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[GA] Resolution on Judicial Process with France

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

[AUTHOR]: Marc Kvet, Ambassador for Sweden to the Global Assembly
[DATE]: 05/1995
[SUBJECT]: Judicial Process with France

[DRAFT]: Resolution on Judicial Process with France

Representatives of the Global Assembly,

An ongoing legal dispute between a Swedish, civilian-run, private organisation (Strömberg International Legal Consultants) on behalf of First Choice International, a business world reknown against a government-run French Military Sales Incorporated has run long over-due.
The victim in this case is Strömberg International Legal Consultants.
The defendant in this case is French Military Sales Incorporated.

In disclosed correspondence French Military Sales Incorporated have clearly and overtly suggested working on behalf of the French Government to the point that the President of the Republic of France himself is involved in the legal dispute. This is unprecedented in the global arena, especially with a state no currently holding a seat within the Global Assembly and displaying no intent to get involved, comply or build rapport. Throughout this overdrawn legal dispute French Military Sales Incorporated have been given numerous warnings to comply with cease and desist advisories which have been met with criminal-level offences being commit and ultimately contravening Article 11 Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Right to a Fair Trial. It has become disturbingly clear that the Republic of France does not provide a fair and impartial judicial system or enable for one to exist which no only concerns this case specifically but potentially thousands of innocent civilians that're being unlawfully detailed, imprisoned and punished.

The Kingdom of Sweden would like to put forward the motion for economic sanctions to occur against the Republic of France to prevent further harm, enable the right for fair trial to millions of innocent civilians and enable the necessary and appropriate processes to go on. We strongly believe that economic sanctions are the best and most efficient way to push a state that sits outside the Global Assembly thus no subjected to our decisions directly.​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The United States representative would arrive in the Assembly Hall. Taking his seat and looking around at the empty space.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Kingdom of Norway's ambassador to the Global Assembly, Jesper Nordheim, arrived to the Global Assembly chamber and took his seat in the Scandinavian section. The older man put on his reading glasses and took out a copy of the screenplay of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. He started reading and waited for more members to arrive.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Mark Kvet, the Ambassador for Sweden to the Global Assembly enters the chambers and makes his way to his usual seat alongside the other Scandinsvian states... he scurries in a seemingly unnecessary fashion holding one on his hands in the air to support a designer handbag swinging from the bend in his arm - in the other is a conference folder sporting the Swedish coat of arms.

As he takes his seat he dusts off the small Swedish flag in front of him and begins to pour a small glass of water from the jug positioned on the desks before glancing over to the Norwegian Ambassador and smiling.

Whispering he wiggles his fingers on one hand and utters "Hiya".


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The French representative to the Global Assembly, Francois DuPont, makes his way into the chamber, curious as to why this lawsuit involving a private law firm would be bringing a case to the Global assembly in the first place, much less claim France has no sitting member when the member states are clearly stated on the first page of the Global Assemble charter.

GA Member States

The Representative pulls out his laptop with his prepared notes and all of the transcripts between Stromberg Associates and French Defense Inc, and French Defense Inc. and FCI as well.

Representative DuPont is interested in hearing evidence of these claims that, Republic of France does not provide a fair and impartial judicial system or enable for one to exist which no only concerns this case specifically but potentially thousands of innocent civilians that're being unlawfully detailed, imprisoned and punished. as Stromberg has claimed.

And what does this sort of claim like this have to do with a lawsuit between Stromberg and French Military Inc.? he types into his notes.

Seeing Ambassador Swedish Kvet, DuPont smiles the way a cat would in a room full of mice.

He then starts up a game of Civilization on his laptop while he waits for other member states arrive to watch the Swedish government makes asses of themselves on the international stage.
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RP'ing The Philippines, RL'ing The Philippines
Jul 1, 2018
Philippine ambassador to the Global Assembly, Mrs. Haydee Yorac , is having her breakfast. She would receive the advisory of the resolution from the Swedish Ambassador via her secured, private, smartphone. She would carefully read the resolution.

She would private react, saying:

"A private, Swedish company who is hired/paid to act as a middleman to handle a commercial/business dispute between 2 parties (state-owned or multi-national), then all of a sudden the entire Swedish government got involved. And now they also want the entire world to get involved by asking for a GA plenary.... about "human rights" and to pry on another sovereign country's justice system???"

Coffee almost ran outside her nostril as she giggled. she would continue with her private mental note:

"All I see from this is a boy crying to his mama for getting teased from school by his classmate and the mother now wants the entire ministry of education to get involved. It's pathetic."

She would regain her composure for a few seconds (and with a few sheets of table napkin). She would then send a private message to the Swedish GA ambassador via private, secured ,smartphone:

= = = = = = =

"Good morning Ambassador Kvet. We have received and read your advisory. With all due respect, I advise you and the Swedish government to just let those companies resolve their business disputes themselves. Or if the Swedish government find it deem necessary to get involved, I respectfully advise that the Swedish government and the French government should first exhaust all efforts to resolve this very simple and solvable issue."

= = = = = = =

Once the private message has been sent, she would continue with her breakfast and would go to a nail saloon afterwards.

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His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
French representative DuPont upon seeing Philippine ambassador, Mrs. Haydee Yorac arrive, would send her a private text message via his encrypted cellphone to hers. It would read:

Adobo. Earl's Court?

He would look up at her smiling.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Marc Kvet smirks at the predictability of the French backtracking but maintaining the necessary etiquette in the chamber, awaiting the go-ahead by the Secretary General.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
[ Secretary General Clark Stone ]

I wish to apologise to the Assembly, due to a clerical error this resolution was published before the Secretariat had a chance to review it. As the content of the resolution contains a few pieces of incorrect information and that it is the belief that a dispute between two Member States should not be settled through means of enforcing sanction through the Assembly, the Secretariat will be withdrawing the resolution at this time.

We further more wish to state that we aim to solve disputes between two member states at a bilateral level and only when all other options are exhausted should the Global Assembly be called upon. I wish to ask the Swedish Representative to inform their government that the Secretariat advises them to submit a case to the International Court of Justice if they believe that there is a breach of international law.

I thank all the representatives for attending, this session is now adjourned.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Thank you Secretary General, I apologise the information I was provided was from a private organisation concerned that the Republic of France are denying their right to a fair trial and coupled with the fact that I have copies of correspondence in which the French themselves deny their membership of the Global Assembly... Now that I am better informed I will encourage proceedings to be done via the ICJ."

Marc Kvet leaves the chamber, happy with the ability to pursue this via international law.
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