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[HKF] Message to Several Quebecois Groups


Jul 1, 2018
A heavily encrypted email would be privately sent to the President of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society and the Front de libération du Québec. This would be sent through private channels over several proxies in several different countries, having the appearance of being from a very well-funded and tech-savvy private organization.


Encryption Level: IV

To Whom It May Concern,

Recent events in Canada have lead to my concern for occupied Quebec and other Francophone Canadians. While your organizations and mine might all have our various political differences, I believe that in this trying time it is necessary for us to come together. I am seeking your organizations, either together or apart, to become go-betweens in the establishment of an off-the-books paramilitary force in Quebec, designed to protect Francophone and Catholic Canadians from threats both inside and outside of Canada. We are willing to deliver several shipments of FAMAS G2s, PAMAS G1s, Hecate IIs, PGM Ultima Ratios, AA-52s, as well as act as a go-between to purchase third party firearms. We also have access to a wide range of consumer vehicles we can smuggle in.

I am interested in providing you monetary, military, material, or political aid wherever needed to protect the Francophones and the Catholics in Canada.

Peace be Upon You,

Jean-François Fontaine
Vice President, International Affairs
Oriflamme Society
Avignon, France



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
While the Front de libération du Québec has been inactive since the arrest of the group and its leaders nearly thirty-years ago, one of its founders had founded a new organization named the Mouvement de libération nationale de Québec. As most of the FLQ members have died by now, the MLNQ held only two of the FLQ leaders: Raymond Villeneuve and Jacques Lanctôt. It would be assumed the Raymond Villeneuve, as the leader of both the FLQ and the MLNQ, would receive the encrypted e-mail from this mysterious private organization.

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
Re: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

This proposition is an interesting one to say the least. Usually I would have ignored your e-mail, believing it to be someone attempting to make a joke out of me and my past or some sort of government wing of Canada attempting to catch me in a terrorist act or some other crime. However, from my personal research it seems that you are a legitimate business. Which begs the question: why would a foreign business wish to aid my movement? Let alone doing so by arming my people with weapons to combat against the illegal occupation of my homeland?

As the saying goes: this seems far too good to be true.

Raymond Villeneuve

Meanwhile the e-mail sent to the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society would reach its leader, François Lemieux.

From: François Lemieux
To: Jean-François Fontaine
Re: Oriflamme Society

Mr. Jean-François Fontaine,

I'm uncertain if this is some sort of sick joke or if you are serious but the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society is not a terrorist organization and we will not accept any sort of armed aid from you nor your company.

Do not contact me again or I will report this e-mail to the Sûreté du Québec.




Jul 1, 2018
A reply would be sent to the MLNQ's leadership.


Encryption Level: IV

Mr Villeneuve,

The rapid growth and political success of what amounts to be the Canadian Nazi Party has proven to be a threat to the Francophones in Canada, and I am Afraid it could even be a threat to France's territorial integrity itself, should they gain true power and make moves on Ste Pierre. Now, my organization may not have the same Marxist roots as yours, in fact in many ways we are opposed, but just like 'De Gaulle brought together Catholics, Republicans, Monarchists, and Communists in the face of Hitler's invasion, I believe that we must work together to keep our people safe. And as far as I'm concerned, that includes the entire Francosphere.

Peace be Upon You,

Jean-François Fontaine
Vice President, International Affairs
Oriflamme Society
Avignon, France



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
ReRe: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

I see and I understand your point of view. The growth of their power concerns me as well and I know it concerns many Quebecois and those within the Bloc Quebecois as well. With the proper equipment and financial aid from you, that is if you are truly ready to dedicate such aid, I could raise a proper group of French patriots. With a proper group and perhaps even the support of the Bloc Quebecois, we could formally declare our independence from the English occupiers.

If we are to work together and smuggle weapons into Canada then I believe that Quebec City is the best location to do so. Montreal is far too controlled by the Canadian government to allow us to safely bring these weapons in. However, Quebec City is the heart of the Quebecois separatism movement and I have contacts there from my days in the Front de libération du Québec who have strings in the ports who will be able to let these containers through.

Are you truly prepared to help us fight for a Free Quebec?

Raymond Villeneuve



Jul 1, 2018

Encryption Level: IV

Mr Villeneuve,

I have taken your information under consideration and agree. I will arrange for 5,000 FAMAS G2s, 500 Hecate IIs, and 5,500 PAMAS G1s to be delivered to Quebec City, post haste. This is for the Francophones of Canada, France, and of the world.

Peace be Upon You,

Jean-François Fontaine
Vice President, International Affairs
Oriflamme Society
Avignon, France



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
ReReRe: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

Very well. Let me know when the shipment is on its way.

I'll make the necessary preparations.

Raymond Villeneuve



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
ReReRe: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

Will you be sending the weapons soon? I fear that our momentum to combat this new government will leave our grasp if we do not hurry.

Raymond Villeneuve



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
With the Canadian governments access to Raymond Villeneuve's email accounts, all information would be secretly secured and sent to Agency Executive David Vigneault of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service through heavy encryption. From there he would store them in a highly secret and encrypted format, alongside created paper copies of them for government eyes only. The RCMP, Prime Minister Wright, and the high commanding officers of the Canadian Armed Forces would all be privately notified of this information.

The government of Canada would now know of the Oriflamme Society and Jean-François Fontaine and their attempts of arming Quebecois terrorists.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Following the arrest of former Vice President Jean-Francois Fontaine in France for his illegal activities in arming Candian Rebels, the Federal Security Service would seize all government records and interactions with Mr. Fontaine. The following conversation was recorded and transported to the Russian FSB for archive and use in their investigation following its sharing by the French DGSI and will be apart of the official record once declassified.
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