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[GA] Amendment to the Charter of the Global Assembly

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

REPRESENTATIVES NAME AND TITLE | GA Representative, Alix Awolowo​
1 | PROPOSING an article 32
1 | Article 32. Identity
1. The official color of the Global Assembly and all of its organs will be defined by the hex code #82d800.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Following a shift in government, newly appointed Ambassador for Sweden to the Global Assembly, Xavier Holm, would make his way through the corridors of the Global Assembly towards the main chamber. In his arms he tightly a clutches the renown black Kingdom of Sweden conference folder emblazoned with the coat of arms upon the front cover - almost ironically Ambassador Holm adopts similar characters traits to the now former Ambassador Marc Kvet. His walk almost akin to a 'mince' and you could guarantee his right hand held a leopard print reusing coffee cup with a pink straw protruding through the hole in the lid. Once he reached the clearly empty halls, he'd strut through the aisle to his desk and seat where he would sit for the duration of the resolutions hearing. Before him would sit a plaque engraved with the word 'SWEDEN' and within a hollow drilled wooden plinth he would place a small Swedish flag which has long been a tradition for when the Ambassador for Sweden was seated in the chamber.

This resolution was one of the most brief ever presented, yet thoroughly read prior to attendance and ready for the debate ahead. Ambassador Holm awaits the arrival of his colleagues before the proceedings continue.


GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
Andrej Towpik had made a brief stop at the coffee shop to grab himself a large, steaming cup of coffee before beginning to make his way through the hallowed halls of the Global Assembly. As he approached the main chamber, which he had been called to attend a resolution regarding the changing of the hex code definition for the GA and all of its member organizations. He was not aware of the need to change the color but he would go when called. Upon entering the chamber, being one of the first ones to arrive, he would make his way to his station identified by the plaque engraved with 'POLAND' on it. He would nod his greeting to the Swedish Ambassador before sitting down and placing the brown leather folder containing his notepad and possible Polish objectives.

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
GA Representative Alix Awolowo, dressed in his neat navy pinstripe suit would walk to the chamber. He carried a computer bag, and nothing else. Outside of the chamber, he would hand a security guard his PPK pistol from inside of his jacket before walking in. He would not look to anyone as he enters, fully concentrated on his thoughts. He would sit in front of his plaque, open his computer, and bring up his microphone. He spoke in heavily accented French.

"Greetings to every person of the Assembly. The proposal I have introduced is a short one, indeed I believe the shortest ever put before this Assembly, but important nonetheless. Our Assembly was born out of the embers of the once grand but invariably flawed and inevitably doomed United Nations. The authority of that organization is, we can all agree, long gone. Unrecognized. It has gone the way of the League of Nations, a similarly flawed and long-gone organization that was not fit for the modern world.

"The organizational color for these bodies was consistent: A light blue, representing calm and stability. We can all see how stable those bodies were. There is a reason they are not still standing. Up until this point in time, our great Assembly - notably not a descendant of these failed organizations - has remained without a set identity. This could be discarded as a minor issue, something that would never reasonably have to be touched upon.

"However, I would like to bring up Article 5, Section 1 of the Resolution on Peacekeeping, adopted in April of 1996: 'Deployed units must bear the colour and symbols of the Organisation.' As of now, an organizational color is unprescribed in the charter, and so I would like to propose that our official color be designated as a powerful neon green, defined by the hex code #82d800.

"Green as a color represents health, for the health of the Assembly; it represents growth, for the growth of the Assembly; it represents prosperity, for the prosperity of our member states, for the Assembly; it represents TRUE stability, for our dear Assembly. For these reasons, I am sponsoring an amendment to the Charter of the Global Assembly. A 32nd article would be added, simply setting an organizational identity. The Assembly's thoughts and comments are encouraged."


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Spanish Ambassador to the Global Assembly Josep Borrell would disregard the invitation to the chamber to discuss the amendment set out by the Congolese Ambassador to the Global Assembly and continued with his day to day tasks and liaising with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation back home in Madrid after deciding that the amendment was not important and was not required.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
In light of the Democratic Republic of Congos attack on the Republic of Congo, the British Ambassador to the Global Assembly has vowed to boycott the GA session to discuss the resolution, explaining ... " The attendance and involvement of the DRC at the Global Assembly does nothing for the millions displaced and hundreds of thousands killed, but merely validates their catastrophic actions in Africa " ... Rather than attending, the Ambassador opted to return to London to join peaceful protests in support of peace in Congo.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Following the opening statement provided by the representative from the Congo, Xavier would activate his microphone to be broadcast to the room. As he responds he stands from his seat to indicate that he has the floor, buttoning the centre button of his blazer as he does.

"I think the reason this resolution cannot pass has been outlined in the opening statement provided by the presenting representative from Congo. The organisational colour for our peacekeeping forces, our humanitarian missions, our internationally acclaimed funds, agencies and justice systems has always been blue - a colour now recognised in every single corner of our planet for the international collective, whatever its name may be. Whether we work beneath the name of the United Nations or the Global Assembly, our mission is the same: promote democracy, protect fundamental human rights and keep the peace. A change in colour would tarnish a decades old tradition. A change in colour would require an overhaul of international law. A change in colour would allow for confusion and ultimately lives lost on battlefields worldwide. Logistically, a neon green hosts an overwhelming number of challenges which the traditional blue does not. More often than not our neutral blue is hoisted in battlefields, refugee camps or border guards within a variety of different biomes. Yellow and green are renown for blending into the background - it's the very reason why a number of private sectors have moved away from this colour for their personal protective equipment instead adopting blue, orange and even pink on occasions.

Muddying these waters are not proportionate and at its very core, this is not in the public interest - for this reason, it should not pass and I encourage my colleagues to vote in a similar fashion."​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Given the briefness of the resolution, Ambassador Suriya Chindawongse would quickly make his way through the hall and head directly to the chamber. Being a newly appointed Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the Global Assembly, he is now in the same position as one of the most influential representatives in the world. 'It is only a color debate and logo design.' He thinks to himself, yet, he still has to represent his country and 71 million people whether they want to change their color. As he enters the chamber, he sees the Swedish ambassador discussing. He gazes at each representative in the room, giving them a friendly reaction, including the Swedish ambassador. He looks at the Congolese ambassador in a neutral manner before sitting on a seat with a plaque engraved with "THAILAND."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Ambassador Xavier Holm would make a formal application to the Global Assembly Secretariat to make a decision on this resolution, given the low turnout and the lack of interjection by the chair. As he did this he would raise from his seat, threat his suit jacket button through the hole before he collected the small Swedish flag, his conference folder and of course his staple leopard print coffee cup. Following this the Ambassador, having been made aware that another resolution had been raised before the chamber down the hall, he would leave the room to attend to the other matter being presented.

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