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[GOC]: Message to the UK Defence Secretary


GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
From: Marcus Nguyen
Minister of National Defence
To: UK Secretary of Defence
CC: UK Prime Ministers Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Classification: Top Secret
"Dear UK Defence Secretary,
Her Majesties government of Canada would like to re-establish our close military ties. As I am sure you are aware, the British Army has historically maintained a defence training area in the Suffield, Alberta, BATUS. We would like to offer the use of the site back to the British Army, with a defence and security agreement.
As the main bulk of this message, the Royal Canadian Navy has recently raised a Marine Commando Regiment based both in the Atlantic and Pacific Regions. We would like to request that the RCN be permitted to buy the following assets, either at once or in batches;

2 Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier (including 36 Harrier GR9s, 24 Sea King Asacs)
2 Albion Class Landing Platform Dock
2 Bay Class Landing Ship
2 Ocean Class (HMS Ocean specs)
4 Mexefloats

12 LCU Mark 10
22 LCVP Mark 5
50 Offshore Raiding Craft Aft Console Variant (ACV)
50 Offshore Raiding Craft Mid Console Variant (MCV)
As reassurance of the Canadian commitment to the operation of these vessels. We would also be interested in allowing our marines to train alongside the royal marines for an exercise. If permitted following this exercise, we would like to suggest an exchange programme where a Company sized unit of Canadian Marines will serve on British Landing ships, and vice versa.

Look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours Sincerely,

Marcus Nguyen
Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Minister of National Defence, Marcus Nguyen Nathan
Subject: Re: Arms Trade

Dear Minister Nguyen,

Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Defence, the close ties that Canada and the United Kingdom have had throughout history is not lost on us and we'd be happen to promote the growth of relations that could lead to a defence and security agreement. I'm aware of concerns throughout Her Majesty's Government over the military action carried out by the prior government against the French Oversea Territories, which I am sure will be a talking point that needs discussing before any form of agreement could be established.

In relation to equipment sales, we're not in a position to be able to manufacture then sell the Invincible-class, Albion-class, Bay-class and Ocean-class due to operational security (OPSEC), these are still in active service with the Royal Navy and export is heavily restricted. However, upon further discussion, we could seek to sell the Mexefloats, LCU, LCVP and Offshore Raiding Crafts depending on the outcome of those discussions.

If interested, we could schedule a meeting between both our governments to explore the relationship and establish proper dialogue.

Please let me know your thoughts and if in support of it, are there any preferred times in the new year that you and your government would like to schedule this in? I can arrange this with our Foreign Office based on your availability.

Kindest Regards,

Jason Green | Defence Secretary |
