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GEI | Operation Pacific Watch

Personnel Quantity


GA Member
May 24, 2024
Deployment List (ORBAT)
OPW includes ships and deployed rotary-wing aviation from the Gandhi Indian Navy. OPW supplies multiple Indian governmental intelligence agencies and organisations with intelligence.

Naval Staff
Eastern Naval Command
Eastern Fleet Command - 50 personnel
2nd Naval Group (NG) - INS Circars
IGS Trishul - F11 - 257 personnel
IGS Tabar - F12 - 257 personnel
IGS Shakti - O02 - 169 personnel
1st East Embarked Aviation Wing - INS Parundu (serves ships based at Circars)
INAS 20 - 4 Ka-28, 40 personnel
INAS 21 - 1 Dhruv Mk.II, 15 personnel
Mission Objective
Operation Pacific Watch's primary mission objective is to conduct counter-terrorism, counter-piracy and show of force operations in the seas around Indonesia and the Philippines. Its secondary mission objective is to collect intelligence and conduct diplomatic operations.
Mission Details
IGS Trishul, IGS Tabar and IGS Shakti would operate out of INS Circars. Trishul and Tabar would have a single Ka-28 helicopter from INAS 20 embarked. Shakti would have a single Dhruv Mk.II utility helicopter from INAS 20 embarked. The two frigates would operate in a two-month deployment schedule: one frigate patrols in the yellow area marked here, while the other conducts training and other support, post- and pre-deployment activities off of INS Circars. The patrolling frigate would return to Shakti when needed to resupply. Shakti would operate off of Singapore, in the South China Sea, in the area marked on the Google Earth project (see the green/link "here" above or OOC Notes). Shakti would return to Circars to resupply whenever supplies got low, along the yellow route on the Google Earth project.

The GIN ships would use the route/s shown on the Google Earth project to move from INS Circars / Visakhapatnam to their patrol area. No ships would intrude in any other nation's territorial waters or violate their sovereignty. All ships would abide by international maritime safety rules and regulations. All vessels would deploy with full weapons' loads, fully operational and maintained weapons, sensors and systems, and enough supplies and fuel for a month-long deployment (in the case of Shakti, enough supplies and fuel to support a three-month deployment of three vessels). All vessels would deploy with active air search radars, with all other sensors on passive or standby, to be activated when needed.
Date/s: January, 2006 to present

All geographic/location related stuff can be found here
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