legal attaches to discuss the legality of awarding Polish soldiers foreign devices.

Serafina Pawłowska
Polish Ambassador to France

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