Start Year: 1995
Current Year: 2006

Month: April

2 Weeks is 1 Month
Next Month: 23/03/2025


Administration Team

Administrators are in-charge of the forums overall, ensuring it remains updated, fresh and constantly growing.

Administrator: Jamie
Administrator: Hollie

Community Support

Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.

Moderator: Connor
Moderator: Odinson
Moderator: ManBear

Have a Question?
Open a Support Ticket



Frequently Asked Questions

◤ Modern Nations FAQs

[1] What year are political boundaries drawn?
2025, and only boundaries formally recognised by the United Nations. Please click here to view the World Map. Changes made to geographical boundaries through roleplay are illustrated in the economic overview.​

[2] How many countries are recognised?
197 countries are playable on Modern Nations including East Timor, Taiwan and Kosovo who claimed their independence in 1995.​

[3] What is the political status of Antarctica?
In our timeline, the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 was established by the now defunct United Nations, and as such, declared unenforceable. Territorial claims are permitted within the Antarctic Convergence, including the Crozet and Prince Edward Islands, which are considered part of Antarctica.​

[4] Can I use my Emergency Services
Yes. They do not need to be constructed in-character, unless these agencies are a branch of the armed forces.​

[5] Do I need to purchase Personal Equipment?
No. Soldiers are equipped with body armour and load carrying equipment your real-life equivalent is using. If you like, you can purchase ammunition and weapon ancillaries from other countries.​

[6] What is the Catalogue?
A database containing all purchasable commercial and non-commercial products. Each product has a fixed market price (unit cost) which is then multiplied by the quantity ordered.​

[7] How do I build a product that is not in the Catalogue?
You don't. Please open a ticket with Community Support for your product(s) to be properly valued. If you find a price online, please include this in your ticket with the URL. You can only request five (5) products at any one time. Opening multiple Price requests is not permitted.​

[8] How many Subforums am I allowed?
You can request one subforum every three (3) out of character months. This will reset if you change countries in any capacity. You can request a subforum by opening a ticket with Community Support

[9] Can I change Countries?
Yes. There are two (2) ways, the first being a Dead Transfer, the second being a Full Transfer. The latter has a £10 surcharge payable here. This is because your military transactions migrate with you, as opposed to starting fresh.​

[10] How do you use the Transit Map?
The Transit Map is used to calculate the distance and time between two locations. Larger squares are equivalent to one (1) hour of air travel and smaller squares are equivalent to one (1) hour at sea.​

[11] What can I produce?
If your country is a former or current operator, you can produce any product, including all their variants. Providing there is reputable evidence of a procurement in real life, you can produce products your country will operate in the near future. If in doubt, please open a ticket with Community Support. Roleplayers can product products with a service year five (5) years in excess of the current year and Worldpowers can produce products with a service year ten (10) years in excess of the current year.​

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