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GCIS Summit


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Of Course Preisent Acho, I completely understand. The only difference I would like to point out between the Palestinians and Kurds is that they are an organized movement that fights using horrendous tactics much like extremist groups such as the Taliban Which the entire world condemns.

Now to the GCIS Articles, I completely agree with all of you On the point of a decentralized structure. It would give members more independence from each other and make things much less like the former UN or GA. We are still planning on constructing a Headquarters in Istanbul just for office affairs and voting procedures but seperate branches and HQs worldwide is excellent. In fact I would be willing to sign the Articles that Congo has written right now if everyone also agrees that they are fair and consistently equal to all members, yes?“

With that, the president would reread the Congolese Draft and get a pen ready if all members would agree to sign the articles and create the GCIS.

DHouseAlwyswyns Kelly the Mad Baer VBCFan


Sep 4, 2021
"Again, I would not like to get into semantics. But Mister President, you compare the PKK or other groups with the Taliban, much like the Israeli's do with HAMAS. I consider HAMAS freedom fighters, much like all of us would if a group of South Africans decided to fight against the Swedish Occupation. There is probably a Kurdish leader somewhere in Ahmed or Hawler saying the same things about you as you are saying here about the Israeli's or the West.

The point is, as when I came to this summit, I was hoping to hear what other world leaders think about the issues of today. Discuss the issues of today. Before we start voting or deciding, let's start talking. Discourse is necessary here. Especially if some nations want to break away from the GA.

For the Nigerian government, arming any rebel group in South Africa is totally on the table."

Axis12 Kelly the Mad DHouseAlwyswyns VBCFan

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Funding a rebellion in South Africa would be extremely doable and is very appealing to my nation, however, our hands are absolutely full between removal of Hutu militias on our borders, a peacekeeping mission to the middle east in development, and our renewed dedication to the Thai monarchists cause. It would be a long while before we could contribute more than a few hundred million dollars to such a rebel group.

Our fledgling nation is, admittedly, stretched thin and beyond where we want it to be. But all of these causes seem necessary for us to support. Oh, and on the topic, I believe that once the GCIS is established we ought to form a collaborative peacekeeping organization. Our forces will have been deployed to turkey by then, and it would seem that Israel refuses to accept the legitimacy of our mission. We worry that Israel will try to take military action against our soldiers who are there to protect innocent peoples."

Baer Axis12 DHouseAlwyswyns VBCFan
Sep 28, 2021
As the representatives are in discussion, the Chinese representative then looks at his notes and at his staff behind him with their laptops, he then lean forward to the mic and then said in Mandarin, "Ladies and Gentlemen there are reports and videos coming in from our staff regarding the current escalation in the middle east and around the world, we are being too noticeable and in my opinion we all could try a bit of de-escalation, but I do not know that can help anyone, at least for now, since our nations are already being talked about online. To be fair, we are not in alliance yet, if conflict comes to either of us even before the signing of this partnership, it would be disastrous, plus, for example, I would not want to force my allies to go to war with me without even consulting them, If worse comes to shove I would be forced to deploy frigates and destroyers in our region in order to support any nation here. "

"Anyways, to answer the Nigerian delegation, I believe one of the major Issues we all have is who watches over the protectors, the current world powers believe they are the protectors of peace in the world but what happens when those so called protectors decide to do something they shouldn't, and then we are forced to adhere to their rules. We are here so we can forge our own path without strings attached. The GA is full of politicians looking out only for themselves."

Baer Axis12 VBCFan Kelly the Mad


Sep 4, 2021
A Nigerian aide sitting directly behind President Acho leans over and whispers something in his ear and then hands him his laptop. Acho studies it for several seconds. he would then stand, and instead of using the microphone, would raise his voice so that all in the room could hear him clearly. he would look at teh Turkish President.

"Mister President. I have just been handed some startling news. According to the BBC it seems Turkish Generals went on Turkish television and announced that Jewish-Turkish citizens are being detained and sent to prisons and there are reports of looting and possibly, lynching's. What do you know of this? This cannot be something you approved of."

Axis12 Kelly the Mad DHouseAlwyswyns VBCFan
Sep 28, 2021
The Chinese representative suddenly suggest, "If we could just change it to where we can only go to the defense of a member nation when a foreign country directly invades the mainland of said nation it would be beneficial to everyone as we are not forcefully obligated to go to any offensive wars outside our borders. I think we can all agree to that idea can we."

Axis12 Kelly the Mad VBCFan Baer


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The president would reply

”First off everyone I want to let you all know that the recent reports by the BBC are completely false, we have only taken preventative efforts to ensure that Israeli intelligence is not able to enter the country. The so called horrendous conditions are simply untrue, we are just placing Jews on temporary interment to prevent attacks by Israel, much like the United States during the Second World war. Talk of genocide and lynching is ridiculous and fake news produced by the western Media.

Secondly, I understand your concerns that china is not yet ready for an military intervention and we accept that. Instead we would be willing to enact the defense pact several months from now when collectively most nations will have better weaponry to fight wars. In that three month period I think intervention by other members only if there is an actual territorial invasion is fine by me but on offensive operations I think it can be entirely voluntary to join though there will be economic rewards to all that participate. For instance Congo and Saudi Arabia have voiced their unyielding support for the current Turkish Mission to free Palestine from Israeli subjugation at all costs. In fact as the Emperor and King both know they both have military operations ongoing that will assist in a coming operation to liberate Palestine Which is something the western loving GA was not capable of. Furthermore I want to remind the Congolese, Saudi, and Nigerian delegations of the fact that your nations will have complete access to the Turkish and Chinese Military industry. We will give you licenses to produce The most effective equipment to deal with your modern solutions, such as an intervention into South Africa which I fully support and would be willing to donate some of the most advanced combat drones in the world to assisting in.“

I military officer would whisper into the President’s ear.

”I have just learned that Israel jet has shot down a Turkish Combat Aircraft in international Airspace, this is unacceptable! I need to ask all of you now if you are willing to support a retaliatory effort against Israel for this horrific action which I’m sure they will deny down to their last breath to protect their reputation. I ask the Chinese and Nigerian Governments if you are willing to stand up to the oppressors and free the Palestinaian people, Congo and Saudi Arabia have already agreed and with Chinese and Nigerian Support we can bring the light back to the Palestinians that are under horrific conditions at this very moment. We must come together right now, even if this pact is not signed yet and we are not close because we must stand up unlike others for human rights! I am told that my ministry of defense is already assembling a 51 vessel armada to strike back against the Israeli base that sent the aircraft after our peaceful reconnaissance mission. Imagine an armada larger than anything the world has seen, I am sure the sight of it will free Palestine itself and with your help, even if it is minor we can bring back a peaceful world, better off for all. Who’s with me?”

Following the Rant pictures(Fabricated) of an f-16 crashing from an Israeli missile would be shown on a projector for all the leaders to see. The delegates would be told that these pictures came from a spy vessel off the coast of Israel that witness and recorded the entire incident. The picture would be impeccable and the MIT had spent long hours creating it.

Kelly the Mad VBCFan Baer DHouseAlwyswyns

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"I would like to remind you, Mr. President, that while I advocate for the return of the whole of Palestine to its rightful Arab inhabitants, the forces I am deploying are simply peacekeeping in the defense of civilians, to prevent the horrors of war from adversely affecting innocents. We will not participate in combat of any sort unless it is deemed to be essential to protecting the lives, rights, and possessions of civilians. Hence the peacekeeping element of the mission. We are far too occupied in Goma and Thailand to commit to armed conflict."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The president would pull the emperor to the side for a minute while the others digest the information they had been given. Gourmet snacks would be passed to the leaders while the two talked.

”Of course, we intend to use your forces for peacekeeping emperor and nothing more. To let you in on the details we will have forces landing in the Gaza Strip sometime soon and we plan to use your peacekeepers to ensure stability in the inner portions the strip while we guard the borders to prevent an Israeli Incursion into the territory. We have the capabilities to conduct all offensive operations on our own and the hardest thing your troops will do is hand out aid the the Palestinian people.”

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"yes, I am glad you understand this. However, your detention of Israeli citizens concerns me greatly. If you do not mind, following the landing of our peacekeeping forces, we would like to send a handful of officers and medics to inspect these detention camps, considering they would be along our line of travel. If what you say is true, this should be no problem."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“I’m sure that can be arranged Emperor, please give us a few days to secure that last few Israelis/Jews, I’m sure you understand that it’s simply an security concern that shouldn’t be overlooked. We cant have sabotages in our own territory and the flight restrictions are to prevent acts of Terrorism. They are also not really detention camps but temporary places of living, Jews will be allowed to leave as soon as the tension dies down after we liberate Palestine. Speaking of which how would you feel if we were too remove the Palestinian government for a more pro Arab government? Many Palestinian government officials are corrupt unfortunately and have literally allowed Israeli forces to send police into their own territories which is unacceptable, yes?”

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Allow me to pitch you an idea- and know, we understand you may not be keen on this in your own backyard, but we suggest allowing the Congo to oversee the construction of a Palestinian government and constitution, to be ruled by a descendant of Mohammed. Our distance from the situation in addition to our role as peacekeepers seems a natural step, ensuring that the wants and needs of the Palestinian people are accurately portrayed in their new government, without the watchful eye of a greater political agenda. The current corrupt government is unacceptable, however, we fear that any government installed by the Turkish or Israeli governments may also be biased in the favor of one over the other. We could ensure by supervising voting and cracking down on fearmongering a proper, independent Palestinian state.



Sep 4, 2021
"Much like the United States during the Second World war."

President Acho is apoplectic. He pounds his table. He repeats the Turkish President's sentence.

"Those were internment camps where Japanese citizens lost their rights, their homes and dignity. How could you utter such a statement while talking about starting a war for Palestinian rights?"

President Acho would ask his entire delegation to stand up, including his security team.

He would again raise his voice instead of using the microphone.

"All of you whom condone this but yet at the same time whine about colonialism are a disgrace. I came here to listen. And boy did I learn a lot. I will sum up this Summit for you.

"This Summit had nothing to do with nation building, but about warmongering. Finding other nations to back your wars. With that being said, I thank all of you for the introductions. But as a government, Nigeria cannot be behind internment camps, blatant racism or wars."

With that, the Nigerian delegation would leave the compound. Stringers and the security team would begin arranging the quickest flights out of Turkey.

Axis12 Kelly the Mad DHouseAlwyswyns VBCFan
Sep 28, 2021
With the tensions rising to an extremely unacceptable levels which threatens Chinese interests and security of making profitable business with nations across the globe, the foreign minister considers this proposed alliance very dangerous to China, therefore the delegation hurriedly walk out if the room, without saying anything, went straight to their vehicles and drove as things in Turkey are getting heated,along the way the staff immediately contacted the two planes waiting in Istanbul airport and immediately ordered to be ready take off.

as the delegation arrived in the airport they quickly board the planes and left the country with or without military escorts from Turkey.

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Emperor Godwin would simply shake his head.

“I will stay in Turkey for a while longer to supervise our deployment of peacekeepers. After that, I will be needed elsewhere.”

He would stand and walk out of the room to his rented villa. Congo security staff would be swarming around the place, every angle watched closely.


Apr 8, 2021
The King would speak to the two remaining delegations, slightly astounded by the Chinese and Nigerian Government Reactions.

“Well, that was interesting. Clearly the Chinese and Nigerians have alternate political goals President. Now, I am ready to dedicate the Saudi Armed Forces to peacekeeping and assisting in Palestinian Liberation with Congo and Turkey, and I would in fact like to sign the alliance articles if you don’t mind.”

From there the King would be given a gold pen and sign the Articles for this new alliance, he would then nod to the two men and ask to be excused for a quick moment. From there the King would order in a private place that the Military be put on high alert and begin production of new military equipment that will allow for an assisted liberation of Israel/Palestine. He would return to the two leaders and await their responses on the matter, and if they had nothing to say he would return to Riyadh.

Kelly the Mad Axis12

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
One of the two remaining Congolese delegates would stand.

“We apologize, but such a commitment to just two other nations in such a volatile space is not advisable, especially since Thailand has certainly not made us any friends. Our concern about Nigeria’s attempts to deface our government are concerning. We would also like to maintain relations with china. This does not appear to be in our best interest. We will remain in and around turkey for peacekeeping, as previously stated. That is all.”

Axis12 VBCFan

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