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Great Britain | Embracing Germany


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well, going around africa could still prove even more costly than outright paying, perhaps we both could spearhead a resolution in the GA, and co-sponsors of a bill, to make it so that international waters ways, like the Suez or Panama, cannot be owned and nations hosting them cannot take profit from it?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That's something that would be interesting, but I suspect that Egypt wouldn't be phased and would remain... uncompliant. Given their expected income from charging such rates as countries would pay for such a quicker alternative.

Unrelated, but I know you are in negotiation for a new air superiority fighter in which we've proposed the Tornado. A worthy investment in our non-bias opinion but I was also just wondering your thoughts on developing a new project together? A... a.. Eurofighter of sorts. The Typhoon.

It's in early designs, a Tranche 1 Typhoon would be costly and a long-term investment. The Tornado or the Mirage would work best for immediate turnaround but we're thinking long term. We certainly couldn't afford a Typhoon in the tens, muchless hundreds. So it'd be in batches to bring into service with only the UK and Germany having access. We can develop them together, train in these together. Share the costs, so to speak."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We are still evaluating the best possible system for our Air Force, but it looks like, from what my advisors tell me, is that the Tornado, may well win this. However it intrigues me, of that investment, do you have an idea how much it would cost for a joint venture between both our nations? And if it could hold up to possible future developments in the Aircraft department?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"The United Kingdom actively uses the Tornado, both the GR4 for ground attack and the ADV for air defence. We've had no problems with it, so speaking from experience, it's certainly a good air-frame to have available. Unfortunately, time moves on with technology so eventually, they will need replacing like everything else. This is where the Typhoon comes in. It will be continuously developed and we anticipate a life span going over 40 years. Initially as an air defence aircraft but hopefully transpiring into a multi-role fighter. I shall be honest, though, the estimated costs are rough. We are estimating a production cost of $80,605,555.56 per Tranche 1 Aircraft. To go into this project is no small feat, but long term, we see great benefits that would rival other aircraft in this field. The United Kingdom doesn't expect the Typhoon will be capable of mass production for a further few years so this is very early days; which is why we have made the proposal to you for a joint UK-GER multi-role fighter.

If it acts as reassurance, and of course, helps the bid for the Tornado. The Royal Air Force, only last month, received the last batch of 30 new Tornado ADVs. If in doubt, or would prefer to see them in action, we could arrange for some RAF Tornado's to deploy to Germany as a showcase, so your pilots can review the aircraft."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I think we can support these costs in the future, and I do believe the funds that will be invested will be well implemented. Not to mention that both our finances will suffer less if we work together. Because, it would come even more costly even only one of us developed and produced the aircraft."

"I do have to inform you that the contract with Nexus as been struck, so we iron out the details of this joint venture much better. I do believe giving the UK the sole right to sell the aircraft to other parties is just, however Germany would be given producer rights."

"Also, how is your relationship with France at the moment?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It would be a big project, and generate thousands of jobs in both the UK and Germany. I am sure Nexus will continue to provide some high-regarded equipment. We currently use them for our own procurement.. simply because it's cheaper.
As for France, it's stable but we're unsure if that is changing due to the military coup. It is unclear as to their direction and what the future will be holding. I believe we need to monitor it and see what occurs next. Why do you ask?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am of the same opinion on the project. When would you like to make it official and start working towards this project? On the France matter, I do believe this coup is bringing a lot of destabilization to France and Europe by extension, I'm not overly fond of forcefully removing democratically elected governments it sets a very worrisome precedent, especially given how military coups end in dictatorships again. Germany will not recognize this coup or its military junta, until free elections will be held. Which is a statement I will issue in the hours to come."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I believe this is a great stepping stone forward, an initial consult, the UK is currently developing an R&D Facility which will help go towards it. Once that is done, we can discuss further from there.
We will see what happens with France and make an appropriate response. Is there anything else on your agenda you'd also like to discuss?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes we share the same views, we shall discuss it further when your Facility is completed, we are also expanding our own R&D capabilities, specially in the Navy front, while we do not seek a Navy which can operate outside of the North and Baltic Sea, it is best to have a good standing navy for the future to come.

Yes, I have two final proposals for the British Government, especially in the diplomatic front. First I would like the British government opinion on a possible alliance between nations inside and outside of Europe, designed firstly to protect Europe and prevent another world war akin to world war two. It is in my view that an alliance, designed only for defence and mutual growth of our capabilities could provide a deterrent towards nations who seek to destabilise and already fractured Europe, and by extend the world.

The other proposal is the following. We are seeking sponsors for a possible resolution on the GA, to prevent another mishap like the Suez Crisis, and the tension even today regarding that passage. We are looking to propose a resolution which prevents single entities like Nations and Commercial Organizations to have onwership of such passages, critical to the well being of Trade and Society, this passages are a testament to our capabilities as humans to shorten vast distances between lands. This would mean that Nations such as Panama and Egypt could not forcefully close these passages in the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal, this however would also extend towards other passages like Gibraltar Straits, Bosphorus Straits, Malaca Straights et cetera to be of free use to all nations with seafaring capabilities. What is your opinion on this? If you agree would you support this resolution? They would be maintained by the Global Assembly Administrative Body."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Absolutely, I will keep you updated and we can get this written formally as a joint UK-GER project. No doubt something that we can both benefit of and only do good for the cooperation between our countries. Perhaps a coincidence but there is also mention of a new alliance between the UK and some other parties too. This is currently taking place as a summit and whilst I'm not aware of the details, your mention of an alliance seems more like what was historically known as NATO, no? Or would this alliance specifically be UK-GER military? The mention of the Suez could be conflicting given Egypt manages it directly now, albeit, ridiculous prices. It seems like a resolution we would be keen on, but we would need to see a formal draft of the implications before I can give you our support simply because I don't have all the details. However, if you get a draft, I'd be happy to review it from there?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I did not know about this summit, but I'm glad that Britain is apart of it, and if its an alliance based on keeping the peace and stability of the world, Germany would have no issue in supporting it. But I was more specifically talking about a future Alliance between the UK and Germany, where in case we would be attacked inside our European borders the other would come to aid the other. It could also serve as a stability mechanism having two of the strongest nations in Europe allied to each other focused on stabilizing Europe and defending its integrity, while in part serving as reassurance to smaller nations that.. I hate to use analogies but having two guardians watch over them when they need us the most.."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"A form of mutual defence treaty would be ideal for relations between the UK and Germany. It would allow it to be a bit more personal whilst having the reassurance of supporting one another through military means. It actually works hand in hand with the Typhoon Project but also the similar equipment we use such as the Tornados. I would prefer to see this as a formal treaty is there a draft you could potentially put together as this would allow me to review it and propose amendments that could be in both our interests?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, yes it would be supplemented with military exercises, my legal team is currently working out the details for this draft, part of it was made under the precaution that the United Kingdom would either not accept or accept the treaty, it will come in any moment." He would pause as an aide would enter the rooms with another folder.

"Ah, yes, the draft for the resolution we spoke about moment ago, please, you can read and tell us what do you think about this idea."

He would pass him the folder reading "Resolution of Free Passage"

The Assembly,

REMEMBERING the gruesome Suez Crisis of 1956,
NOTING the important value of unimpeded trade and free navigational movement
NOTING the current tension regarding the Suez Canal ownership and blockade
DECLARES, that for the continuance of world peace, free navigational movement of goods and services, will extend to the greatest of our abilities the observation, regulation and secure free movement of ships through all International maritime waterways.

Article 1. - Conception
A international maritime waterway, is every strait and canal that connect two areas of the high seas, ocean or sea region.

Article 2. - Right of Passage
Every nation or organization is free to use any international waterway for commercial or civilian purposes, unimpeded and free of any charge.

Article 3. - Ownership of Waterways
A international maritime canal ceases to be owned by the state it is being hosted on, coming under the jurisdiction of the Global Assembly, with its costs associated towards the Global Assembly.
These are the canals that will be affected:

1 - White Sea–Baltic Canal
2 - Panama Canal
3 - Suez Canal

Article 4. - Military Passage through International Maritime Canals
Limited Military Passage will be granted towards nations who wish to use these canals, they will however have to notify in a private manner the Global Assembly Secretary General and wait for authorization. The Hosting state will be informed but will be under a oath of secrecy given the nature of military operations.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Thank you" responded the Deputy Prime Minister, "It's certainly an interesting resolution and one that the UK could get behind, we'd definitely be interested in hearing what the rest of the Global Assembly have to say on the matter. Nonetheless, you are aware Egypt is not a member of the Global Assembly so even if the resolution did pass, they are not legally bound to oblige and amend their current policies in relation to passage in the Suez? I'm also eager to know your motivation behind such proposal if I may inquire?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That might have escaped me, I did not know they were not part of the Global Assembly, so in a legal manner they could not be either voluntarily or forcefully relinquish the Suez Canal?"


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