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Great Britain | The European Tour


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The European Tour



Although designated as a patrol, it was growing clear that the UK had less meaningful relationships than it ever had before. With that in mind, the Royal Navy had put forth HMS Wessex to conduct a patrol across Europe and Asia with multiple port visits in the hopes of using it as a stepping stone for relationship building between the UK and other partner nations.

  1. Conduct a Patrol ranging across Europe & Asia.
  2. Conduct Regional Engagements with Port Visits to countries with limited or no diplomatic missions active.


United Kingdom

[1] HMS Wessex(Type 23 Frigate)
[183] Royal Navy Personnel​



Visit to SwedenEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Complete
Visit to RussiaEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Complete
Visit to PolandEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Complete
Visit to the NetherlandsEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Cancelled
Visit to PortugalEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Cancelled
Visit to SpainEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Cancelled
Visit to GreeceEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Cancelled
Visit to UkraineEuropeDiplomatic Visit-Cancelled

Fully supplied and ready for its voyage, HMS Wessex was going to conduct what the Navy has categorized as a 'European Tour' with the intent of asking countries if they would be able to carry out a greet and meet at a dock of their choice. If denied, they would simply move onto the next destination. The idea was to work from Sweden and through the Mediterranean and the Black Sea which would conclude its mission. The goal was to use the vessel as a talking point and to build relations for those countries it visits, placing the stance that the British Government seeks cooperation with all others.
Departing from its home port, it would make for the Baltic Sea. While it was making headway, messages would be sent out to the first three potential port stops, asking whether the visit would be welcomed. With that in mind, Sweden (@Connor ), Russia (@HeadlessSeeker ) and Poland (@ManBear ) would all be sent requests for the Royal Navy ship to stay for a few days at a port of their choice, allow the public to ask questions and generally engage with the countries diplomats if they would like to see a Royal Navy Frigate.

If approved, the order of visit would be Sweden > Russia (St Petersburg) > Poland.

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Navy would agree to welcome the British into Russian Waters and ports. Stating to them that they are welcome to come to either the Port of St. Petersburg or Port of Baltiysk. Even stating that they are welcome to come to
Sevastopol Naval Base on the other end of their trip.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Receiving approval from the Russians, HMS Wessex diverted its initial stop to St Petersburg. Having spent a few days at sea and abiding all Russian laws in relation to making port, the British Type 23 Frigate conducted its procedure to make port at the designated harbor as specified by the harbor master. The weapons on board would be declared to the Russian authorities and advised that they would remain secure on the vessel and out of sight at all times. It was suggested that the frigate would allow those in Russia to receive a tour provided armed police could provide sufficient checks, or that Royal Navy personnel could be armed and do the checks themselves if authorized by the Russian government. Alternatively, Russian officials were invited to meet the crew and see the multi-million dollar, primary frigate of the British Navy.

Meanwhile, additional requests were sent out to Sweden and Poland to re-confirm if they'd be interested. If no reply would be received, it would be presumed a refusal following the end of the visit to Russia. With one country visit in progress, the Netherlands would receive their request for the prospect of a British Ship to conduct a diplomatic visit.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of the Netherlands

Recipient: Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (@Jamie)
Cc: -
Subject: Diplomatic Maritime Tour

To whomever it may concern,

Your request to conduct a diplomatic visit has reached my desk and I am honoured to inform you that we wish to invite your vessel to the Port of Amsterdam. An escort shall be arranged from Naval Base Den Helder to escort your vessel down the coast and join your vessel at port in Amsterdam.

I request that you forward further information to my office when it becomes available.

Yours Sincerely,

Max Holst
Minister of Defence


GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020

Having received the initial proposal from the British, the Polish Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs would send a reply agreeing to the conditions. They would elaborate that their waters are open to the British during this tour and the Port of Gdynia and the Port of Gdansk.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995​

Dear HMS Wessex,

I, on behalf of the Kingdom of Sweden, would like to welcome to you the capital city of Stockholm, Sweden where you may dock and engage with the general public whom are undoubtedly likely to be highly interested in the technologically sophisticated Type 23 Frigate. My team will begin the advertisement of your arrival as we would love for those in the local area to make the very most of your visit. To welcome you to Sweden my team and I will meet your ships company on dry land where I hope we can lay the foundations of a prosperous future between our nations.

I look forward to your arrival and I wish you safe passage in the build-up to your visit and your following European Tour.

Peter Hultqvist
Secretary of Defence
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Operation; Welcoming






Russian Navy


Baltyysk Naval Base






Ulyanovsk Aircraft Carrier

3,400 Sailors, 170 Pilots

22 Sukhoi SU-33, 3 Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye, 8 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Kirov-class battlecruiser

727 Sailors, 30 Pilots

5 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Krivak-class frigate

200 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Krivak-class frigate

200 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Krivak-class frigate

200 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Slava-class cruiser

485 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Slava-class cruiser

485 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Udaloy II-Class Destroyer

300 Sailors, 12 Pilots

2 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Udaloy II-Class Destroyer

300 Sailors, 12 Pilots

2 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Grisha V class Corvette

100 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Grisha V class Corvette

100 Sailors, 6 Pilots

1 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

Berezina-Class Replenishment Ship

389 Sailors, 12 Pilots

2 Kamov Ka-27

Baltyysk Naval Base

The above composition is secret

The Russian battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov was deployed being fully outfitted with crew and supply. It's nuclear reactor in tip top shape. Having received word they would be escorting the British vessel through Russian waters they waited at the edge of recognized Russian territorial waters for the approach of the British vessel.

Upon approach the Russian battlecruiser would declare intent to escort the British vessel to St Petersburg where the media was getting ready to document and receive the British. Upon receiving the news the locals of St Petersburg were gathering around ready to take tours of the ship in regulated small groups.

There was much interest in the event, as the British would no doubt see upon arriving. Though the first to arrive was non other then the Russian MOD themselves. Having taken the time to come and take the first tour of the vessel. They would seem rather impressed.

So long as the British abide by their laws and kept to their word, they would find no trouble.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The stay was due to last a couple of days, giving a good opportunity for those to come see the vessel and officials to make their visits on-board to meet the crew. Of course, Sailors remained on best behavior and made sure to stay within the parameters of their mission which was to promote cooperation between the states it visits.
Providing there was no further requests from the Russian government, and abiding law and regulation, the Type 23 Frigate would be prepared and begin its journey to move onto its next visit which would be Sweden, prior to moving onto Poland.
The Swedish Government would be informed of the time frame for arrival which would be in a day.

HeadlessSeeker Connor


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Preparations were almost complete for the arrival of the HMS Wessex, infact this was one of the most significant diplomatic visits to Sweden in recent history and as such sufficient effort was made to ensure it went without a hitch and was done in a manner that would promote bilateral relations with otherwise uncontacted states. Particularly those which Sweden, and the Nordic Council, had a vested interest in pursuing. To mark the occasion the Department of Defence had just completed the formations, designation and allocation of Uppland Air Force Wing's 'Team 60' - a formation of six total Saab 105 aircraft formed as an official display team for the Swedish Royal Air Force, and their first formation flight was due to be at the arrival of the HMS Wessex.

In quick time succession the Swedish Security and Intelligence Community would distribute both uniformed and covert officers throughout the portside in order to control the crowds and feed relevant intelligence to the command suite, this would serve an important role when ensuring the security of a foreign vessel within Swedish waters and no lapse of judgement would allow for the reputation of Sweden to be further dragged through the dirt. Coupled with this the Swedish Royal Navy would deploy a total of six CB90-Class Fast Attack Craft and given the task of ensuring an exclusion zone around the British vessel was kept by civilian traffic during their manoeuvring to port; this was not only to ensure the safe operation of the frigate but also to further protect the integrity of the security network.

Preparations were ready and the delegates were eager for the arrival of the British warship.

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GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

HMS Wessex had made a successful departure from Russia, marking a positive start to the tour that will see the frigate arrive in a multitude of countries, having given an opportunity to the people of Russian to visit the frigate, meet the crews and work as a public relations stunt for the Russian Government of whom retains a close relationship with the British Government. On the vessel, the Russian Flag would be removed and a Swedish Flag in its stead, side by side with the Union Flag as the Type 23 Frigate begins the arrival into the port of Stockholm. Sailors on the sides of the vessel had heard the roaring of engines as they entered the port, glaring up briefly to see the overhead welcome of six Swedish Saab 105 aircraft. It was a welcome sight that had only presented the mutual interest of building relations. Abiding by national law, HMS Wessex made for its designated berth; reigned with Swedish and British flags, it would undergo a few hours of making the frigate safe for visitors and any Swedish officials that were interested in embarking. Similar to other visits, all visitors must be checked over for anything that could pose a threat to the ship, her crew, or British National security such as intelligence gathering.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Baltic Task Group, Task Unit Hotel

HMS Wessex
Fortunately the Port of Stockholm was supported by the Baltic Task Group, Task Unit Hotel of the Swedish Royal Navy based out of the Port of Nynäshamn - this unit consisted exclusively of CB90-Class Fast Assault Craft operated as the primary small-boat security vehicle for the Swedish Royal Navy which, from this particular port, operate under the callsign PIRANHA. A total of eight craft operated by a total of 192 active personnel would continue to patrol the waters in and around the Port of Stockholm maintaining maritime security whilst a foreign vessel remains in situ. Throughout their time on patrol they would maintain a pre-determined exclusion zone around the vessel to preserve its integrity and would proactively intercept, engage, explain and enforce any breaches by civilian traffic or otherwise.

The presence of the British in Sweden was a huge hit by members of the public whom would eagerly want to provide a small donation to Her Majesty's Royal Navy in return for a tour of the vessel - this was echoed by the arrival of Secretary of Defence, Peter Hultqvist, and Senior National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, Manne Mattsson, whom would too shake hands and greet the British upon their arrival in Sweden. Not only were the Swedish dignitaries pushing for a built relationship with the British they were also encouraged by the presence of foreign technology and much like the public were yearning for a view of the inside of the vessel. The Secretary of Defence would take the time to speak personally to members of the ships company and welcome them to Sweden whilst admiring their commitment to service.

The National Security Office, throughout the visit of the dignitaries, maintain a secure perimeter, temporarily controlling the visiting members of the public to ensure a sterile working environment.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The welcoming and security layers offered by Sweden was a pleasant one as the Type 23 Frigate, HMS Wessex, did its best to introduce the public and the official guests from the Swedish Government to the vessel. Providing tours of the facility, but of course, nothing to compromise national security nor the integrity of the ship and there were rules to ensure no one touched anything they shouldn't. A number of sailors with different roles and ranks would get the opportunity to talk with the Secretary of Defence, offering an insight into their day to day lives on board one of the British Warships that remain the most active part of the British Armed Forces. This would go on for a few days to allow plenty of opportunities for the public to visit. In the background, plans were taking place on the next destination, Poland. With that in mind, the Polish Government were sent a message to confirm if they are happy with the frigate arriving in Poland in the next few days if they are still happy for the visit to take place.

ManBear Connor


GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
Upon word that the British frigate would now be heading towards Poland's waters and the port of Gdansk, measures were put into place. Police were placed on standby and formed a cordon around the berthing pier where the Frigate would be putting into port. metal railings would be set up giving the entrance to the pier a one hundred yard clearance from civilians and the port. A private box would be set within the perimeter for members of the Polish Government to await the arrival. This included the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense. British and Polish flags would be set up at the entrance of the pier. Once crowds began to gather at the cordon, uniformed policja would begin setting up perimeters and checking the ID of anyone who wished to tour the vessel. Undercover policja would move to stations throughout the crowd to watch from within.


Two Projekt 620 corvettes would be dispatched to escort the English vessel into port. Sailors would be dressed in their black and white dress uniforms along the bow of the corvettes. As the ships approached the port, more sailors and land forces personnel would be lined on the dock awaiting their arrival. Once the ship was within the Port of Gdansk, six MiG-29s would fly in formation overhead announcing to those below that the Frigate was within the city of Gdansk. Once the ship was fully docked and ready for visitors, the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense would approach the British Personnel and request permission to come aboard.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The Type 23 Destroyer, HMS Wessex had already spent time at a number of countries that the United Kingdom already had bilateral relations with. This, was a first. The approach into Poland saw the frigate hoisting UK and Polish flags across the port and starboard sides as a sign of endearment, the large vessel making its arrival into the Port of Gdansk was hopefully the kick starter the government needed to focus on relations with countries like Poland that it unintentionally neglects. The majority of sailors on board stood in their clean cut uniforms across the sides, stood at attention as they see their hosts for the first time. Making port, the crew begun to tie HMS Wessex down and secure all valuables on board, making it safe before granting the request for the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense to board. The Commanding Officer of the vessel made sure to meet the two Ministers and took them on a personal tour of the frigate. Providing the Polish Government approved, civilians could also be given tours by sailors from the Royal Navy.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

A number of days stuck in port was enough for any hardened sailor, despite how cheap the alcohol was in Poland. The initial plan was to continue the tour and deploy to the Netherlands but with recent developments, the Commanding Officer had received new instruction following the brewing escalation in Romania. Under the European Tour mission, the new orders were to deploy to the Black Sea to have a vessel in the region to monitor the situation. Therefore, officially the visits to the Greece and the Netherlands was cancelled due to a change of government. The visit to Spain had been suspended due to an existing government official already discussing relations with them in the country and Portugal hadn't been asked for authorization yet so they had no idea. Unofficially, the focus and next stop was hoping going to be Ukraine. Departing from Poland, the Type 23 Frigate made its way into International Waters and made for the English Channel. The Royal Navy, on behalf of HMS Wessex, would send a rather formal request to the government of Ukraine to inquire about the possibility of the British Warship making port in the country as part of a diplomatic mission. The expressed intention was to spend a number of days in Ukraine to allow government officials and the general public to visit the frigate, engage in tours and diplomatic talks.




GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
HMS Wessex, having held a pattern around Cyprus and refueling if necessary and the deescalation of Romania had received instruction to cancel its intentions and return to the United Kingdom to conclude it's operational deployment. This was more of a morale boost for those on board knowing they would be at home for Christmas and thew New Year; concluding over a year long tour that has seen the frigate on stand by but visiting a number of countries along the way. Rumor was that a number of new naval deployments were to take place to reinforce the governments stance on having the ability to deploy forces anywhere, at a moments notice. Resupplying if needed at Cyprus, the frigate was to pass through Gibraltar and return to its home port at HMNB Devonport.

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